Alexa couldn't believe that the person in front of her is the same childhood friend that left for America when she was only seven years old. She was devastated when Ramon said his goodbye; the only comforting words were, we will meet again I promise! That was his parting words, and she kept that in her heart all these years.

Once all the excitement was over, she remembers their happy and sad time, and she couldn't help herself and tears started building in her eyes. Alexa pushed Ramon a little so she can be face to face with him. She looks him straight in his eye, she then started punching his chest with tears flowing on her beautiful face.

"Where have you been? *Pow, pow, pow.* You're so mean you know that? I waited for your letters all these years, and none came. What happened?" Alexa bombarded him with the question while tears running down her face and some snot coming out of her nose.

"Hahaha! Slow down, gosh, what's with this..." Ramon pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket, and instead of handing it to her, he wipes her tears first then the snot that was slowly dripping from her nose.

"You haven't changed at all you know that! I still have to wipe your snots just like when we were still a kid. You might taller now and looks like a girl, but you're still the same. Hahaha!" Ramon was so happy that she accepted her back just like he never left at all.

Alexa remembers she's supposed to be on the way home, and her cousin was calling her. She looks around and checks if she had missed the bus. It seems not, 'that's good' she thought.

"How do you know it's me and how did you find me?" She asked Ramon curiously.

"Oh! About that, well... that's a long story, and I don't think this is the right place for us to discuss it. Are you on your way home? I have a car; you want a ride?" Ramon was looking at her with pleading eyes.

Alexa's eye widens shining brightly with his offer of a ride in a car. "Wow! You're a big shot now; you even have a car. That's good, that's great. Hope you're sticking around for a while so I can ask a favor of you. hahaha!" Alexa laughs out loud.

Ramon just gave her a half smiles then ushered her to the direction of the car across the street.

Ramon opened the door for Alexa like a boyfriend more than a guy friend. Once she hops in and seated, he helped her with her seatbelt very gently. His palm was sweating from nervousness.

However, Alexa was different it doesn't seem to bother her to be near a man at all. She happily smiled at him "Thank you! My best friend."

"Your welcome! Anytime, it's my pleasure." Ramon replied shyly and hurriedly finished with the seatbelt, closed the door and when to the driver side.

"Here we go!" He steps on the gas, shifted the gear then drove off to the direction of Alexa's home.

The eerie sound of silence was deafening to Alexas ear. She needed to break the silence, it's becoming awkward, and they still have about 30 minutes drive before they arrive at her home.

"Ramon, can I ask you a question?" Alexa started with a question.

"Sure, what is it?"

"After so many years of silence, why did you suddenly look me up?"

"As I said, it's a long story, and it wasn't a right place and time to speak about it. But if you must know, I look you up because I need your help." He said it in a low voice almost a whisper.

Alexa looks at Ramon with a question clearly showing in her eyes. "Tell me! If I can be of help, I would do my best." She gives him the sweetest smile.

Ramon's heart was beating so fast that his foot pushed the gas pedal a little more and the car speeds a little faster than the speed limit.

"You see, I'm Engaged... and that's where you come in."

Alexa; "^-^"