Prince Alexander had given up on using an actress to fool the King and Queen. After meeting the feisty Miss Alexa Grant, he decided that she's the one he wants to introduce to his parent as his girlfriend. He needed to find a way to get her back, whatever it takes before going back home.

"Do whatever it takes to find something I can use to entice her in agreeing to become my girlfriend. If you can't, don't bother coming back. You hear me!" He snarled at his assistant.

'Why do I always get the end of the sticks, and he always threatening me with the same thing over and over again? I wonder what he would do if I do what he said and don't come back. Hahaha!' The assistant was thinking to himself.

Prince Alexander stands by the window sill looking at the beautiful scenery outside, while in deep thought. He's only 25 years old, but he's being forced to produce an heir already.

The worst of it all, the one they want him to marry is that bitch Lady Antella. Well, she's not precisely a bitch, the only problem was they are more like a brother than a lover.

How many times they had competed with each other. From young, they had been a friend, and she always likes to fight with him from toys to girls. 'That's right; Lady Antella also likes girls. '

Prince Alexander was still in deep thought when he glances back towards the beach, and his eyes bulge up from what he saw. Miss Alexa Grant walking side by side with the foreigner.

From what he can see from his side, she's busy explaining something from the way her hands keep on gesturing. 'Oh! That smiles, so beautiful...Look over here... Smile at me instead why don't you.' He thought still looking straight at Alexa.

It's like ESP, Alexa looks up, and she saw him from down below. She looks straight at him then gestures with her middle finger secretly then gave him a wicked smile, continued afterward as if nothing happened.

Prince Alexander was shocked by how bold Alexa was. He had never thought she would have guts to gestured unladylike. Well, what does he expected, if she can beat the crap out of him, he guessed she could do that as well. It only made him more interested in her.

Prince Alexander hurried up and walked out of his room and went toward the beachfront where he saw them last.

When he arrives, there's no sign of them any longer. 'Where did they go? They were here a couple of minutes ago?' He looks at the south side of the beach, no one there. He turned around and looked at the Northside, and still no one.

Prince Alexander was now getting prostrated at this point. He needed to find her soon; he doesn't have much time left. It's time to go back to his country soon, and he has no one to bring with him when he does.

He was about to give up and go back to his room and wait for his assistant to report his findings when someone spoke from behind him.

"Excuse me! Where are you looking for me by any chance?"

Prince Alexander turned around, eyes shone brightly, his whole face lit up and his mouth curved into a smile from seeing the person in front of him. The feisty Miss Alexa Grant, with a hardened expression on her beautiful face.

"What If I am, do I need your permission to do so?" He banters back to Alexa. Which was a wrong move for him, that only made Alexa more irritated and hate him to the core of her being?

"Your right! You don't need my permission to look for me, but you would need my permission to speak with me. Therefore, "

She pointed her middle finger once again right in front of his face. "Asshole!" Alexa turned around and left afterward without saying another word.

She was so quick that left Prince Alexander was speechless and lost his sense for a moment. When he realizes that she's leaving again, he hurried up and runs after her.

Once he reached Alexa, he grabs hold of her shoulder to stop her from going. Another mistake on his part again.

Alexa's reflex was fast and accurate. As soon as Prince Alexander hand landed, she grabs it and flips him to the ground. *Whoops* *Bang!*

Prince Alexander landed on his back flat on the ground.

Alexa's right foot was on top of his chest, staring at him with a look that could kill. "You better stay away from me, 'YOU PERVERT.' It's your last warning, no more next time."

After saying those words, Alexa walked away and left for home. That was the last time they encounter each other.

Prince Alexander had no choice but to go back home empty-handed, head full of the thought of the feisty Miss Alexa Grant.

'We would soon meet again, I will make sure of that!' At least that's what he thought anyway.