Soon, Xu zhe saw the restaurant mentioned by Bao Longtu. Before he entered the building, Xu zhe was attracted by its gate. There were four tall flat dragon pillars. On the top of each pillar was a vigorous dragon. The Dragon had four plaques in its mouth. It is written that King Teng's High Pavilion is near Jiangzhu, and Pei Yuming and Luan are singing and dancing. The painted buildings are flying towards the clouds in Nanpu, and the curtain of pearls is rolling at dusk. The shadow of xianyuntan is long, and things change for several times in autumn. Where is the emperor in the pavilion? The Yangtze River flows by itself. Calligraphy is vigorous and powerful. It is like a pine and cypress on the edge of a cliff. At first sight, it is made by everyone. Follow Bao Longtu, walk in, and walk into the hall on the first floor. The first thing you see is a white marble carving screen. The picture is choppy. A boat is sailing in the waves. In the bow of the boat stands a man with extraordinary bearing and wearing ancient clothes. This is Wang Bo who wrote the eternal masterpiece "preface to Tengwang Pavilion". All kinds of poems are carved around the house. Although it is not big, the layout is very chic, with the unique poetic and picturesque flavor of Jiangnan“ Well, Mr. Xu, it's not bad here. " Little fat Bao Longtu said triumphantly“ It's not bad. " Xu nodded and said quietly. In the heart is very shocked, touched touch flat Flat Wallet, this time can only mix eat mix drink“ Mr. Xu, don't be polite to me. " Bao Longtu patted his chest and said“ Come on, what's the matter Lazy to see Bao Longtu proud appearance, Xu zhe straight to the point directly asked“ Mr. Xu, do you know why I study Chinese medicine? " He said solemnly. Xu zhe didn't say anything. He just looked at Bao Longtu with a smile on his face. He knew that Bao Longtu could not hold his words, and he would certainly go on. Sure enough, see nobody pay attention to, Bao Longtu said: "Xu teacher, I heard that acupuncture can lose weight, or you help me lose weight."“ So many beauty salons, why do you want me? " Xu zhe was surprised that in recent years, the wave of acupuncture weight loss has swept across the country, and there are many acupuncture weight loss projects in major beauty salons. Acupuncture and moxibustion to lose weight is through the traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture method, acupuncture and moxibustion body related acupoints, to adjust the body endocrine function, and ultimately achieve weight loss, known as one of the most safe and reliable weight loss methods“ I've been there dozens of times, and I've gained a kilo of fat instead. " Bao Longtu said with a smile“ ok You schedule your time and come straight to me. " Xu zhe said. It's hard for Xu Zhe to refuse because he has a soft tongue and short hands. Besides, Bao Longtu is still his student“ Thank you, Mr. Xu After eating delicious food, Xu Zhe and Bao Longtu went back to school. Xu zhe had classes in the afternoon, so he decided to go back to the office. Xu Zhe's office is a large one with about a dozen teachers. University subjects are relatively loose, almost all teachers have only two classes a day, and they can leave after class. The teachers who stay in the office have classes in the afternoon“ Mr. Xu, I'm still used to it at the beginning of class. " When Xu zhegang opened the door of the office, a 20-year-old female teacher said“ It's OK Xu Zhetou did not stage, perfunctory said“ I've heard that a teacher of Western medicine who failed in teaching quality has just been dismissed. It's said that he came in because of trust. You should be careful. " Song teacher insinuate said. There was a sneer on her face. Xu Zhe is a little upset. I don't care if I trust you.