Take Xu zhe home? He gave Li a smile, but he didn't give up the slightest hope. In order to achieve this goal, he has to do it himself“ Just a moment, madam The guard nodded, picked up the phone and dialed out urgently“ I don't like being a jeep. " Hou Yilin said without expression. Jeep, this kind of vehicle is made for men, except for Li Yixiao. She's a lady of Xiangshan. She won't sit there“ I understand The guard nodded, and then asked him to put down the phone. Soon, a black red flag car will be steadily parked in front of Hou Yilin. A man in a black suit got out of the car and opened the door for Hou Yilin“ Please, ma'am Hou Yilin nodded expressionless, slightly cut her hair, and got into the car. Already in the car, Hou Yilin couldn't keep it and sat in the back seat. I can't help it. It's really tiring to keep a lady's temperament all the time. He decided not to go out when he had nothing to do“ You don't see anything, do you understand? " Hou Yilin's good-looking eyes flashed a cold light, looking at the man in black who was looking at the car“ Don't worry, madam. I don't see anything. " The man does not squint at the front, said expressionless. As Xiangshan's special guard, he knows what to watch and what not to watch. Sometimes even if you see it clearly, you have to pretend not to see it“ Yes Light ah, Hou Yilin is not talking—— The police car drove in an orderly way on the road, and then came to Huangchao Avenue in a twinkling of an eye. In order not to scare the snake, Feng Rui ordered the motorcade to stop at a long distance. He won't allow any mistakes in this operation“ Do you know how many people are there on the other side? " Xu zhe asks Feng Rui. So far, he only knows that Yan Kang himself and his family are threatened, but he doesn't know how many of them are. If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. If you don't know the manpower situation of the other party, it's not good news for your own side“ The exact number is not clear. Four people have been identified. " Feng Rui's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were shining like wolves. Four? Say more, say less. If all four have weapons, it's really hard for them to guarantee that no one is injured“ What about weapons? " Feng Rui frowned and said, "this is not clear for the moment, but judging by Yan Kang's words, they should not have too many weapons in their hands." Not too much? If it's not too much, the whole thing will be solved very well. If we concentrate our superior forces and directly control those who have weapons, the rest will naturally collapse“ "Dong Dong Dong." Just then, their windows were knocked. A young policeman in plain clothes came up with a folder in his hand, like he was going to make a report“ What do you find, sun Feng Rui pushed the door open, went out and asked“ According to the report, the number of suspects found at present is about six, two of whom should be carrying guns, and the other three also have controlled knives. " Sun Qian said without expression: "the information of the suspect." While saying this, he handed over the folder in his hand.