give a dinner of welcome? Let God do it. He opened his lips and murmured to himself. Yin Xiang is just a smiling chess piece. Now that the task of chess piece has been completed, there is no need to survive in this world. Re open the phone, he dialed a number without notes. Dududu ~ the phone rang for a long time, and then it was connected“ What's the matter? " There was an old voice on the phone“ Boss, the Baron's task is over. " Said mustache“ Well, get ready and let him meet God. After all, he is a baron. Let him go with dignity. " The old voice said again“ Good boss, I know what to do Said the bearded man in a deep voice. Hang up the phone, a playful smile appeared on the man's face. A decent way to die? This is not a difficult problem for him. It seems a good choice to have a fireworks show in the air—— Yanjing is still a prosperous and prosperous scene, full of traffic and endless flow. But behind the prosperity, there are many unknown darkness. Ginkgo circle, song Wangge. Crisp bird calls, accompanied by bursts of breeze. Still a calm look. However, in this calm water, it is the undercurrent surging. Study ~ "Damn, what the hell does Yin Xiang want to do?" Tian Long roared angrily. He didn't worry about song chenxuan. It's no secret that Mingsheng medical cooperated with the Song family. It's not polite to say that everyone from 80 years old to 8 years old knows it. Now, Mingsheng medical has a major safety accident, resulting in dozens of people dying of poisoning. As a cooperator, the Song family has also been targeted by the media. At the moment, the whole Yanjing city is full of criticism against the Song family. Condemnation, curse, indignation... Almost drowned the whole song family. It can be said that Mingsheng medicine has dragged the whole song family into a whirlpool. What for? Song chenxuan frowned tightly and fell into thinking. To be honest, he didn't understand Yin Xiang's real purpose after thinking about it for so long. I can't help it. It's really strange. Mingsheng medicine has always been good. Why does such a serious medical accident happen suddenly? Is it just a coincidence? But if it's a coincidence, it's a little too weird. In Song chenxuan's heart, he suddenly has a bad feeling. He feels that things are not as simple as they seem. The Song family seems to have been calculated and pulled into the abyss bit by bit“ Call Yin Xiang and ask what's going on. " After a long silence, song chenxuan suddenly said. Tian Long nodded, quickly took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, turned out Yin Xiang's number and broadcast it. Dudududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududu. A mechanical female voice came from the receiver“ Go on. " Song chenxuan eyebrows picked pick, some impatient said. Unfortunately, things didn't go as he expected. Several calls went by without answering. For a time, song chenxuan's bad premonition became more and more prosperous“ Young and old, do you need to find someone to bring him here? " Tian Long put away his cell phone and asked tentatively“ Well, it's OK. Some things need to be asked face to face. " Song chenxuan said with a gloomy face.