This is Juwang college during lunch break. Mu Hantian ate lunch with Aisha, Tongsheng, jerova and Irina.

"Speaking of it, I'm going to study and travel soon. I have to decide to group quickly," said Irina, holding the fried egg.

"Yes, it's about to take a study trip. Our sophomores are going to Kyoto. There are so many recent things that we have forgotten about this. After the sports festival, we will welcome the study trip of sophomore."

"Well, it seems to be a group of three or four."

"Yes, that's right. As for accommodation, it seems like a room for four people."

"Cold weather, don't you form a team with us when you study and travel? But there are four beautiful girls." Tongsheng suggested.

"Don't say anything obscene on your face!"

"Would you like to be with us on a cold day?" asked Aisha with a smile.

"All right!"


"You guys, your feelings are still as good as ever. Kissing light is released when talking all day." Tongsheng pushed a pair of glasses and said.

"Ha ha da." Mu Hantian just smiled and didn't say anything about Tongsheng's words.

"That's it. Let's take action together when we travel. Qingshui temple, Jinge temple and Yinge temple are waiting for us." Tongsheng's glasses flashed and issued a declaration.

"Well, can I be the only boy?"

"We don't mind the big husband sprouting big milk. What are you afraid of?" Tong Sheng patted Mu Hantian on the shoulder and said so.

So, the grouping of the trip was decided. Mu Hantian, Aisha, Genova, Irina and Tongsheng are five in total.


After school club room.

Near the end of class, the staff talked about the topic of study travel while tasting tea.

"Speaking of it, it's time for the second grade to study and travel," lias said elegantly, tasting black tea.

"Well, by the way, lias, Juni, where did you go last year?"

Zhu Nai answered Mu Hantian's question. "We are also Kyoto. We visited the scenic spots of Jinge temple and Yinge temple with the minister."

Lias nodded and continued: "Yes. But unexpectedly, although there are four days and three nights, the places you can go are very limited. Don't expect too much. It's better to make a detailed schedule before you start. If you don't take the internship and meal time into account, you will suffer a heavy loss at that time. Although the main modes of transportation are bus and subway, the time spent on the road can be very long It's extra. "

"It's not good to calculate the traffic time. The minister really wants to see this and that. In the end, there's no time to go to the two cities originally planned, and she's still stamping her feet on the station platform." Zhu Nai smiled and said, and lias's face turned red.

"Ah, it's agreed not to say? I'm too excited. For me who like Japan, it's the longing Kyoto, so my eyes are hooked by the city and local houses." lias recalled with relish.

"Haven't you been to Kyoto before the study trip? I think it's OK to use the magic array to move," Ichi Cheng said.

Lias shook her head and said, "you don't understand, Yicheng. It's just the right time to visit Kyoto for the first time during the study trip. I won't do such tasteless things by using the magic array to move. It's precisely because Kyoto is my own vision that I want to walk around there with my own feet and feel the air there."

After drinking all the tea in the cup, lias changed the subject. "Travel is good, but we should also discuss the programs to be taken out at the School Park Festival."

"Ah, the School Park Festival is also fast. The sports festival, study trip and School Park festival in our school continue after a short interval. It's hard enough for us sophomores."

Lias took the copy from Zhu Nai and put it on the table. It seems that the program of the supernatural research society should be written on it and handed over to the student union.

"So, we should take advantage of this time to discuss the School Park Festival and prepare in advance. If we can decide first, the third grade and the first grade can start preparing during your travel time. There are many members this year, and things are much easier to do."

"Xueyuan Festival, I'm looking forward to it." Aisha looked very excited.

"Well, I'm also looking forward to the activities of the School Park Festival. The sports festival is great." Genova still has no expression, but her eyes shine. Genova also made a big fuss at the sports festival. She took many first positions in various competitions. After the game, all female sports groups came to dig the corner of the supernatural research society.

"It's the first time for me to catch up with this kind of thing. It's really exciting. I'm just in time to change school! This is also the guidance of Lord Michael!" Irina said in a posture of praying to heaven.

"Remember last year was a haunted house? I wasn't a member of the Department at that time, but its fidelity became a topic."

"Yes, because it's a real monster. Of course it's scary," said lias.

"Is... Is it real?" asked Aisha in amazement.

Lias replied with a calm smile, "yes. I entrust those monsters who will not harm human beings to play the role of frightening people in the haunted house. It happens that those monsters are worried that they have no work to do, so it's good for both sides. Thanks to their gifts, it's unprecedented."

