"I know that some of you just want to get a diploma. Other teachers will turn a blind eye to the trouble, but I won't. as long as I'm here for a day, people who fish in troubled waters won't want to graduate."“ I'm not kidding. I'll give you time. "“ You can apply for shift adjustment, and you can complain. I've got a green light all the way here. The life of a patient is not a joke. I won't teach a doctor who doesn't respect life. " Xu zhe stood on the platform with a fierce look in his eyes. What he said was loud and clear. He won't allow himself to teach a scum in medicine“ "Pa" "pa" rain like clapping sound resounded through the sky. For a moment, all the students in the classroom stood up and clapped, but no one left. Xu Zhe's words aroused the students' response. Xu zhe pressed his hands down and made a sign of silence“ Since no one left, let's start the class. "“ First of all, we should learn acupuncture and moxibustion. We can't do without understanding the meridians in the human body. Who can draw the diagram of the meridians in the human body. If you can draw a picture, you can pass the final exam directly. " Xu zhe said. All of a sudden, there was an uproar in the classroom. It's a meridians chart, which is famous for its difficulty in drawing“ Why, can't you do such a simple task? " Xu zhe was a little puzzled. Is it not difficult to draw the meridian map? At the age of 8, he began to draw meridians. At the age of 10, he could even draw blindfolded without making any mistakes“ Since you can't do it, I'll draw it. " Xu zhe picked up the chalk and began to draw on the blackboard. The internal meridians of the human body can be generally divided into twelve meridians, eight extra meridians, and the middle meridians described by Tibetan Tantric gongs. Twelve meridians refer to the twelve meridians, namely, the gallbladder, liver, lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, pericardium, and Sanjiao meridians. The twelve meridians connect the healthy qi of the five viscera and six Fu organs in the human body, such as heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, gallbladder, bladder and Sanjiao. According to the changes of twelve hours, the twelve meridians naturally move around the sky. In fact, the twelve meridians are connected in every normal human body. It's intricate and very difficult to draw. However, Xu zhe has been drawing for more than ten thousand times since he was a child, and he has already been familiar with it. In a few minutes, a picture of human meridians appeared on the paper. Xu zhe said, "you all go back and draw it a hundred times. Next week you will check it for me. Make sure it's accurate, or you'll all fail."“ Isn't it true that Mr. Xu should be so strict? "“ Remember, being a doctor is not just about treating a patient, it's about maintaining a family. The slightest mistake can break up a family. " Xu zhe light said. Xu zhe has heard this sentence thousands of times. Whenever Xu zhe made a wrong diagnosis, his grandfather would talk about the responsibility of a doctor“ Well said, headmaster Zhang is not wrong. With these words alone, I believe you will become a famous doctor of the generation. " Director Liu didn't know when he came into the classroom. He only felt that Xu Zhe's words expressed the responsibility that a doctor should shoulder. It was as if something was coming out of him. At the beginning, he saw that Xu zhe was too young. Due to Zhang Wenyuan's face, he didn't say anything. Later, he was still not at ease, so he quietly followed Xu Zhe to see if he had real talent and learning. If not, he would not recommend patting the table with Zhang Wenyuan.