The battle of destroying heaven and Earth spread to every corner of Xianshen island. Surprisingly, Mu Hantian's villa was not affected at all. In that month, several women did not lose their memory as the residents of Xianshen island because of Mu Hantian's relationship.

"The flaming feast is over. Thank you for taking care of me all the time. It's time for me to leave." verdiana shook her head. She used to talk about the karuana people, and now she has grown up a lot.

"I used to say that I wanted to kill Zaharias, even if I had nothing. But in the end, Zaharias was just a tool used. Although I killed him myself and avenged him, after I knew everything about it, I completely didn't know what I was living for today." verdiana was full of mixed feelings in her heart, and the moment her dream came true, With it comes confusion.

"I'm really happy. Although I've always been afraid to admit this, I'm really happy to meet you and live on Xianshen island." verdiana smiled and bowed to them in the cold, as if to say goodbye.

"Verdiana, you don't want to leave without authorization. No, the master hasn't spoken yet. Your life as a maid is not over yet! If you must leave, take off your clothes!" hummed the month.

Verdiana grabbed her clothes tightly and said weakly, "but I have no reason to stay here."

"You don't mean to follow me and serve me all the time." agurola looked at verdiana with green eyes.

"You're very upset. It was said that verdiana was my servant! If you had to ask for her, I wouldn't object, but mu Hantian belongs to me," said the ninth anatos.

"Fool anatos, you are only a sentient beast, and dare to resist me." agurola said angrily, pulling her short hair.

Anatos was unwilling to show weakness, and the two Lauries pinched each other. Mu Hantian regretted it now. How lively it would be if he saved all the twelve elements.

"Everybody... Verdiana was moved.

"It's better to stay and be a maid than to bear the karuana family! Ha ha." Mu Hantian looked at verdiana and said softly.

"Lord cold sky, I'm really glad you can keep me." verdiana used honorifics after seeing the power of Mu cold sky.

"Yes, I need a maid recently," said krulu.

"Yes, I see. I'll stay," said verdiana, leaving tears.

At the same time, lying on the sofa in the living room, Xiao Yusha, who was not arranged, woke up slowly. Big black eyes looked around confused.

"Oh, you're awake." Mu cold day, they heard the voice and looked at the sand together.

"Who are you and who am I?" he shrank his body timidly and looked at them in cold weather.

Mu Hantian was stunned. Did she lose her memory in the event of the feast, but mu Hantian obviously just sucked away the original soul and strength and did nothing to her.

"I dare to forget, I tell you, you used to be our maid, Yusha." after seeing Yusha's amnesia that month, his big eyes lit up and lied as if nothing had happened.

"Alas! Really?" he stared at the moon and said.

"Fool, don't make it up." although I know I like maids that month, my brother is in your class. Is that really good.

"Stay at ease for one night. Don't worry. I believe your memory will recover soon. As for your identity and origin, I think someone will tell you tomorrow." Mu Hantian said. After all, Naosha's mother is a famous researcher of Mar. it should be easy to understand her daughter's intelligence. But whether they can recognize each other, Mu Hantian doesn't know.

After listening to Mu Hantian's words, he nodded. He seemed to have a good feeling for mu Hantian. Maybe it was because he saw Mu Hantian at the last sight!