People are in a good mood at happy events. This sentence is deeply engraved on the face of every Chinese medicine association worker. Since the news of tianyimen came back to the Chinese Medicine Association, there was a huge wave within the Chinese Medicine Association. Moreover, this huge wave has also crossed the traditional Chinese Medicine Association and spread to the Chinese traditional medicine circle. Wave after wave, layer after layer, finally this news, like a tsunami, swept the whole of China. The president of Huaxia traditional Chinese Medicine Association, with his own efforts, has cured the most difficult incurable disease in the history of traditional Chinese medicine, "six Jue Jue pulse", which has caused an uproar both in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and in the field of Western medicine. The name of Xu Zhe is once again engraved in the heart of every medical worker. But this is far from over. When the Chinese Medicine Association once again announced the sale of Angong Niuhuang pills to Jiang family, everyone was boiling. This time, not only the medical profession, but also the whole Chinese society is boiling. Patients rush to tell each other, and doctors are happy to see it. Angong Niuhuang Pill, the secret medicine of Tianyi, is very expensive. It can be used by one in a hundred people. At this moment, the traditional Chinese Medicine Association is open and relaxed. The price has dropped from thousands to one or two hundred, and the price has dropped 20 times! How can they not boil. Donghai, Lin's clinic. Lin Chunchun is happily baking the stove and telling his glorious experience. In front of him, more than ten reporters holding "long guns and short guns" patiently do interviews. Their faces were red and excited, and their eyes were shining“ Lin's clinic "they found a big news“ Ha ha, you may not know that Xu Zhe is my younger martial brother. We study medicine under the same master. "“ No, he just sat here some time ago practicing medicine. "..." It's Donghai, but this time it's the auditorium of the medical college. Zhang Wenyuan, the president, is giving a speech with a red face. Under the stage, the leaders of Donghai health system, the representatives of various colleges, the doctors of the hospital and the students of the school are listening quietly“ On my left hand side are Mr. Xu's students. Now they have been practicing in various hospitals. Without exception, they have been highly praised by the hospital. " Zhang Wenyuan waved to Bao Longtu and said with a smile: "this student has developed a set of unique Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion weight loss technology based on his own experience on the basis of practicing medicine. After actual testing, it has now been promoted in major hospitals across the country." For a moment, everyone looked at the little fat man with unbelievable eyes. No one believed that she had developed new technology. Bao Longtu stood up with excited face and said in a loud voice: "to be honest, this technology was not developed by me, but by Mr. Xu, who taught me how to lose weight by Acupuncture and moxibustion. I just promoted it."“ Of course, among Mr. Xu's students, I'm not the best. The best is our monitor, Zhang Jing. "“ Xu Zhe's medical assistance fund, which she runs, has gone abroad to help promote traditional Chinese medicine in several small neighboring countries. "“ And... "There were several people in a row, and everyone had great achievements, which made everyone confused. Xu Zhe is also Xu Zhe. What magic power does he have? The students he teaches are so excellent. Almost at the moment when Bao Longtu's voice fell, everyone in the hall was quiet. After a short silence, there was loud applause.