Long Chao snorted coldly and continued to narrate.

"After being selected, our first batch, a total of 100 people, was taken to an unknown base.

After a series of inspections, the next step is half a year of training and training.

We are not only required to practice prescribed martial arts and martial arts, but also regularly take various drugs by injection. "

"In the beginning, we also asked what these medicines are, but they only told us that they are medicines to enhance our physique and improve our cultivation. Let us take it with confidence, and there will be no problem."

"However, after half a year, I gradually found that there were fewer and fewer people around me, and people kept disappearing.

However, others are constantly being added. "

"At that time, I thought they had failed the assessment and were eliminated.

However, it wasn't until the ninth month that my own body began to show abnormalities, and when the skin showed lizard-like scales, I realized that this was definitely not a simple training of a special operations team, but something kind of experiment. "

"I thought about refusing, I thought about running away.

But I know that the result of doing so is only a dead end.

I have no other choice, so I can only continue to experiment, constantly improve myself, and try my best to survive the experiment. "

"Eventually, a year passed.

I and eight others, a total of nine survived. "

"That's when President Long Changyu Long personally appeared and told us that we had been selected to become his exclusive special operations team and only obey his orders."

"Then for a year, we were sent to various armies to carry out orders and hone our combat skills.

Likewise, return to the lab periodically to continue the experiment. "

"In this way, after another year, our strength has improved rapidly, and we have all reached the seventh level, becoming top experts.

However, our bodies have also become what they are now through constant experiments. "

Having said this, Long Chao's eyes were scarlet, and he took off a scale on his body with his hands.

Several other people also fought at the same time, some tore off their own feathers, and some broke off a tail.

All of a sudden, over the entire valley, blood was splattered, and stern laughter rang out again and again.

At this time, Long Changyu said in a deep voice: "Long Chao, no matter what, because of my training, you have the strength you have today.

Otherwise, with your talents, it is absolutely impossible to get to this point, or even live to this point. "

"In a way, you should thank me!"

"Thank u!"

Long Chao sneered for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Haha, the words are nice.

However, is it voluntary for us to become the half-human, half-beast ghost?

And those other people who died for various reasons in the experiment, do you have a word of apology? "

"I—" Long Changyu choked up for a moment, speechless.

Zheng Yu spoke out at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Long Chao, I can understand your pain.

But please also understand President Long. "

"At that time, the world was changing greatly, there were many martial arts halls, and martial arts rose rapidly all over the world.

Our Huaxia, without the help of Wu Dian, is not as strong as before, and the situation is critical.

President Long secretly trained you in order to improve your combat effectiveness as soon as possible, to defend China, and to protect all the people of China. "

"Your sacrifice, we will remember."

After hearing Zheng Yu's words, Long Chao burst out laughing.

"Hahaha——" "Principal Zheng, you really don't know, or you're just pretending to be stupid!"

"Long Chao, what do you mean by that?"

Zheng Yu frowned.

Not only Zheng Yu, but also Mu Yunxi, Li Zhentian and Cang Xu all looked puzzled at this moment.

Long Chao looked at several people and said, "What do you mean?

It seems that you don't seem to know, so let me tell you. "

As he spoke, Long Chao suddenly pointed at Long Changyu, his voice sank, and he complained sharply.

"According to you, Long Changyu experimented on us for the sake of the country and the people.

That's what we were told at first, and we believed it. "

"However, it wasn't until half a year ago, when I had the authorization and checked it secretly, that I realized that this was not the case at all."

"He Long Changyu, under the banner of serving the country and the people.

In fact, it is for selfish desires. "

"do you know?

Where did Dr. Thomas, who was developing genetic warriors in the United States, go after he disappeared? "

Hearing this, Zheng Yu and the others were shocked, "You mean, President Long—" Long Chao continued, "Hehe, that's exactly the case.

Thomas was privately recruited by Long Changyu himself to conduct research on genetic warriors for him. "

"It's just that Thomas didn't make much progress in the initial research, and the genetic warrior he developed was not much different from the one originally developed in the United States.

The physical strength is good, but it also has great limitations. The most important thing is that the lifespan will be greatly limited. "

"Just when the bottleneck was encountered, Long Changyu suddenly provided Dr. Thomas with another research idea.

That is to study the use of beast genes to breed genetic warriors. "

"After all, the world has changed drastically, fierce beasts have appeared, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds. They have rough skin and thick flesh, and tenacious vitality, which is very impressive."

"After having an idea, Thomas began to study intensively.

In the beginning, they only used ferocious beasts for experiments, and then began to transfer the genes of ferocious beasts to humans to create the latest generation of human-beast hybrid genetic warriors. "

"And we, under such circumstances, have developed the latest type of genetic warrior."

Hearing this, almost everyone at the scene was shocked, and there were a lot of exclamations and discussions.

Even Fade Chen was a little shocked at the moment.

Although he vaguely guessed something, he still didn't expect that Long Changyu would secretly make such a huge plan.

For a moment, almost all eyes were on Long Changyu.

Even Zheng Yu and the other vice presidents looked over with surprise on their faces.

"President Long, this matter—" Long Changyu looked at several people, and said in a deep voice: "This matter is of great importance, once the secret is leaked, it will cause huge waves.

So, I kept it from you and didn't reveal it. "

"Perhaps what I did, in the eyes of ordinary people, is very cruel and perverted.

But I am thinking of all Chinese people. "

"President Long, we—" For a while, Zheng Yu and the others didn't know what to say.

But at this moment, Long Chao laughed, "Hahaha! Long Changyu, it's already this time, do you still want to play your hypocritical tricks?"

"What do you mean for the country and the people, do you really think that I don't know your real purpose?"