After leaving the hotel, Mu Hantian and others quickly rushed to the station in Kyoto.

After arriving at the station, we took the next bus to Ertao city as planned. Everyone put on their school uniforms in winter. Genova and Irina seem to have worn church made combat clothes on the inside. In case anything happens, take off your school uniform and stretch out.

"Woo. Pooh!" rosvi Arthur put his hand over his mouth and fought the urge to vomit from time to time.

While waiting for the bus on the platform, Mu Hantian felt something hit his back.

"Please take me, I'm going too!"

Looking back, it turned out to be jiuzhong, a young girl dressed as a blonde witch.

"Hey, jiuzhong. Why are you here?"

She rode on Mu Hantian's neck, patted Mu Hantian's forehead and said, "I'm going to save my mother, too."

"It's very dangerous. Didn't I tell you?"

"Yes, but! I want to save my mother! Please! Take me too! Please!"

"Oh, OK, but you should be obedient and don't mess around."

"I see."

At this time, a thin mist filled their feet. At the same time, the feeling of moist and lukewarm permeates the whole body! This feeling has been tasted during the day!

Yes, this is,! --‘ Absolute fog '!

By the time they noticed this phenomenon, the fog had surrounded both of them.

When I came back, I saw the subway platform. The station name written on the sign is' Kyoto '.

"Is it another transfer? Today, it was transferred all the time!" Mu Hantian complained.

Mu Hantian looked around and there was no one. Besides myself and jiuzhong.

"Here, is this the underground platform?"

"Ah. It looks like it's in the daytime again."

"Well, is this a simulated Kyoto made in other space? Those guys have great technology."


The phone rings—— It's from the wooden yard. Mu Hantian was surprised that he could make a phone call.

"Hello, wooden yard? Where are you now? Have you moved to this strange space?"

"Well, this is the Kyoto Imperial office. Rosvi Arthur, Shijun and Yicheng are also there. Where are you?"

"I'm with Jiuchong at the underground station of Kyoto Station. Wait a minute, I'll take a map."

Mu Hantian asked jiuzhong to come down from his shoulder and take out the map that everyone carried from his pocket.

Spread out on the ground of the platform. Is Kyoto Royal here! Northeast of ertiao city.

"Isn't this space so broad? It's just the same as the scope of this map centered on ER Tiao city?"

"Yes, this space takes ertiao city as the center and reproduces the broad streets of Kyoto. Although the ratinggame battlefield has the same grandeur, it's not surprising, but it seems that the caster has made a thorough study of the battlefield space of ratinggame."

"Wooden yard, is it OK to set the assembly place in Ertao city?"

"Well, I understand. Have you contacted Aisha and them? I think they have also come to this space. It seems that we have been entertained by heroes and adults."

"Ah. I'm trying to call here, and you're trying to get in touch with the teacher outside. Really, what a sudden reception."

Mu Hantian's contact with the wooden yard is over. After that, I got in touch with Aisha and them. They taught the trio to stay together. Next to Aisha, Genova and Irina followed, and then told them about the situation.

"Jiuzhong, hold on to me. I'm going straight over."

"Hmm!" after listening to Mu Hantian's words. Jiuzhong hugged Mu Hantian's head.

Mu Han Tian smiled, flew into the sky, accelerated directly and rushed to the destination.

Of course, even if Mu Hantian flew in the air, he was still attacked, the shadow user who escaped last time, but mu Hantian only took a little time to solve it.


Finally reached the destination, Mu cold day took Jiuchong up the stairs and came outside.

When we walked to the east gate, the others had arrived.

"Sorry, I'm late." Mu Hantian apologized and approached him.

"Vomit." follow the voice and see that losvi Arthur is holding the nearby wire post and vomit!

The spoon stroked her back and kept asking, 'are you okay?'.

"Ah, it's good if you're all right." the wooden yard greeted with a smile.

"Is Aisha all right?"

"Yes, Genova and Irina protected me and beat back the assassins."

"Leave it to me!"

"On the contrary, it's because there are reply members, which makes us more confident," said Genova and Irina, who are already wearing combat clothes.

