It's time for the sky to turn dark and the street lights to illuminate the streets.

Lias and her dependents spy on the church in the dark. No one came in and out, but the closer you got, the more cold you felt, and you were about to sweat.

"If it smells like this, the fallen angel is really in it." the olfactory kitten gave a positive answer. It seems that they haven't found the wrong place. Aisha and dorasik are here.

"This is a drawing." the wooden yard unfolded on the road, like a plan of a building, which is the of the church.

"The Holy Church and dormitory..." lias said after a moment of meditation, "the holy church is the most suspicious place."

"Can the dormitory be ignored?" Yicheng asked suspiciously.

"It should be. This kind of organization of 'getting rid of lost demons' will certainly decorate the church, because there will be strange rituals under the church." lias looked at the direction of the church and continued to explain: "This is the sacred place where God is worshipped so far. It is the habit of the vast majority of degenerates to deny God, be self satisfied and indulge in blasphemy. It is precisely because of love and abandonment that it contains the meaning of hatred. It is probably the depth of love and the cutting of hatred to deliberately curse evil under the temple."

"What a bunch of madmen!" murmured Yicheng.

"From the entrance to the holy church is like the position of eyes and nose. You should be able to rush in at one breath. The problem is that after entering the Holy Church, you should look for the underground entrance and whether you can defeat the waiting enemy." lias threw a huge magic bullet at random, and the church door was immediately blown open. "The greeting has been said. Let's go."

"Yes!" the family members answered loudly and rushed to the church.

Entering from the entrance, he broke into the Holy Church directly. In order to attract fire and create opportunities for them in the wooden yard, lias had no hidden meaning at the beginning. There was no way back in this battle, so he had to move forward!

The furnishings in the church are very ordinary, just benches and altars, and candles and electric lights provide lighting. But there are also abnormal places, such as the statue of the crucified Saint whose head is damaged, and five fallen angels with dark wings in the middle.

Pop, pop, pop.

A priest hiding behind the falling angel clapped his hand. "See you! Goodbye! I'm so moved!" Fred smiled disgustingly and shouted nervously, "isn't this the devil king? I have your adults to help me this time! What's up? The devil king, let's fight again!"

After performing the joys and sorrows, the priest became excited. He took out the pistol and the hilt without the blade from his arms. The blade of light appeared. It would be troublesome to be cut by that. However, this time, the opponent was not Yicheng, but lias.

"Don't waste time, Yicheng. I'll leave it to Zhu Nai and me. You three go first!" lias stroked her bright red hair. "What's the matter, Zhu Nai? It's just their secret operation. How can so many people be added suddenly?"

"I don't know. Maybe some fallen angel's high-level secretly supported them, but the nature should remain the same. They don't dare to come up to the table. Why, lias, afraid." Zhu nailu snickered, as if laughing at lias.

"Hum, how can it be? It's just a few bird people. I suddenly think the word invented by Yicheng is very appropriate and feels good to say." lias replied, her hands full of magic at the same time.

Fight, start!


"Hmm? Lias, they're not here?" Mu Hantian, who came to the "supernatural research department", looked at the Department without anyone in front of them.

"Hmm? It must be so. They must have gone to save Aisha. Then, the enemy should be the falling angel. Only the falling angel has this reason to catch Aisha." Mu Hantian muttered to himself.

"Cold weather, do you know where people are?" Qiu asked.

"Well, it should be there. Come with me," he said, holding Qiu Heye's hand and blinking again.


"Damn, how can there be so many priests here? Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Yicheng shouted and punched out one by one. Many exorcists were beaten out, but the gap was soon blocked by more people.

"I won't let you interfere with Lord dorasik's ceremony!" they seem to have made up their mind to drag them here. They use the crowd tactics recklessly, but it is really effective.

"Yichengjun!" the kitten held up the super large cabinet and swept across. At the same time, the wooden yard cut a huge sword wave with a sword, and a road appeared in the sea of people.

"It seems that we can't go there together. Yichengjun, go and save Aisha first and bring her here!" cried the wooden yard.

"OK! I'll go! I'll leave it to you." Yicheng rushed out along the road, and all the priests chased were blocked by the wooden yard and kittens.

"I won't let you hinder Yicheng Jun."

"Don't think about it."

Yicheng now thinks they are really reliable companions. Don't worry, I'll be back soon.