Verdiana was excited to see Mu Hantian avenge her, but zakhalias was unexpectedly a servant of the vampire's true ancestor.

At the moment Zaharias stood up, the surrounding air became a little depressed. It was the anger of the ninth anatos. He wanted to kill his blood follower in front of him. Although he didn't kill him, it was also a provocation.

The violent air turned into ultrasonic waves, and finally formed a household animal with crimson mane and two horns.

"Oh, the crimson of the double horns? Well, let me solve it quickly, or it will be bad if it is damaged. Ah ye, you can make a protective cover to protect it. I'll give that guy." Mu Hantian said and took a few steps forward.

"My guardian, follow the ancient oath and come to me. The Lord of the sun, dispel the darkness of the world, come, golden heavenly horse!" the shining sun lit up the night. The sun in the sky was falling sharply and turned into a golden horse when it fell on the crimson head of the two corners, burning the fire of judgment representing the sun.

The golden heavenly horse knocked down the crimson of the two horns and destroyed the surrounding Xionggui troops.

"Stop, anatos No. 9." Zaharias regretted that he should have brought all the dependents. The guy in front of me is a terrible nightmare. It's nothing if he doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, he won't give others a chance to fight back. If he didn't have the immortal body of a vampire, he would have been crushed to death by Mu Hantian just now.

"Do you want me to kill you?" Mu said thoughtfully.

"You... You can't kill me. If you kill me, you won't get the rest of the dependents." Zaharias said in a panic.

"Hehe, I don't believe such a string God Island. I can't find it." Mu Hantian said.

"Really? Forget to say, my sister is a witch who can control the first vegetarian body, so I can become the servant of the fourth true ancestor. If I die, who knows what she will do." Zaharias threatened.

"You think very well of me. The lives of those people have nothing to do with me. I don't kill you to let verdiana avenge herself, that's all. Leave No. 9 and get out." Mu Hantian said.

Zakhalias, who had recovered, gave the ninth to Mu Hantian and ran away as if there were something terrible behind him.


Agurola went to Mu cold sky and squatted down. She looked at Mu cold sky with big green eyes, as if she were asking for comfort.

"Let me reward you," agurola said with a red face.

"What's the matter?" Mu Han Tian was very puzzled about agurola's lovely and explosive appearance.

"I'm probably glad, because you didn't sell my king to the evil weapon dealer," said verdiana.

"Oh, just because of this!" Mu Hantian squatted in front of agurola, stretched out his hand and gently stroked her head. Agurola narrowed her eyes like enjoyment.

"Agurola, you will have companions in the future. No. 9, come here." Mu Hantian greeted No. 9 anatos. She came to agurola like a robot.

Mu Han Tian's remaining hand stroked agurola's blonde hair. Smile: "don't worry, I won't use you as a weapon."

"Will you be my servant? It's commendable," said anatos in a haughty tone.

Unlike the clever agurola, anatos is very self righteous.

"Wu Wu, Mu Hantian is my servant. No. 9, you are not allowed to rob me." agurola said with an unhappy face.

The two women stared at each other as if they were competing for their favorite toys. (mu Hantian: I'm not a toy, mouth)

"Alas, no matter you, I'm tired and I'm going to bed." Mu Hantian yawned and walked to the villa.

The two women saw Mu Hantian leave and scrambled to follow Mu Hantian. Agurola also said, "in order to comfort my soul, I will promise you to sleep tonight".