Mu got up early the next morning because today was the beginning of the last semester of his high school. So he was going to school early. No, he didn't even eat breakfast. He said hello to his parents and went out.

He came to a place where there was no one, released 16th night · Qiu from the system space, and then asked the system to help transfer the student identity of 16th night · Qiu.

"Cold weather, is this your world?" "yes, this is my world. I asked Xiaoguang to arrange an identity as a transfer student in our class, so that we can be in the same class." "no, but how do you tell your parents about our relationship." "well, of course, it's clear that you are my girlfriend." "shameless" "Well, stop talking. Come with me and I'll take you to see my school." "let's go."

"Well, my school is not bad." "well, it's beautiful. There are a lot of flowers" "of course, hehe" just as they were about to leave, a boy came from "cold day". Mu Hantian turned his head in doubt, saw the boy behind and said to him, "Lin Feng, it's you." The boy named Lin Feng felt like a gangster at first sight, but he was a rich boy. Although he said he ran away from home because of a quarrel with his father, he was also one of Mu Hantian's few friends in this school. "Oh, cold day, you came out of the shadow of that woman" "you know." "Of course, now the school is saying that you were dumped. By the way, who is the beauty next to you?" Mu Hantian didn't speak yet. Sixteen nights · autumn spoke "Hello, are you a friend in cold weather? My name is 16ye · Qiu. I'm a Japanese student and a girlfriend in cold weather. I want to correct you. It's not that woman who dumped cold weather, but that woman in cold weather." "really? In cold weather, you're not thinking enough. You don't tell your brothers when you have a girlfriend." "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Sorry, Lin Feng, I'm going to take Qiu to sign up. By the way, she'll be in our class!" "really? Great." "I said, she's my girlfriend. What are you happy about" "I'm happy for my brother! Well, I'll go first. See you later" "ah, see you later."

Passerby A: "did you hear that there is a goddess" passerby B "in our school? Of course, and I heard that it is still a Japanese. It seems that its name is" passer C "of 16 nights · autumn. Is it true?" passerby B "of course it is true"

"Qiu, I didn't expect you to be so famous now." "Oh, if I'm famous, you'll be very famous if you go with me now." "Er" "ha ha (?)" well, this is my class. Go in. "" OK, let's go. I'll sit next to you "" whatever "

Classmate a "Wow, beauty" classmate B "yes, beauty, but how did you walk with Mu Hantian" classmate a "how do I know?"

After a while, the teacher came in. "Students, be quiet. This semester is a very key semester. I hope you can work hard. At the same time, a transfer student came to our class. Classmate Qiu, please introduce yourself" "OK, teacher"

"My name is 16ye · Qiu. I'm a Japanese, but because I live in China all the year round (I'm proficient in the language of system exchange, don't exchange points), it doesn't have anything to do with your communication." after Qiu's introduction, the following students all started to make trouble. Fortunately, the teacher managed to live.

"Cold weather, it seems that your girlfriend is very popular." "of course, beautiful women are popular everywhere." "that's right."

After school, Mu Hantian and sixteen nights are ready to go back to Hantian's house, but when they first came to the school, a boy stopped them.

"Hello, miss, may I know you?" "no, and my boyfriend is still here. I hope you don't ignore him." "Oh, boy, who are you" "why should I tell you, Qiu, let's go." "OK, let's go." "well." "you two wait for me. That woman must be mine." "cold weather, he's sick." "Maybe."

Cold day two people didn't expect that the man would come to him later, but it's nothing to know, because Mu cold day is not the same as before. Now he has a magical system and won't be afraid of these.