Ye Qingxin and Jing Boyuan with three little guys appear in the old house of Jing family, causing a lot of commotion.

Triplets are rare. After opening their eyes, the three kids inherit the high looks of their parents. All of them are pretty young boys. When they appear, they suck a lot of powder, from 80 to 5 years old.

"My brother is so cute." A five-year-old girl, a relative of Jing's family, saw that the three kids were not very fond of her. She grabbed her mother's hand and said, "Mom, can I ask my beautiful sister for a little brother to go home? Niu Niu likes it very much. "

The innocent children's words make people around laugh.

Ye Qingxin embraces Mu Mu, and every year he Chao is held by Aunt Li and aunt sun. As soon as Jing Boyuan comes, he is called away by master Jing.

"No, my little brother wants to be with my mother, or she will cry. Niuniu always followed her mother when she was a child, right? We can't let my brother leave my mother. " The little girl's mother coaxed her in a soft voice.

As soon as the little girl heard that she couldn't take her brother home, she turned her little mouth, and her big eyes immediately burst into tears. She looked straight at dusk, "but Niuniu really likes her little brother..." and then she pitifully looked at Ye Qingxin, with a gesture of "1" in her right hand, and said, "beautiful sister, Niuniu wants one, you have three, Will you give Niuniu a brother

The little girl's mother stood beside, crying and laughing.

"I'm sorry, Niuniu is not sensible." She felt helpless and apologized to Ye Qingxin.

"It's OK. Niuniu is lovely and likable." Ye Qingxin hugs Mu Mu and squats down to look at the little girl. "My younger brother is still young. I want to drink milk when I'm hungry. Does Niuniu have milk for my younger brother?"

The little girl nodded, "yes, my mother will drink milk powder for Niuniu every night, but Niuniu won't drink it, leaving it to my brother."

"Do you change your brother's diaper when he pees his pants? Can you do the laundry? Take my younger brother home. Niuniu has to help him wash clothes every day. Niuniu can't take care of his younger brother when she goes to school. What can he do? "

Obviously, the five-year-old girl didn't think about so many problems. Her face was muddled, and the tears hanging in the corner of her eyes all forgot to fall down. With her pink mouth open, ye Qingxin felt soft, and suddenly burst out the idea of giving birth to a daughter for jingboyuan.

"That, that little brother or with the elder sister together, Niuniu to go to school, go to school can't take care of the younger brother, the younger brother will be sad." The little girl blinked her long eyelashes. "Can I touch my little brother's face?"

Ye Qingxin smiles kindly, freeing his hand to touch the little girl's soft hair, "of course."

The little girl carefully touched Dusk's cheek, a pair of eyes suddenly opened big, big eyes bright, happy to say: "good soft good comfortable, like mother bought cotton candy."

"All right, all right. If you touch too much, you will feel uncomfortable." The little girl's mother took back the little girl's hand and flicked her forehead with a smile.

"Heart." Ji Yi calls Ye Qingxin, "come here for a while."

Ye Qingxin is sorry to smile at the little girl's mother, "I'll go there for a while, you can do whatever you want."

The smile is appropriate, the tone is generous, has the posture of the scenery hostess.

"You are busy." The little girl's mother responded with a smile.

Next to him, Niannian and Chaochao are surrounded by a lot of grandmothers and aunts. Ye Qingxin takes a look at him and turns to walk away with him.

When they came, they had already told the following servants not to let the children out of their sight for a moment, and there were bodyguards hiding in the dark, so they didn't have to worry about who would take the baby away.

Jing Boyuan sees that ye Qingxin is called away by Ji Yi, and then talks with others. From time to time, his eyes fall to the child, and one of the three people pays attention to the child.

Ji Yi pulls Ye Qingxin into a guest room and says in a helpless tone: "I guess you've heard about this period of time. For the sake of the Cheng family's little jade, although you are eight or nine years younger than her, you've experienced more than her. For her, you're a passer-by. She doesn't want to come out of the room. Go and help her."

This is a dead end.

Ye Qingxin knows that all the people who can persuade Jing one after another have already done so. Otherwise, he will not find himself, who is smaller than Jing one after another, to persuade her.

Ji Yi's face is helpless.

"I'll try. Don't worry too much, auntie." Ye Qingxin holds dusk in one hand and covers the back of Ji Yi's hand in the other.

Ji Yi holds Ye Qingxin's hand in her backhand, "good boy, please."

When she comes out of her room, ye Qingxin walks up the stairs with dusk in her arms and finds the rooms with lots of scenes. On the way, she meets many relatives and greets her, and she responds appropriately and calmly.

Knock on the door, no one answers.

Ye Qingxin thinks about it. He is about to open the door directly. The room next to him opens the door. It's Jing suoso. Jing suoso is still in his pajamas. He has a disheveled long hair and half squints his eyes. "Xin Xin, do you want to see elder sister?"

Ye Qingxin frowned invisibly, "Why are you still sleeping? After a while, sister Xi will come. "

"Oh." Jingsuoso stretches lazily and says, "I'll get up right now." Then she turned to enter the door. When she closed the door, she put out her head again. "Are you the one my mother came to comfort my sister?"

Ye Qingxin did not deny it.

Jing suoso said to himself, "I hope you can succeed. If she doesn't get better soon, how can I have a showdown with elder brother Cheng?"

Jing one after another like this, although she thinks she likes Cheng Ruyu is not wrong, but, after all, the heart is uneasy.

