After saying goodbye to Tong people, Mu Hantian still wandered around the square, looking for a suitable blacksmith. At this time, Mu Hantian saw a group of people around a person. Mu Hantian was very confused, and then walked over.

Mu Hantian looked closer and found a man pleading for something. Mu Hantian thought, "it's not so coincidence. Just now one was asking for someone, and now there's another."

The man looked a little surprised when he saw Mu Hantian, then quickly grabbed Mu Hantian's hand and said, "you must be a famous blue radiance. I want to ask you to do me a favor. I can pay any price as long as I have."

Mu Han Tian was slightly stunned and asked, "do you have any trouble?"

The man said, "my name is Wuyan. I'm a member of a small trade union. Our guild was killed by the people of the 'smile coffin', and only I escaped. I want you to avenge us."

Mu Hantian was stunned and thought, "isn't that the 'smile coffin', the murder guild in the original book? Cut, it's good for me to take them away now." thinking like this, Mu Hantian said to Wuyan, "I can help you, but I have something important now. Take me tomorrow!"

"No problem, I know their hiding place. Well, we'll still meet here tomorrow. You must avenge me." Wuyan said.


"Wu Yan? Hehe, did you deceive me? I can say that I fully understand the world of the sword realm. The 'smile coffin' will not leave a living mouth unless it is to attract me. Otherwise, he is lying to me. It seems that he is the last wearer. Let me see what tricks you want to play." Mu Hantian said, Opened the friends bar and sent a message to someone.


The next morning, Mu Hantian came to the square as promised and saw that Wuyan had arrived. Seeing Mu Hantian, Wuyan hurriedly ran over and said to Mu Hantian, "Sir, let's go."

Mu Han Tian nodded and said, "OK, let's go. You lead the way."

Wuyan nodded and walked to the front. Mu Hantian also followed. What Wuyan didn't notice was that Mu Hantian was followed by a man behind him.


After walking with Wuyan for a while, Mu Hantian came to a forest. At this time, Wuyan didn't go again, but turned around and looked at Mu Hantian like a mockery.

Mu Hantian asked, "Wuyan, why don't you go? Are they here?"

"Han Tian, you're right. They're here." Wuyan said, snapped his fingers, and immediately came out of the forest and surrounded Mu Han Tian. Mu Hantian looked and found that they all had red names on their heads.

"Oh, sure enough, I guessed right. You are really seducing me!" Mu Hantian said.

"Yes, you know. Unfortunately, it's useless. You'll die here today." Wuyan said.

"Really, what about me?" a figure came out of the forest. It was Athena. It was yasina who received Mu Hantian's message yesterday. She has been following Mu Hantian.

"Cut, yasna? It seems that you have been prepared. Forget it. Let's say hello this time. Let's go." Wuyan said to the people around him.

Hearing the command of Wuyan, these red players left.

Watching them leave, yasina breathed a sigh of relief and said to Mu Hantian, "Mu Hantian, I'm a little afraid. I'm afraid of killing and being killed at the same time."

Mu Hantian went over and hugged yasna and said, "in the face of them, you have only two choices. Do you want to be killed or kill them? There are only two choices."

"I see. I'll tell the head about it. Our strategy group will fight against the 'smile coffin', otherwise more innocent people will die." yasina left Mu cold day's arms with a red face, waved to Mu cold day and left.