After school the next day.

Mu Hantian stood in front of a room on the first floor of the old school building called an "unopened classroom".

All members of the department gathered here. The room is so tightly closed that you can't see inside from the outside. I haven't explained what it is used for... But according to the topic, there seems to be a 'monk' here.

This "monk" has long been a mysterious member of the Department for the newcomers Mu Hantian. All members except Genova, who is also a new face, are informed.

It existed a long time ago. But it has been sealed for some reason.

It is said that his ability is regarded as extremely dangerous, which is unmanageable by the power of the minister and sealed by the head. Who the hell is it? Mu Hantian is curious.

On this door, several layers of adhesive tape of 'keepout' are pasted on it, and the seal curse is engraved on it. It looks very strange.

"Here. I live here all day. At night, the skill will be relieved. If it is an old school building, I can come out of the room, but the child inside refuses to come out."

At this time, lias opened a magic array with her hand towards the door. Looks like it's releasing the seal.

Isn't it strange to be sealed in such a small place for half a day every day? I can't stand it if I do. Thinking like this, Mu Hantian asked, "is it squatting at home?"

For mu Hantian's question, lias sighed and nodded.

The wooden yard took off the tape, and Zhu Nai was also lifting the operation with the minister.

"The children inside are cash cows among the family members," Zhu Nai said.

"Take the computer as the medium to execute a special contract with human beings. Because there are human beings who don't want to see us directly. When meeting this type of people, we have to negotiate with others. That is, use the computer to solve it. The transaction rate of the computer can be listed in the top among the families of new demons."

"Well, it's time to open the door."

All the spell marks on the door disappeared and became an ordinary door. Lias opened the door.

"Don't...!" there was a sound from inside - a very loud scream!

Lias was not surprised. She seemed to be used to it. She just sighed and walked in with Zhu Nai.

"Good day. I wish you were in good spirits."

"Yes... Yes... What can I do for you?"

It's negotiating inside. The voice is neutral. I don't know whether it's male or female.

"Ah, ah, ah. The seal has been unlocked. You can go outside. Well, come out with us." this is Zhu Nai's gentle voice. I feel warm.

"No! Just here, just here! I don't want to go outside! I don't want to see you

Others. "

Mu Hantian and other uninformed people looked curiously into the room.

It was a room with all the curtains pulled. Quite dark. The room unexpectedly has lovely decorations, which looks like a girl's room. Even puppets.

In one corner of the room stood a coffin that looked like it was used in a foreign funeral.

Lias and Zhu Nai are deep in the room‘ The monk is right there.

If you get closer, you will see a beautiful girl with blond hair and red pupils and a dignified face like a doll. He sat limply on the floor, as if trying to escape lias and Juni. Shaking badly.

Moreover, he was also wearing the girls' uniform of Juwang Xueyuan. Anyway, it's really cute!

"Oh! Girl! And also a foreigner!" Yicheng was a little excited. (PS: the author sets Gaspar as female.)

"Say... Say... Say, who are these people?" the girl asked lias.

Lias pointed to Mu Hantian, Yicheng and Genova and said, "they are the dependents you have increased during your stay here. Yicheng bingteng of 'soldier', 'Genova of' Knight 'and Mu Hantian of' chariot '."

After the introduction, Mu Hantian said 'please take care of me' and said hello,

The girl said, "ah, there are so many more people!" So scared.

"Please, how about going out? NAH? You don't have to seal it." lias said gently.

"No! It's impossible for me to go out! It's terrible! It's terrible outside! Anyway, I'll only cause trouble if I go out."

"Well, the minister said to go out..."

Said, when Yicheng pulled him.

"Ah......" with the girl's scream, everyone's eyes became snow-white.

"Curious. Just for a moment..."

"Don't be angry! Don't be angry! Please don't hit me!" the girl shouted as usual.

Zhu Nai explained to the people who felt the doubt: "the child has an artifact that will stop the time of all objects in his sight within a certain time once he is excited."

"Because he could not control the artifact, he was sealed here according to the orders of the Archduke and Lord sazex."

"This child is Gaspar viladi. My family member 'monk'. For the time being, he is a freshman in Juwang school. Moreover, before reincarnation, he is a hybrid of human and vampire." lias hugged the girl and said.