"Oh, you think they're isolated?" Lai Ren asked with a smile“ Isn't it? "“ They live a hundred times better than you Lai Ren said: "you travel by car, people travel by helicopter."“ Drinking mountain spring, watching TV, counting money every day. I don't know how smart it is. You're just worrying here. " Xu zhe touched his nose with an embarrassed expression“ By the way, Lai Lao, do they have an industry in the market“ You have a lot of fun at ordinary times. Why can't your brain turn around at this time? " Lai Ren stares at his eyes and says, "if people don't have property to guard Yanyun mountain, how can they drink from the west?" " Xu Zhe's voice was blocked for a moment, and he was completely out of temper by Lai Renyi. He didn't understand why Lai Ren talked about Tianyi as if he had taken gun medicine. Isn't it just a few times to shut the door? There's no need to be aggressive“ You must be wondering why I don't like them? " Seeing Xu Zhe's helpless face, Lai Ren said with a smile, "now I'll tell you."“ Have you heard of Angong Niuhuang Pill? "“ Of course. " Xu zhe nodded. He had heard the name of Angong Niuhuang Pill if he was a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. The main medicine is bezoar, which is a kind of pill refined from musk, cinnabar and other unknown drugs. Can be used for fever, evil invasion, febrile convulsions, and even for stroke, coma, sepsis, cerebral hemorrhage, has an unparalleled effect.. But what do they have to do with tianyimen? Is this their industry“ Is this their business? " Xu zhe asked tentatively. Xu zhe had heard of Angong Niuhuang Pill, but he never thought that it was the recipe of tianyimen“ Yes, this Angong Niuhuang Pill is the secret recipe provided by tianyimen. " Lai Rendao“ Isn't that a good thing? " good deed? Lai Ren does not deny that he is indeed a good thing, but there is a premise! It's a good thing that the price is close to the people. If the price is too high, what we sell is not medicine, but poison“ How many people can afford the price of tens of thousands of yuan a bottle? " Lai Ren said with a gloomy face. How many bottles? And your own beauty cream? It's only tens of dollars a bottle. How many ointments does this guy have to sell himself in order to hold others' bottle? Forgive Xu zhe for his bad math“ How can they buy so much? " Xu Zhe's face gradually sank, and his impression of tianyimen had been greatly reduced. For the rich, tens of thousands of yuan is nothing to them. But it's impossible for everyone in Huaxia to be rich. How many people can afford to take tens of thousands of yuan a bottle of medicine? In the long run, the family will be destroyed. It's not medicine, it's poison“ I can't help it. It's someone else's exclusive formula. The pricing power is in their hands. " Lai Ren gave a wry smile and said, "now you know why I'm so upset when I talk about them?" Indeed, not only Lai Ren, but also Xu Zhe“ Oh, this time we'll lower its price! " Xu zhe flashed a cold in his eyes, and said in a bad tone. As the president of the Chinese Medicine Association, it is necessary for him to maintain the healthy and stable development of Chinese medicine. Xu zhe absolutely does not allow this kind of thing“ Price reduction? " Lai Ren was stunned and asked, "what are you going to do?" The state has intervened in the matter of price reduction more than once, but in fact? Its price is still high.