"After that, it annoyed the student union. Cangna, who was then vice president, was furious and said," there should be a limit to using real goods and ignoring the rules. "

"What about this year? What do you do?"

"Anyway, try a new trick..." lias just said here, and everyone's mobile phones rang at the same time.

Everyone knows what this means and looks at each other.

Lias adjusted her breath and said solemnly, "let's go."


The place was an abandoned workshop in the city, and everyone came here.

As the sun set, the sky gradually darkened. There are several smells in the dim factory, full of killing intention and hostility at the same time.

"Jimony's family, what a clever nose." a man in a black coat appeared from the dark. In the darkness around men, several human like black monsters are ready to move, with a number of no less than double digits. There are about 100 black human monsters in this narrow workshop.

Lias took a step forward and asked in a cold voice, "is it the 'disaster Group' - the hero? Gui'an, I'm lias jimony. I'm the superior devil appointed by the three forces to manage the city."

Hearing lias's greetings, the man provoked the corners of his mouth. "Ah, I already know, sister of the demon king. Because our purpose is to purify you and other demons and save the city."

Two more shadows appeared next to the man. This time it was not a monster, but a human. They are men with sunglasses and wearing Chinese national costumes.

Click! Yicheng's Dragon hand flashed red. The countdown had been completed and quickly entered the forbidden hand. He put on his armor and stepped forward as a pioneer. At the same time, he took out askalon and threw it to Genova. Genova, who caught Ascalon, put on a good posture. Mu Hantian and others also made a battle state.

The man in the black coat saw Yicheng rush over and quickly sent something like a white flame from his hand.

The wooden yard narrowed its eyes and said, "is it the owner of artifact again?"

"It's really troublesome. I've been fighting with the artifact owner all this time." lias sighed. But her eyes were full of determination.

At the moment when the men swaying the flame attacked the people


The magic nozzle on Yicheng's back spewed out fire quickly and made a sprint at the beginning of the war! At the same time, the fire attack also flew to the past.


The member who avoided a sincere attack shouted: "be careful of the power of the Red Dragon Emperor! We'll be finished if you touch it! But he can't play freely in this workshop!"

"Boring, solve you!" Mu Hantian said, waving his sword and chopping out sword waves.


The sword wave disappeared! It feels like my attack was sucked in by the shadow extending from the workshop at the moment when I hit my opponent! Is it the ability to manipulate shadows?

The man who did it was a man wearing sunglasses. That guy's artifact was


The wooden yard was cut fast! The holy devil sword cut down at the sunglasses man - the shadow just swallowed the sword in the wooden yard!


The blade of the holy magic sword flew out of the shadow of the wooden yard! The wooden yard turned dexterously, dodged and stepped back.

"Is it the ability to transfer the things swallowed by the shadow to any shadow? It's not a direct attack type, but the ability to turn other people's attacks into their own defense system? It's really a troublesome artifact. The wooden yard narrowed his eyes and whispered.


In the vibration of the air, Mu Hantian felt his own energy in the shadow of the building! Looking at it, he saw the blue sword wave flying here!

The target is Aisha! Genova, waving Ascaron to kill the monster fighter, also noticed Aisha's danger.

"How can you succeed."

Mu Hantian quickly cut out several sword waves to eliminate all the attacks on Aisha.


The fierce impact of sword waves on each other set off an air wave in the workshop.

"You won't touch one of Aisha's fingers!" Genova instantly acted as Aisha's shield to protect her.

In the air wave, an object with blue light came into everyone's eyes.

After looking at the past, it happened that the man in national costumes was holding a bow made of light and was firing arrows of light at this place at the same time.

Whew, whew! Bang!

Yicheng rushed up and smashed the arrow successfully.

"Gaspar! How's the data?" asked the wooden field, looking at his opponent all the time.

Gaspar, who has been playing with the machine behind, replied: "OK... OK, come out! That's the artifact 'Bai Yan's hands' of the fire attack system over there! That's the defensive and counterattack artifact' dark night shield '! The most... The last one is the artifact' green light Arrow 'of the light attack system!"

Gaspar investigated each other's artifact with the mechanical device developed by asasher. Although some people are not at all tuning, the awesome scanner developed recently is very effective and works well in the battle with artifact owners. Now the data are all out.