"The Principality of aldiaru is one of the autonomous territories that constitute the war King's field." Xuecai solemnly said, "that's the night empire in Eastern Europe -" eh! "Xuecai's cheeks were as red as explosion. She looked at herself nervously, showing a strange expression of shame and panic, and then said at an almost inaudible volume," thank you. "

After making an appointment to meet, Mu Hantian and Xuecai separated. It seemed that there was something to be busy that month. The whole person didn't know where to sneak.

According to Sasaki Cape, it was ordered to seal up the Research Office of Gana metallurgical industry company that month.

The research room of that company was quiet and dark, only the sound of the air-cooled fan sounded, the electronic circuits were densely covered like a jungle, and the words of unknown origin were reflected on the central screen.

A man stared at the words alone, seemingly restlessly pacing back and forth.

The partition wall of the research room suddenly opened without warning. It was a strange trio who broke into the room rudely. Two men in black suits and a woman with a dress full of lotus leaves. She was a woman with an innocent face and described as a girl.

The man turned to face the invader who shouldn't have appeared, frowned and said, "who are you? This is a confidential area of the company. You can't come in at will except the staff." He intimidated the men in black with fierce eyes like a knife. However, it was useless to intimidate them. The black man wore a badge to indicate the identity of their special police force. That was the badge of the national demon attacking officer responsible for handling international demon guiding crimes in the demon attacking Department of the Special Administrative region police station.

"Yamamura Yosuke, R & D Department of kana alchemy industry company, right? We suspect that the items in the research room contain items that violate the magic guide trade management order. We ask you to disclose all the information in the Institute immediately and hand over the materials."

"Lian... Violated the trade management order?" the man stood up from his seat with a sweat on his forehead. "Wait a minute, what's wrong with you! We studied the analysis of ancient Chinese and obtained the permission to manage the commune."

"We've already detained three of Christopher jadeshow's men. You should understand," muttered the month holding the umbrella.

Zhencun was shocked and took a breath.

"According to Article 5 of the special district public security maintenance regulations, we will detain you from now on. Your confession may become unfavorable evidence in the court. I hope you will be careful in your words and deeds."

"Hmm..." two people from the special police force grabbed the hands of Qicun. They were supposed to wear handcuffs. With a heavy blow, they suddenly greeted them. After they hit the nearby beam column, they groaned in pain.

It turned out that he had completed his transformation, and the orc turned into a werewolf. The researcher who obtained beast like muscle strength and instant power has now become a powerful ORC.

"Sure enough, is it the approver of the unlisted demon clan... Black Death emperor faction?" Nangong murmured in dismay that month. She quietly gave an order: "astaruti, subdue that guy."

"Accept the order." the artificial girl who helped the werewolf work that month stood in front of him. "Carry it out, Rose's fingertips."

The werewolf didn't care, but he didn't expect the girl in front of him to use the beast.

In an instant, a pair of iridescent arms appeared on astaruti's back, wrapped around her body. The shock waves scattered around, dense and excessive, with the magic wave of entity and quality.

"What!" the giant's fist, like a shell, beat the werewolf man head-on. The feeling of smashing bone and meat was mixed with the sound of impact.

"Dependents... Dependents? Vampires!" while spitting out blood, the orcs groaned in pain.

Astaruti had no emotion in his eyes and subdued him with his outstretched arm behind his back.

Seriously injured and unable to maintain the orc's true village, he began to cough violently after becoming human. The men in black who rushed forward took the opportunity to put a metal ring around his neck. It is a special detention device for orcs that can make their nerves react abnormally through a weak current to prevent orcization.

"Sorry, Nangong instructor. Thanks to you, I was saved." a person of the special guard held the broken right hand and thanked that month. That month spread out his umbrella and said gracefully, "don't be polite, it's just a small matter."

Instead of looking at them, she looked at one or two photos on the table, which seemed to be stone tablets unearthed from an ancient relic.

Engraved on the surface of the monument is the same as the information reflected on the screen of the research room. It is an unreadable text column.

"Is it the smuggled goods specially transported by the Black Death emperor from the western regions? It doesn't look like a simple ancient relic. Where is the real thing?"

"Unable to confirm the target, it is speculated that it has been transported out of the facility." yastaluti answered flatly after listening to the whisper of that month. The girl of artificial life pointed to the metal transportation storage box left in the corner of the room.

There is nothing inside. The stone tablet contained in it was probably taken away by someone.

"We're a little late?" that month complained to herself unhappily, looking up at the image on the screen. Only some words can be read. The month when nalakville was found showed a serious look.

"The prehistoric civilization heritage excavated from the No. 9 meihelger site in South Asia. It is said that countless cities and civilizations have been destroyed in the past. Is it a weapon created by the gods? In terms of ORC IQ, it is impossible to unlock the secret.".