"Yes." Fu Peng nodded. He is not a fool. He also knows the grudge between Xu Qingfeng and Xu Zhe, and he knows that he is regarded as a gun emissary, but he doesn't care. Since he was a child, he thought Tianwang needle was the best in the world. He doesn't allow any other acupuncture to be more powerful than Tianwang needle and his family. It has to be said that Fu Peng is a man obsessed with competition and acupuncture. If you are not so competitive, then you are really a good doctor Xu zhe doesn't know what Fu Peng has done. Even if he knows, he laughs at most. He had no interest in such childish things. He is sitting on the Porsche of Fang Mengyao, Fang Jinchang's daughter. Since the last time, in order to pretend to be forced, Xu zhe walked out of Panlong villa on foot. He was tired to death. He didn't want to walk any more. He was still comfortable by car“ Xu Zhe, can you cure my father? " Fang Mengyao asked. After many changes, she now believes that Xu Zhe is not a god stick, but a real doctor“ I don't know. " Xu zhe shook his head: "the people who have been tricking your father are not inferior. I say your father has offended anyone."“ I don't know. Anyway, you have to save my dad. " Fang Mengyao looks at Xu zhe with a slightly begging look. Xu zhe suddenly feel some can't bear to eat, just think of a Jiao didi girl, with a pair of tearful eyes dim big eyes looking at you, no one can bear to refuse“ Well, ~ "Xu zhe nodded“ Thank you, I ~ "Fang Mengyao's words were not finished, her head was suddenly pressed down by Xu zhe Meng. And the direction of her face is very imaginative. Because of the sudden change, Fang Mengyao couldn't control the car at all, so she had to step on the brake desperately“ "Creak" wheel and the ground, friction, a burst of harsh sound. There are deep scratches on the ground. Xu Zhe, this son of a bitch, don't give me an explanation, I'll make you look good. Just as Fang Mengyao was furious, such an idea came to her mind“ Bang. " The windshield was broken by something, and the fragments of the window fell on Fang Mengyao and Xu Zhe's head. Fang Mengyao just woke up, he suddenly understood what is the situation: someone shot. After all, since she grew up in the United States, she encountered many shooting cases. Fang Mengyao was not too alarmed. She raised her head slightly from Xu Zhe's leg and looked around. A small round hole was left at the head of Fang Mengyao's car seat. Judging from the angle, the bullet was fired from the rear and broke the glass. It's about killing people with one blow, leaving no way to live. Xu zhe was a little surprised that there were such ferocious gangsters in China. If it wasn't for Xu Zhe's sudden sense of strangeness, the intuition in his mind made him make the most correct choice, and he directly pressed Fang Mengyao's head down. I'm afraid Fang Mengyao would have died at this time“ You saved my life Fang Mengyao said calmly. I'm dizzy. What time is it? I still talk about it. Xu Zhe is very nervous, even a little scared. His sense of crisis tells him that this unknown shooter absolutely wants their lives. Xu zhe was afraid. He never thought that someone would dare to commit a crime in the street! He is a man, not an immortal. True Qi can only sharpen his senses and make his intuition clearer, but it can't stop bullets.