Time flies. Like a white horse passing through a gap, three months passed.

Many things have happened in these three months.

The four women also came to the organ city and accepted the snow girl.

Jing Ke assassinated Qin, just like in the original work, met the world's first swordsman gainie as a bodyguard. Therefore, the assassination of Qin failed and finally died under the sword of gainie.

When King Qin knew that Prince Dan of the state of Yan had sent someone to assassinate him, he was very angry. Immediately ordered Wang Jian and Meng Tian to personally Marshal 100000 troops to attack Yan and defeat Yan army in Yishui.

However, it was Yan Yi who was appointed by Yan Wangxi as the commander of anti Qin unification.

Qin Xianyang.

The king of Yan sent someone to the state of Qin to ask for peace. Ying Zheng took the bamboo slips and threw them into the fire. He said, "if the king of Yan asks for peace, let him exchange YAN Dan's head."

Organ City, cliff corridor.

Mu Hantian took the snow girl's hand, and behind him were two sword attendants, rain tears and rain you. Mu Hantian passed the sword technique to them systematically. They have learned it, and what they lack now is actual combat.


A gust of wind passed by, and the stolen plantar suddenly appeared beside Mu Hantian.

"Xiao Zhi, how about taking you to a place?" Mu Hantian smiled.

The snow girl and steal Zhi both looked at Mu Hantian, and steal Zhi said, "where?"

"You'll know when you go." Mu Han Tian looked at the snow girl again and said gently, "Xueer, you and Honglian will stay in the mechanism city until I come back, okay?"

"Well... Remember to come back early..." the snow girl winked playfully and answered softly. The snow girl who first tasted the forbidden fruit is very attached to Mu Hantian now.

"HMM." Mu Hantian kissed the snow girl on her forehead and said to the thief's feet, "let's go."

Then he moved and flashed a long way. Seeing Mu Hantian's speed, Robber Zhi was surprised. At that moment, he picked up the "lightning God walking step" to catch up.

On a cold night, there was heavy snow. There are many sad songs around Yi Shui.

Yan resident, a voice came from the main general's tent, "unexpectedly, Qin came to Yandu so soon."

In the tent, a huge man in Yan soldiers' clothes sat cross legged on the ground with a big stove in front. Opposite him, a man in Yan clothes was wandering back and forth. Obviously, he said that just now.

The latter one was a gang, and the latter was the big hammer of one of the later leaders of Mohism.

The big hammer looked at the stove in front of him and said, "the 300000 troops of the state of Qin are pressing on the border. Wang Jian and Meng Tian are rare generals in a hundred years. This will be a dead battle."

A gang turned to look at the left hammer and asked, "can we win the 50000 army of Yan against the 300000 army of Qin?"

The hammer pondered for a while, patted his left hand on his leg and said, "we must win."

A gang looked at the big hammer and turned back unwilling to say, "the king of Yan let Yan Yi be the commander of such an important battle. Our life was decided by that kind of person."

The big hammer looked at the stove and suddenly fell into memory:

Before leaving the army, the big hammer stood opposite agang with a glass of wine. A Gang said to the big hammer, "it's God's decision to be born in the state of Yan." then he took the wine in the big hammer's hand, drank it, smiled and said, "you can decide whether to live or die."

Then he put the wine glass back in the hammer's hand.

After remembering, the big hammer stood up, came behind ah gang and clapped his hand on his shoulder. Ah Gang turned his head and looked at the big hammer. He saw that the big hammer said, "where we were born is decided by God; but... We chose to be a soldier of the state of Yan."

Inside the tent.

The hammer looked at the soldiers patrolling in the snowy night, and his heart couldn't help but ripple. A gang came to the big hammer, looked at the flying snow in front of him and said, "it's snowing so well this year."

"The snow in Yan country is always the most beautiful." the big hammer looked at the night sky and said.

"I don't know... How long can this scenery last." ah Gang worried.

Big hammer looked at the beautiful and dazzling snow. In fact, he didn't know it in his heart. But he knew that if he was confused, Yan country would really be over.

"I'll go on patrol," he said, and the sledgehammer went forward.

A gang looked at the back of the big hammer and said, "I've been looking at my brother's back all the time. But this time..." he shouted: "brother, what should I do if the Yan state is defeated this time."

As soon as this was said, all the soldiers on patrol and standing guard on the camp looked at the big hammer. The big hammer looked back at the soldiers who had endured the cold and insisted all the time and said firmly, "for soldiers, there is no if. Don't forget, we are men in the state of Yan."

The snow began to get bigger again. The whole Yishui is covered with snow.

Yi Shui and Qin soldiers are like a long dragon, with no end in sight.


The sound of weapons colliding was heard at the station of Yan state.

"Whew..." there was a flash of blood. A soldier of the state of Yan cut a Qin soldier's back with a sharp blade on his spear. Then the Qin soldier fell down immediately. At this time, another Qin soldier raised his spear and cut at him behind the Yan soldier. The Yan soldier turned and shouted, "ah. Ah". The spear in his hand blocked the fierce sneak attack of the Qin soldier.

Then the spear twisted, and the sharp blade on the spear immediately cut off the Qin soldier's neck. The Qin soldier stretched out his hand to the sky and fell unwilling.

The Yan soldier turned back and shouted, "brother tie, we're almost surrounded!"


I saw the big hammer with chain in its hand sweeping around,


Suddenly, countless Qin soldiers around were swept into the air, and then fell to the ground without moving.

The big hammer had an iron chain in his hand. He kept rotating the hammer in the air and shouted, "hold your position and don't let them break through."

"Whew! Ah!" there was another flash of blood, and the spear mercilessly pierced into a Yan soldier's heart.

"Ah Lin!" ah Gang looked at Yan Bing falling, shouted, and rushed forward quickly with a spear.

"Bang!" the spear fell on the neck of the Qin soldier who stabbed ah Lin's heart. After the Qin soldiers fell, a gang immediately put down his spear and picked up the fallen a Lin.

"Ah." ah Lin immediately closed his eyes, turned his head and died.

"Bang!" the big hammer hit a Qin soldier on the head. Looking at ah Gang, Da Jian said, "ah Lin!"

As the war continued, one after another soldiers fell down. A gang, holding a spear, said painfully, "brother, there are too many enemies. Brothers are dying and injured. It's hard to stick to it."

"Ah Gang!" shouted the big hammer.

"Ah... What's the matter?" ah Gang hurried to the big hammer.

The big hammer clapped on a gang's shoulder and said, "when it's dark, you break out and we'll cover you."

"No, we have to die together if we want to die." ah Gang shouted.

"Fool, you go to ask for help so that your brothers can live. Your brothers' lives are in your hands." roared the big hammer.

A gang turned his head and looked at the brothers who worked hard around him. He looked at the big hammer again and said, "big brother."

The big hammer pulled his hand on agang's shoulder and said, "you are a man in the state of Yan. Brother believes you. You can do it."

When agang's eyes closed and opened again, his eyes flashed infinite firmness. The big hammer clenched his fist with his left hand and said, "before dark, brothers are waiting for you..."

A gang used his fist to check the fist of the big hammer. He turned and walked a few steps. Holding a spear, he turned his head and said, "brother, I'm going." then he ran to the distance.

The big hammer looked at a gang's far away back and only heard a loud roar behind him: "the Qin soldiers are attacking again."

"Brothers, we must hold our ground." the sledgehammer raised the sledgehammer and shouted.