"Rosvi, Arthur, what's the matter with her?"

"She fought with the assassin. It should be because she has been doing strenuous exercise. I can't stand it." the wooden yard doesn't know how to comment.


As the crowd gathered, the huge door opened with a heavy sound.

Looking at the open door, the wooden yard smiled bitterly. "It seems that we are also waiting there. The performance has begun."

"It seems that we have been underestimated." Mu Hantian smiled.

After all the staff confirmed each other, they walked to the boundary of Ertao city.

"The assassin I knocked down said before he fell that Cao Cao was waiting for us in the Imperial Hall of this pill." the wooden Yard said as he walked.

Walking along the boundary of the two cities and passing through the two pill courtyards, you can see the moat surrounding the pill Imperial Hall. We passed through the "oar gate" connecting the Imperial Hall of benmaru.

We arrived at the place where ancient Japanese eaves were arranged. The courtyard was clean. These are reflected by lights, even in the dark world, it is like day.

A voice came. "Oh, have you knocked down the assassins who use forbidden hands? Although we can only be regarded as inferior or medium artifact holders, we use forbidden hands after all. Even so, it's amazing that you can win."

The sight caught the figure of Cao Cao standing in the courtyard. Many other members also appeared in all directions of the building.

"Mother, my Lord!" jiuzhong shouted.

Looking down jiuzhong's line of sight, beautiful women in kimonos stood there. You can see fox ears on your head and a plurality of fox tails.

"My mother! I'm Jiuchong! Please wake up."

No matter how jiuzhong called, the imperial general, Asaka, still didn't respond. Under the haze pupil color was an expressionless face.

Jiuzhong glared at Cao Cao and said angrily, "it's hateful, what have you done to your mother!"

"Didn't you say that? I hope your mother can help us with a little experiment during this time, little princess." Cao Cao said here and knocked on the ground with a gun. Instant——

"Woo woo, ah!"

Asaka began to moan bitterly, and his appearance began to change violently! The body shines brightly, and the posture gradually begins to change! Keep getting bigger and nine tails begin to swell!


The roar of the great golden beast echoed in the night sky. A huge fox monster appeared in front of everyone! It is more than ten meters high, about the size of fenriel, and its tail is divided into nine. Overall, it's bigger than finriel. This is the legendary monster - Nine Tailed Fox! Fenril's posture has been quite shaved shoulders and waist, which makes people feel beautiful as if drawn, but the posture of nine tails is no less than it.

Yicheng asked Cao Cao. "Cao Cao! What's your conspiracy to make such a simulated Kyoto and manipulate Jiuwei to be the master?"

Cao Cao beat his shoulder with the handle of his gun and replied: "The existence of Kyoto itself is a large-scale magic generating device surrounded by powerful Qi vessels. The place called scenic spot is the power node, which is full of spiritual power, Demon power and magic. Because the ancient Yin and Yang masters who created the City hope to cast the capital itself into a huge 'power'. Well, it is precisely because of this that all kinds of existence are attracted Here. This suspected space exists between the dimensions infinitely close to but infinitely far from Kyoto, and the power of Qi flows here. The Nine Tailed Fox is the highest existence among monsters. It is called the Dragon King level. Kyoto is inextricably related to nine tailed. Because of this, the plan here is meaningful. "

With a breath, Cao Cao said something amazing. "Use the power of Kyoto and Jiuwei fox to summon the true Red Dragon God Emperor in this space. It was easier to summon a plural Dragon King, but even the gods and Buddhas can't do it if they forcibly take away several Dragon Kings. That's why they use the power of the city and Jiuwei instead."

"True Red Dragon God? What are you calling that huge dragon to do? That guy likes to sneak around in the cracks of the dimension, but there's no actual harm?"

"Ah, the dragon is basically harmless. However, its existence is very inconvenient for our boss. It seems very troublesome to go back to his hometown."

"Orpheus? Didn't you abide by the agreement? Oh, sure enough, the enemy's words can't be believed." Mu Han kept smiling bitterly.