"Pa" flowerpots fall from the sky again, but this time they don't go for Xu Zhe, but fall in front of Lin Chun“ Lin Chunchun! Do you want to eat or not. Shut your mouth. Marry yourself. " Lin Xiaoxiao was short of breath. His face was full of anger“ Lin Xiaoxiao, do you want to murder your brother. You're 27 or 78 years old. You don't even have a boyfriend. Haven't you heard the saying that women are thirty bean curd dregs? I'm doing it for you. "“ Go away Cold voice interrupted Lin spring's words. Lin Chunchun is also very helpless for this sister. From morning till night, he was so resistant that he worried about her for the rest of her life. He is also worried about himself. If you want to have an ice cube at home, how can you live. In a silent night, Xu zhe got up early and ran around the ginkgo trees in the village. He practiced it with Bian que. When he came back, he saw Lin Chunchun sitting on the table and enjoying himself“ Younger martial brother, you haven't changed at all. You still get up so early to practice. " Lin Chun Chun said“ It's not that the old man has to force him to practice martial arts, but I've been used to it for more than 20 years. Once I don't practice, I feel uncomfortable. " Xu zhe said with a smile. He couldn't help smiling when he thought of his childhood when he was practicing in the morning and in the dark“ You've been practicing for so long. You've got a sense of breath. " Lin Chun asked curiously“ Good luck, good luck. " Xu zhe said modestly. But from his proud look, he didn't look modest at all. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the Qi of human body includes liver qi, lung qi, kidney qi, spleen qi, Wei Qi, etc. Qi is the foundation of life. The ancients said, "when Qi gathers, it will grow, and when Qi disperses, it will die." It is recorded in the literature "Nan Jing" that "Qi is the root of human beings, and if the root is gone, the stems and leaves will wither." that is to say, Qi is the essence of life. The so-called practice of Qi refers to bringing the aura contained in heaven and earth into one's own body and then using it flexibly. Although we can't live forever like the TV series, we can strengthen our body and prolong our life. Just like the experts in martial arts have to get through the Ren and Du Meridians, Qi sense is like the Ren and Du Meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, which is the key to judge whether a traditional Chinese medicine can become a famous doctor. A traditional Chinese medicine master the sense of Qi, can look at its Qi and diagnose its disease, at the same time, in the process of acupuncture, the acupuncturist can use Qi to mobilize the patient's body function and regulate the human immune system. So as to achieve, from the inside to the outside, save its fundamental purpose. In ancient times, there was the saying of "golden needle crossing acupoints", which said that doctors use their own Qi to cross the patient's acupoints. Stimulate the greatest effect of acupuncture. Famous doctors, Bian que, Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, Wang Yiwei, etc. They are all people who have mastered the sense of Qi“ fierce! I'm afraid those who can carry needles with Qi can count them with one hand. Younger martial brother, when he was so young, he realized that there is no limit to his future. " Lin Chun Chun gives a thumbs up and says admiringly. Lin Chunchun, who was also born as a traditional Chinese medicine, knows well the hardships of practicing Qi sense. He needs special qigong practice, day after day practice and chance to learn it. Nowadays, with the decline of traditional Chinese medicine, many health preserving methods have been lost, and few people can master the sense of Qi. Almost all of them are big hands in their 80s and 90s. Most people are poor all their lives and can't touch the gate of Qi, let alone young people like Xu zhe who master Qi at a young age. He not only envies Xu Zhe, but also has some sincere admiration.