Blake's pov

As I summoned all the pack warriors and briefed them about the details. Allen's brother came storming, into the hall. ' I will be joining too' he said without hesitation.

' No, you will not, I cannot guarantee your safety' I spoke.

' it doesn't matter, I want my sister to be safe, I have already informed dad that we went on a vacation, and if you stop me from saving my sister, do try' he said changing his posture to that of a fighting stance.

I knew he wasn't the one to back down, not after he came to all the dates with me and Allen.

' fine but not to the battlefield, you are not trained to kill people' I said and I could feel him hesitate a little, humans who were born with spilling blood and they could never fathom killing another person.

We were all born on battlefields, and so we were trained to overcome it.

' Alpha we have found a route that leads to the red moon pack' Rock informed.

' where' I asked

' the tunnels, they lead us directly to the red moon pack, the one where we were informed that the children were being transported'

' good, if we know the route then we don't need to travel through the white mountains'

' yes Alpha'

' have you found a person who knows the route'

' yes Alpha, he is one of the ancestors of Blood moon pack who fled from the kingdom, he says there are witches who use magic'

' magic' I responded back and all the other members started whispering. Of course many have heard tales about magic but none knew of its existence. To have witches, was that why they isolated themselves? Then why would they have the need to kidnap people? Were they performing dark magic?

So many questions were going through my mind but my top priority was to save Allen.

' Witches or not we shall kill them all if they have hurt our future Luna' I commanded and everyone bowed their heads.

I bid farewell to my mom and dad in the hopes of returning with my beautiful mate, after their blessings I commanded the troop to the tunnels.

The old man who stood before us took us through the long dark tunnels, to know that there were such diverse paths, even one wrong move would have left us clueless, here, forever.

But I wondered why he fled from the kingdom.

' Why did you leave the kingdom, have you committed a crime' I asked

' NO, NEVER, HOW WOULD I DARE TOOO' he shuddered in fear, and that's when he started explaining the kingdom's situation. About the witches, their powers, the sisters and how the younger one welcomed doomsday by killing her own, and how the other sister's daughter and her husband went missing, about the knights who were wolves.

To sum it all up it was complicated and there was a lot of bloodthirst. After an hour of walking, we reached the end of the caves and found ourselves in a cold palace.

' All the other entrances were blocked after people started to escape'. I thanked him and placed a few warriors near the entrance, so they could guard the old man who knew the route.

' stay here with them' I told Kevin who tried retorting but Rock convinced him to do so in case any emergency arises.

All the walls were made of ice, and the interiors were beautifully carved, although the freezing temperature wasn't bothering us we weren't still used to the powerful glow of ice that blinded our eyes.

As we went through the corridors, there weren't any guards, not even a soul, why would anyone leave their palace empty? Where were they?


All dear readers❤️❤️, thank you for cheering and liking this novel, although i sometimes miss to reply to your comments, please do know that all your comments ???????? is the driving support for me to continue writing this. It was at those moments when i wanted to stop writing do I see your enthusiastic and cheerful comments which makes me keep going...I would like to thank all the readers for supporting this novel????????...

Be safe and healthy