"I see." the wooden yard sighed and drank coffee.

"To be honest, it's a pity to let Excalibur users destroy it together."

"Really. If you become 'lost', we'll cut you down without saying a word." the wooden yard and Genova stared at each other.

Hey, hey, it's the United Front now. Don't do this.

"Sure enough, you resent the holy sword plan? Excalibur and the church."

After listening to Irina's question, the wooden yard narrowed his eyes and said "of course." in a cold voice.

"But, Mr. Muchang. Thanks to the plan, the research of the holy sword envoy has made a leap forward. Therefore, people like me and Genova who can use the holy sword were born."

"But do you think it is permissible to kill all the examinees if the plan fails?" the wooden yard looked at Irina with hate.

Seeing Irina's embarrassment, Genova said, "even between us, it is extremely disgusting about that matter. The person in charge of the punishment order at that time was also questioned and branded with heresy. Now he is in the angel camp."

"In the Fallen Angel camp? What's the man's name?" asked Genova, who was very interested in the matter.

"Barupa Galileo. A man known as the 'Archbishop who killed all his staff'."

"If you pursue the fallen angel, you should see this man." a new determination appeared in the eyes of the wooden field.

It seems that knowing the goal alone can make the wooden yard go so far.

"It seems that it would be better for me to provide some information. A few days ago, I was attacked by someone with Excalibur. At that time, another priest was killed. The person killed should be on your side."

"What!" everyone present was surprised.

"It's Fred Selzer. Do you have an impression of the name?"

After listening to the words of the wooden yard, Genova and Irina narrowed their eyes at the same time.

"I see. It's that guy."

"Fred Selzer, the former Exorcist directly under the Vatican King's hall, became a genius of the Exorcist at the age of 13. He has made great achievements in eliminating demons and Warcraft one after another. But that guy has gone too far. Even his compatriots don't let go. Fred's faith has been absent from the beginning. Some are only hostile and murderous to monsters. In addition, he is different from fighting Often persistent. It's a matter of time before you become a heretic. "

"Well, Fred is killing our compatriots with the taken holy sword. At that time, we had to do what the treatment team didn't finish." Genova said unhappily.

"Forget it. Anyway, now we are destroying Excalibur's common front." Genova took out his pen and note paper and wrote his contact address on it.

"If you have anything, please contact the address above."

"OK, let's also leave a contact information. Here, this is my phone." Mu Hantian took out his mobile phone from his arms and handed it to jerova.

"Well, that's it. I'll repay the kindness of this meal." then Genova stood up.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner, Ernie sauce! Invite me to eat next time! Although it's a devil, the Lord should forgive it if it's Ernie sauce! It's OK to eat!" Irina thanked while comparing the V word.

Watching the two people, Mu Hantian and others who were left sighed greatly.

"A sincere gentleman in cold weather. Why do you want to do such a thing?" the wooden yard asked quietly.

"Well, after all, they are companions. They are also family members. And I'm really bored recently."

At this time, the kitten also said, "you dou, elder. If the elder is gone... I will be very lonely." the kitten showed a lonely expression a little. It's really because they are usually expressionless, which makes all the boys present feel the impact.

"I'll help... So don't go," cried the kitten.

The wooden yard smiled puzzledly and wryly, "hahaha. I've lost to you. Since kitten sauce said so, I won't mess around. I know. I'll accept everyone's kindness this time. Thanks to yichengjun, I also know who the real enemy is. But since I want to do it, I'm absolutely right to defeat Excalibur."

"OK! Our Excalibur sabotage group is established! Come on, everyone. I've informed Yicheng there, which is also for him to exercise." Mu Hantian said faintly.

The atmosphere is very good, but there is still one person here who hasn't melted in.

"Well, I..." the spoon raised his hand and asked, "after all, I was basically hung aside. As a result, has anything happened with Excalibur in the past?"

"A little, let's talk about it." after drinking coffee, the wooden farm began to talk about his past.

The "holy sword project" is a secret project of the Archduke church. In order to mass produce the experiment of people who can adapt to the holy sword, it is carried out in a facility.

The subjects were all young girls with abilities and artifacts related to swords. Inhuman experiments are repeated every day.

They were constantly subjected to experiments, deprived of their freedom, not treated as adults, and their lives were ignored in the wooden yard. Even so, they still have dreams. They want to live. Believing that they are loved by God, they are anxiously waiting for the arrival of 'that day'. Believe that you will become a special existence. I believe I will become a person who can use the holy sword.

On 365 days, he kept singing hymns and enduring cruel experiments, but the result was "punishment". They didn't adapt to the holy sword.

"Everyone is. Everyone has been killed. Neither God nor those who serve God lend a helping hand. Just because they can't adapt to the holy sword, everyone has been killed by poison gas. They say 'Amen' and release poison gas to us. Even if we vomit blood and suffer on the ground, we still pray to God for this help."

The wooden yard is talking. Mu Hantian listened silently. Although the wooden yard escaped from the research facility, it has eroded his body.

Except for some, all people with abilities below the average are judged useless and punished.

Before he died, he met the minister who visited Italy. Then, right here.

"In order to make up for the comrades' regret. No, in order not to let their death be wasted. I want to live with them and not prove that I am better than Excalibur."

"Woo..." with a sad face, I heard the cry of Mu Hantian in the past.

It's a spoon. Crying. Tears kept running and cried loudly. My nose is running out.

The key took the hand of the wooden yard and said, "wooden yard! You should be very hard! You should be very uncomfortable! Damn! There are no gods and Buddhas in this world! I, ah, sympathize with you very much now! Ah, this thing is too much! I understand why you hate the person in charge of the facility and Excalibur! I can understand! I will do my best to help you." he said, The spoon nodded hard.

"Well, come on."