Yes, in East Asia, "traditional Chinese medicine" is blooming everywhere. Almost every street has a traditional Chinese medicine workshop. The same is true in Taiji. And in the birthplace of China? Looking around, there is no Chinese medicine shop at all! Even if some old people want to buy Chinese medicine, there is no place to buy it! Xu zhe was stunned. He was silent and speechless. The decline of traditional Chinese medicine was like a big stone in his heart“ There is a Chinese saying that the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach! Chinese medicine is destined to be replaced by us Well village tree seems to find the weakness of Xu Zhe, proud to continue to say. To say the least, even if our Japanese medicine is inherited from Chinese medicine, what does it matter? When Chinese traditional medicine no longer exists, only Japanese medicine is left. At that time, history will not follow us! Is traditional Chinese medicine replaced? Xu Zhe's eyes gradually narrowed, revealing a trace of coldness. Sorry, he won't allow it“ Mr. Xu, please face up to the facts! " Said Inoue Murakami“ Miss Inoue, why don't we make a bet? " Xu Zhe's eyes were burning. He scanned around and said, "I'll make a bet with all the people who are sitting here, too!"“ What's the bet? " Asked Inoue Murakami coldly“ We'll bet that within three years, Chinese traditional medicine will be famous all over the world Xu zhe said without expression. Huaxia traditional Chinese Medicine Association has made some progress, and all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine products are under intensive development. He believes that in the future, traditional Chinese medicine will be able to stand on the top of Huaxia and go abroad to the world“ The bet At this time, Park Tai Cheng suddenly said. Is TCM famous in the world? Ha ha - he doesn't think that he can revive the declining traditional Chinese medicine again! Even if someone has this ability, they will not allow it“ 100 million yuan! " Xu zhe stretched out a finger to shake in front of Park Tai City. President Xu is rich now. If you want to bet, you can bet big“ 100 million? " Park Tai Cheng Leng Leng, he obviously did not expect Xu zhe will bet so much. One hundred million yuan, into Taiji country's currency, that is more than ten billion! It's not a small sum for him, but if you don't gamble? Park Tai Cheng was a little unconvinced! After pondering for a moment, Park Tai Cheng bit his teeth and said, "OK, I'm blocked! But how do I know if Dr. Xu can get 100 million yuan? " Xu zhe took out his bank card and put it on the table, saying: "there are 10 million in it, and every month there will be 10 million remitted in. In three years, there will be 300 million in it! Do you think it's enough? " Alas, I'm not a rich man! Xu zhe was a little excited to show off his wealth in front of everyone again. Three hundred million? Not only Park Tai Cheng, but also Ming Hao. He always knew that Xu zhe made money, but he never thought that he would make money! Nima, it's faster than stealing money“ Now anyone who wants to take part in the gambling can give 10 million yuan as a deposit! " See nobody speak, Xu zhe continues to say“ Good“ We'll take the bet! " Inoue Murakami and yoshiichi OTA stood up one after another“ Since Dr. Xu wants to give us money, we are not welcome. " Well village tree, said with a smile. As she said this, she took out a bank card from her pocket and said, "there are more than 20 million yuan in it, which can be regarded as the deposit for me and Weitian."