He openly played with agurola for most of the day. As Mu Han expected, the news of the recovery of the twelfth element spread all over the forces of the artificial island and then all over the world.

Announce to the world the awakening of the 12th and open the feast of flame and light.

Although there was one more agurola, Youma was still very happy because she came out to play with her father and mother for the first time. Affectionately put the spoon with ice cream to Mu Hantian's mouth and said with a smile: "father, Youma, come and feed you."

"Then have a taste." without much thought, Mu Hantian ate the ice cream. After all, it was his daughter's kindness!

However, when agurola saw Mu Hantian's move, she beat Youma's spoon aside with her small spoon and put her spoon in Mu Hantian's mouth.

"Mu... Mu cold day, accept my reward. You don't have to kneel down to thank you." he spoke in the same tone as ah Ye. I don't know if it's a personality problem.

"Agurola?" Youma looked at the girl in front suspiciously.

"Hoo Hoo." agurola forced the ice cream into Mu's mouth and gave him a taste of the sweetness and faint fragrance of the ice cream, which belonged to her.

"Have a good rest? I'm leaving." I don't know if black tea is not to my taste that month. I'm in a very bad mood, so I said.

"Wait for them," Mu said softly.

When the two women heard that they were leaving, they devoured the ice cream in front of them. After leaving the dessert shop, several people started shopping again, but mu Hantian was tired.


A slim figure standing in the watchtower is overlooking the demon special zone at nightfall. She is a young girl about sixteen years old with a book in her hands. Wearing loose white clothes, the whole person exudes a quiet atmosphere. She is one of the three saints of the Lion King's mechanism.

Suddenly, the golden fog spread behind her. The smoke became thicker in the blink of an eye, and then became a man's posture. Young people in pure white suits and vampire nobles with blond hair and blue eyes present a noble atmosphere and rebellious temperament.

"Demon special zone Xianshen island? It's really a good scenery!" the young nobleman looked at the night scene and said with a laugh.

"Hum! In the final analysis, it's just a fake earth made by scrap iron and magic, a pile of rags!" a 12-year-old boy then appeared, wearing a black coat and elegant temperament, but more rebellious.

"But it's a big, amazing rag, isn't it interesting?" said the young nobleman.

"Dimitoriye vatola in the field of war king? I didn't expect to meet you here a long time ago." the young man said.

"It's my honor to meet you. Your Highness Prince izziera, as the direct line of the second true ancestor, I'm surprised that you condescend to drive to this extreme eastern demon special zone." vatora performed an aristocratic etiquette.

"Ha ha." the boy just smiled and didn't say anything.


After a while, the boy said, "vatora, what are you thinking? Didn't you come to devour the fourth true ancestor?"

"You're joking. I'm just a witness and their guide on this trip, that's all." vatora smiled.

"They? Vatora, did you release the doll?" the young man angrily said.

"Because it's a rare feast, you should enjoy it." vatora said with a smile.

"Exactly, this feast will be gorgeous!" a new voice came, which made the men have to look back. With the setting sun as the background, the green hair dances with the wind, and the eyes are like a deep lake. Like agurola, the dreamy beauty exudes a temperament that people dare not approach.

"Worthy of being the forgotten war king, he sent a strange spokesman," said the woman.

"What, daughter of chaos?" in an unbelievable tone, it was Prince is Chira, the direct line of the second true ancestor.

"My old man would be very sorry if he knew you were here. I didn't expect you, the third true ancestor, to come here in person." vatola said respectfully.

"I don't like the exaggerated title given by others. Just call me GADA." the chaotic princess said indifferently. Her green eyes swept around and stopped on the four figures in the corner of the watchtower.

Almost all the spokesmen of several major forces in the world gathered in XianShen Island, known as the demon special zone.