After the dark corridor, Mu Hantian and Xuecai came to a spacious room similar to the hall. The ceiling is very high and collides with the white crystal lamp, which is simple and bright, just like the Holy Church in the church.

Instead of painted glass, arranged between the walls is a dense row of glass cylindrical water tanks. The diameter of the sink is more than one meter, and the height should be less than two meters. The glass is filled with turbid amber culture medium, cultivating all kinds of organisms. It seems that the room they went to was a laboratory, an abandoned artificial life adjustment tank. "Is there a culture tank to cultivate artificial life?" Mu Hantian saw it on the computer, so he was not surprised. And snow vegetable turned back to his back, picked up the gun and posed for battle. Because snow vegetable noticed that someone appeared from the dead corner of the sink. It was a petite figure. The girl with blue hair had a light blue iris and looked at the snow vegetable with a long gun against her without emotion. It's the artificial life girl named ashtaruti.

Aware of the existence of astaruti, Mu cold looked at his dark corner. Sauerkraut regained consciousness and immediately stretched out his left palm to block Mu Hantian's eyes.

"Teacher, you can't watch it!"

"What's the situation?" Mu Hantian saw ashtaruti's appearance through the palm of snow vegetable. First of all, there is a clear and white skin in the field of vision. There are transparent drops of water at ashtaruti's feet. As an artificial life, she seems to have just finished adjusting and come out of the sink.

She wore only a light cloth similar to a robe, which was also wet and close to her skin. The apple sized * * * * shows its outline through the white clothes, with two fuzzy red halos at the top. Although it's just an artificial Laurie, it shows the beautiful posture of human girls.

The girl has no feelings, like a cold robot.

Snow vegetable stared at Mu Hantian, who was staring at ashtaruti, and sighed angrily: "I can't stand... Teacher, you are really obscene."

The artificial girl slowly uses her magic to dry her clothes and hide her beautiful body in her robe. Ashtaruti said quietly, "warning, please leave here immediately. In a short time, the artificial island will sink. Please leave before that. Run away as far as possible..."

"The island will sink? What do you mean?" the creepy feeling ran up his back and made the snow vegetable whisper. Perhaps the mechanical voice lacks the relationship between cadence and cadence, and astaruti's words are reassuring. As an artificial life, she has no reason to lie to them and others, and she doesn't know how to lie at all.

"Xianshen city floats in the South China Sea where dragon veins crisscross. It is made by using magic guidance combined with the power of science and technology. If it loses its important core, there is only one way to perish..." the artificial life body weaves poetic sentences, which surprised Xuecai. But their dialogue with astaruti seems to contain some information that shocked sauerkraut.

Behind astaruti, a burly figure slowly appeared. The uncle in a solemn robe and armored reinforced suit is Rudolph, the annihilation teacher of Lotan Lingqia.

He coldly lowered his head and looked at the artificial life girl who seemed to look back at him in fear. It seemed that he blamed her for talking out her plan.

"She's right. What I'm asking for is the immortal treasure here regarded as the hub of the artificial island. Now I have the power to fulfill my old wish. The sword Witch of the Lion King mechanism is all thanks to your snow haze wolf." Rudolph raised the half moon axe blade and said to the alert snow vegetable.

Rudolph looked at sauerkraut and said, "only vampires can control their dependents in their own blood. However, by allowing the captured dependents to parasitize before hatching, we have successfully created an artificial life containing dependents in our body. Although there are successful cases, only astaruti in front of you.

"Shut up!" snow vegetable interrupted Rudolph's words, "why can no other demon family use dependents except vampires? When dependents are materialized, they will devour the host's life at an amazing speed. Only vampires with infinite vitality can feed them. You don't know!"

"Of course, as long as she lives in her body, her remaining life will not be too long. At most, it will last for another two weeks. Even so, she still prolongs her life by swallowing the fallen demon clan. But your blessing is enough to achieve our goal." Rudolph didn't feel any distress and guilt in his tone.

"Devour the demon clan. Do those who attack the demon clan on the island want the magic of vampires to feed their dependents?" snow vegetable said quietly.

"There's nothing wrong, but another reason is to complete the technique engraved on ashtaruti. The sword Witch of the Lion King mechanism has made a precious and outstanding sample by fighting with you with that gun." Rudolph said confidently.

"Did you raise her for such a thing? It's like treating props!" said Xuecai angrily.

"Sword witch, why are you angry? Aren't you a prop cultivated by the Lion King mechanism?" Rudolph looked at the angry snow vegetable happily.

In the face of Rudolph's calm eyes, Xuecai's whole body froze. Without saying a word, she clenched her lips, her face lost all blood and turned pale.

"At least I don't treat sauerkraut as a prop, but a living person. Although you made and cultivated them and gave them life and strength, there must be people who recognize them in the world except you." Mu Hantian took sauerkraut's hand and said to Rudolph.

"Teacher..." snow vegetable whispered, and a trace of warmth poured into her heart. She felt the warmth of human care for the first time