At night, Fade Chen went into a bedroom alone, closed the door and window, and checked again with his soul to make sure there was no accident.

Then he asked with his soul: "Master Tianming, what happened to Sun Moon City?"

Tianming let out a long sigh, and Yoyo spoke.

"Actually, the residents of Sun Moon City are related to you and me."

"You should have guessed those buildings and the language everyone speaks."

"The ancestors of the residents of Sun Moon City came from the earth. To be more precise, their ancestors were the Chinese people on the earth."

"Ah, this!"

Although Chen Fei had vaguely guessed it, he was still surprised when he heard Master Tianming confirmed it.

"Hey, what's going on here?

Why did people on Earth appear in the Diyuan Realm thousands of years ago, this—" Tian Ming said, "Didn't I tell you before?

Every big house in the earth element world is connected with some small human spirit worlds.

And the Daming Mansion back then was related to the earth, the human spirit world. "

"In the Daming Mansion back then, a group of people immigrated from the earth.

Later, after I became the palace lord, a group of Chinese people migrated from the earth, especially from China. "

"These people grew up steadily in Daming Mansion, gradually multiplied, and eventually became a national force that cannot be ignored in Daming Mansion."

"In addition, I did intend to take care of the earth back then, especially the people from China, so the people on Earth, especially the Chinese people among them, have done well in Daming Mansion, and their status is not low."

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help asking: "There were so many earthlings in Daming Mansion back then.

Could it be that the Martial Dao world on Earth thousands of years ago was so powerful? "

In Chen Fei's view, it is a very difficult process for any people in a small world like the human spirit world to break through the restrictions and come to a higher level of the earth element world.

Just like Chen Fei himself, he practiced on the earth to the peak of martial arts, became a god-level master, and was lucky enough to get the World Tree Yuan Seal, so he had the opportunity to come to the Diyuan Realm.

Master Tianming understood Fade Chen's doubts, and explained: "The martial arts on Earth back then were indeed more powerful than they are now.

But the main reason is not because of martial arts cultivation.

But the connection between Daming Mansion and the earth was not as difficult as it is now. "

"Even earlier, the connection between the entire earth element world and the human spirit world was very smooth, and the exchange of personnel at that time was not as difficult as it is today.

It’s just later——ah—” Speaking of this, Lord Tianming sighed, and did not continue to explain this question, but continued to talk about the topic just now.

"In short, in the Daming Mansion thousands of years ago, there were many people on earth, and their status was not low."

"Only later, in that battle, I was defeated.

My companions were killed, and I myself was dismembered and suppressed.

The entire Daming Mansion was also carved up by them. "

"With the disappearance of the Daming Mansion, the residents there are naturally not much better.

A large number of people were absorbed by other provinces, and the earthlings who came from the same place as me became the targets of suppression. "

"Earthlings in the entire Daming Mansion have been suppressed.

Among them, the Chinese who are the most valued have become their thorn in the flesh, oppressing, mutilating and even directly killing them by various means. "

"Ah, this—" Fade Chen was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

He didn't expect that the Chinese people would suffer such hardships in the Daming Mansion in the remote Diyuan Realm.

Tianming sighed, and said leisurely: "Actually, before I did it back then, I had envisioned the consequences of my failure.

I thought that after I lost, the earthlings in Daming Mansion, especially the Chinese, would definitely have a hard time. "

"So, before the war started that year, I asked someone to take a group of Chinese people to leave quietly and settle in a place called 'Mingguang Valley'."

"Mingguang Valley!"

Fade Chen moved his eyes, thinking that City Lord Zhu had said before that the residents of Sun Moon City seemed to have first immigrated from Mingguang Valley.

Tianming continued: "I lost, I was suppressed.

In this way, until the turmoil in the palace of Daxia Mansion, my right arm escaped and hid in that ancient tomb. "

Fade Chen had an impression, nodded and said: "It was the time when Xia Minglei, the prince of Daxia Mansion, rushed into the palace of Daxia Mansion to take revenge."

Tianming nodded and said, "Exactly."

"I have to say, that kid Xia Minglei is indeed a genius.

Single-handedly, he actually killed the palace of Daxia Mansion.

It's just that he was still too young at that time, and he didn't settle down enough.

Therefore, in the end, he fell into a disadvantage and was almost caught and killed. "

"At that time, I helped Xia Minglei and finally helped him escape.

In order to repay my kindness, Xia Minglei promised to do something for me. "

"So, I asked him to help me take care of the Chinese people in Mingguang Valley."

Hearing this, Fade Chen connected things together, "So, then there was what City Master Zhu said, that Xia Minglei helped their ancestors escape from Mingguang Valley to Sun Moon City, and settled down here.

Then it thrived until now. "

"It should be like this!"

Tianming's tone was a little emotional, "I never thought that the Chinese people would be reduced to this."

"So, Xiao Chen, I want to ask you something!"

Tianming's tone suddenly became serious.

Fade Chen said: "Master Tianming, what's the matter, tell me!"

Master Tianming said: "I would like to ask you to help these Chinese people in Sun Moon City, after all, they are also our fellow clansmen, and—" Before Tianming finished speaking, Fade Chen said: "Master Tianming, how much do you think? gone."

"I will do this without you asking."

"We are all Earthlings, and we are also Chinese. I can't bear to see their current situation."

"Don't worry, I'll do my best."

Tianming was silent for a while, then spoke out, calling out several good words in succession.

Obviously, he was very happy about it.

The next day, Fade Chen asked City Master Zhu to learn about the situation of Sun Moon City in detail, and went to the street to take a closer look.

Perhaps it was the influence of Master Tianming's talk yesterday, seeing these people again today, Fade Chen felt an inexplicable sense of closeness in his heart.

However, after learning about the situation, Fade Chen couldn't be happy all of a sudden.

Because, the situation in Sun Moon City was more difficult than he expected.

In the entire city, there are only over 300,000 residents, which is completely insignificant in the huge Diyuan Realm.

Moreover, due to the harsh environment and lack of resources, the living conditions of the residents of Sun Moon City are also very difficult, which are much worse than those of the city residents that Fade Chen saw along the way.

In addition to ordinary life, the most important journey of cultivation, the situation of Sun Moon City is also difficult to describe in words.

There are more than 300,000 residents in the city, and only about 20,000 people are able to practice cultivation.

And among the 20,000 people, most of them are within the fifth level of the Yuan Body Realm.

There are only more than 2,000 people who can reach the seventh or eighth level of Yuan Body Realm.

Among them, the number of people who can go one step further and break through to the primordial soul realm is even rarer, only about two hundred in total.