Xu zhe took out the medical equipment he had collected from his pocket and handed it to Ji Shengli“ What's this? " Jisheng asked with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't understand. Xu zhe had been tossing about for a long time, but he went to invert some syringes“ This is the treasure I'm looking for. With them, Fang Zhengli may be doomed. " Xu zhe said with a smile on his face. The accusation of using inferior medical equipment is big or small. In ordinary times, fangzhengli may find a scapegoat to prevaricate by virtue of his right, but now fangzhengli has lost his reliance, and this little accusation will become a straw to kill the camel. Enough to make him lose the hearts of the people! It's true on the Internet that Xu Zhe is a "villain". I thought about it in my heart. See interest is still a face confused, Xu zhe helplessly said: "see, this is what brand!"“ Omnicon, what's up? There's something wrong with this brand. " Jishengli said with a smile“ If I say these products are piled up in a warehouse full of moldy smell, and everywhere, do you believe it? " Xu zhe asked with a smile“ No way Interest bearing shook his head and said: "medical device manufacturers have strict qualification license, it is impossible to have such a situation!" Impossible, the most common thing in China is to make the impossible possible! Xu zhe slowly took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, handed it to the family planning center and said, "don't believe it, look at it yourself!"“ Hold the grass, it's murder Jisheng shouts. Looking at the messy warehouse, syringes and packing bags all over the place in the photo, Jisheng was furious. If patients use this kind of medical equipment, they can't imagine the consequences. Light is inflamed infection, heavy is dead! More importantly, at this time, the Affiliated Hospital of Peking University is using this kind of medical equipment of Omnicom“ Where did you get these things from? " Jisheng asked, holding a large number of instruments in his hand“ A factory in the eastern suburbs. " Xu zhe said“ And in the factory, I saw a man you can't even think of. "“ Who is it? "“ Fang Hai“ Boom -- "it's like the empty window period after the nuclear explosion, when you plan to earn interest, your mind suddenly goes blank. Yes, Fang Hai has the right to sign the purchase by virtue of his knowledge of Jingda hospital. The director of each department chooses the purchase of drugs according to the feedback of medication, but it must be signed by Fang Hai in the end! Fang Hai controls the main artery of medicine purchase! It can be said that the life and death of the pharmaceutical factory is completely in the hands of Fang Hai. The idea that the vice president of the Affiliated Hospital of Peking University colluded with manufacturers to sell inferior products for good and earn a price difference filled his mind“ How dare they Jisheng asked strangely. How dare you? Xu zhe laughed, "with such a high profit margin, what do they dare not do?"“ This -- "jishengli glared, pinched the syringe in his hand, and the anger in his eyes was like substance“ Do they have any medical ethics! Is there any humanity! Why do they do that? " Jishengli yelled. Xu Zhe is also full of bitterness. Some people rob and kill people for money, others take risks for money, and others ignore the safety of patients for money!