If it wasn't for hanziyi, he would have taken off Xiaobaihua's hat now“ Giggle ~ "Han Ziyi laughs, with unbridled laughter and even a little arrogance. No way, with Xu Zhe's words, his indignant expression, hanziyi is hard to smile. After a long time, the laughter gradually died out, and the smile of Hanzi's thin lips gently stirred up with the strange and enchanting radian: "then I eat dry and wipe clean, how do you feel?" The body leans forward, the cold purple is crisscrossed by the ravines. Er - to be honest, Xu zhe has a little heart. Cold purple according to this woman, although the spirit a little bit, but whether it is appearance, or body that is not said. If he is telling the truth, Xu zhe doesn't mind compromising once. It can be said that the only concern in Xu Zhe's heart is that Han Ziyi is playing with him again. And, by instinct, he felt that the probability was high. Touching his nose, Xu zhe said awkwardly, "forget it, I know you are cheating me again."“ What if I say no? "“ Really? "“ Really Han Ziyi nodded for sure, and her eyes twinkled with charming looks. Looking at Han Ziyi's face full of affirmation, Xu zhe didn't believe it in his heart, but he questioned it more and more. Since I have known hanziyi for so long, Xu zhe has summed up a rule that hanziyi is a goblin like woman. The more serious she is, the more she proves that she is lying. Hum, Xu zhe will not be fooled by him“ I don't believe it. " Xu zhebai glanced at her, then walked forward without looking back. Think the president is so stupid, will be deceived? Delusion. Walk natural and unrestrained, walk neat, walk without procrastination. Hanziyi's smile is more and more brilliant as Xu zhe goes away. This time, she didn't lie. She didn't mind if Xu zhe really wanted to. However, it seems that Xu zhe doesn't believe her at all“ "Dada dada" high heels make a rhythmic sound, and Hanzi catches up with Xu zhe quickly. Smile, dimple, said: "little brother, you missed an opportunity."“ Crunch ~ "Xu zhe steps suddenly, missed an opportunity? Xu zhe Jue's feet are a little stiff. Looking at hanziyi's serious appearance, Xu Zhe is really not sure. Is what she said true? Are you really not teasing yourself? If this is the case, Xu zhe feels that he has lost a lot“ Is that true“ I told you so, really. " Han Ziyi nodded with a smile: "it's a pity that you didn't seem to seize the opportunity."... " To be honest, Xu zhe regretted it. He really regretted it! Xu zhe had thought of taking off Xiaobaihua's hat long ago. But when the best opportunity is put in front of me, I don't cherish it. This is the most painful thing in the world. If God gives me another chance, Xu zhe thinks he will say three words to hanziyi: I will“ Can I regret it? " Xu zhe tried carefully“ I've already reminded you that I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting. " Han Ziyi raised her gorgeous lips, showed a beautiful smile and said, "you can only look forward to the next opportunity." " Xu zhe suddenly felt that his heart was empty. It seemed that something was passing invisibly.