Jing suoso closes the door, takes off her clothes and goes to the bathroom. Since childhood, she and Jing have not been in harmony. They always fight for small things, sometimes even fight.

Even so, she still can't pursue the happiness she wants when the scenery is so decadent and sad.

She thinks, at least, wait for the scenery to put down Cheng Ruyu one after another, and then pursue.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror in the bathroom, Jing suoso looks at her thin and dry figure in the mirror, and then remembers what song Xianyu said on the day of the three little guys' full moon banquet that Cheng Ruyu might have someone she likes.

Jing suoso is worried in his heart. Will he wait for Jing to step out of his cage one after another, and Cheng Ruyu already has the master of the famous grass?

Should she tell Cheng Ruyu right now that she likes him?

But what about Jing? If Jing one after another knows that Jing suoso goes to tell Cheng Ruyu when she is most miserable, isn't this spreading salt on her wound?

Jing Suo slowly squatted down naked, his face buried in his arms, and his heart gushed with a deep sense of powerlessness.

Tears quietly slide down the white arm, hidden in the place where the arm meets the knee.

Before she argued with Jing, she was entitled to like Cheng Ruyu's stubbornness. When she saw her sister's desperate face, it disappeared.

Since ancient times, it has been an unsolved problem for sisters to fall in love with a man at the same time.

The next room.

Ye Qingxin knocks a few more times after jingsuoso closes the door, but there is no response. She tries to turn the doorknob. There is a slight sound of metal friction, and the door opens.

Jing's rooms are much more mature than Jing Suo's pink girl style. They are simple and generous without those lovely plush toys.

Jing one after another is wearing a long T-shirt and sitting on the bay window with her knees folded. Ye Qingxin hasn't seen her for a long time. She looks much thinner than the last time she met. Her clavicle is high and her chin is more and more thin.

She is like a lifeless puppet. She looks out of the window without moving. The bright light reflects in and makes her white skin almost transparent. The outline of her cheek is slightly concave inward.

"Sister one after another." Ye Qingxin shouts, but Jing has no response, as if he has lost his hearing.

Ye Qingxin walks over with Mu Mu in her arms and sits down on the sofa beside the bay window.

She holds the small buttocks and back neck of dusk, let him lie on his shoulder.

Dusk two small fists and chin together on the shoulder of Ye Qingxin, tilted his small head, opened his big round eyes to see the scenery.

"Before jingboyuan, I had a boyfriend." Ye Qingxin doesn't know how to persuade a woman who is in an emotional dilemma. She can only tell her own experience, hoping that Jing can get some inspiration from it. "He has a very warm name, wenzeyan."

"I used to have a bad family. My elder sister should know that my younger brother was often bullied by others because of his intelligence problems. Anyone of the same age, older than him, or even younger than him, could bully him. I often fought with the boys who bullied him. Once, there were too many of them, but I couldn't beat them. They smashed my head with bricks."

"I thought I would die. Just when my eyes were red with blood, Wen Zeyan appeared. I watched him drive away the group of people who bullied our sister and brother, and watched him rush to take me to the hospital. At that moment, his eyebrows and eyes were deeply imprinted in my heart. Even today, looking back on that day, he is still like a hero."

Speaking of these, ye Qingxin's eyebrows and eyes became soft and touched.

It has nothing to do with love. It's just a remembrance of the past.

"Later, naturally, we were together. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. His father got into a lawsuit. In order to save his father, he married Qianjin, the county magistrate at that time."

The scenery moved her eyes and looked over.

Ye Qingxin looked back at her with a smile and calm eyes. "The day he said goodbye to me, I had a kind of" boom "sound. I looked at him for a long time, and I saw in his eyes that I had to give up. I knew that he was kind and filial, and I could never watch his father go to prison."

Ye Qingxin was young at that time, maybe she didn't understand what love was, maybe she didn't love wenzeyan, but wenzeyan at that time was the only ray of sunshine in her gray life, which was no less than the collapse of the world.

"I can't help him. The only thing I can do for him is not to increase his psychological pressure. I said to him in the calmest voice in my life: I wish you happiness. Then turn around and don't look back. "

Ye Qingxin still smiles and looks calm, as if he is just stating a fact.

"Do you love him?" All of a sudden, Jing began to speak, and his voice was very hoarse.

"At that time, he was my spiritual support." It's important. It's important.

"Then you're not sad at all?" Jing asked one after another.

"Sad, of course." Ye Qingxin patted Dusk's little buttock gently and lowered his eyes to smile. "After breaking up with him, I couldn't see the hope of life for a long time. Many mornings I woke up with hot eyes and wet pillows."

"But these, only I know, people around me don't know, he doesn't know, because I understand, people around me know, they are sad for me, will worry, if he knows, will increase his psychological burden, I sincerely hope he can live well, why let him not happy for me."

The scenes withdraw their eyes one after another and sleep down their eyelashes. The tip of the eyelashes is reflected into transparent gold by the light outside the window.

"I always thought that I would never meet a man who was as good to me as Wen Zeyan, until I met Boyuan."

"Boyuan's kindness to me is like his father and the sea. He protects me, cherishes me and tolerates me. At many moments, he makes me feel excited. It's a feeling I haven't experienced with Wen Zeyan."

"Later, I gradually understand that I love Boyuan, once Wen Zeyan, just like and rely on him. He appeared when I was in the most difficult time, which was my spiritual dependence."

"Sometimes when I lie in Boyuan's arms, I feel a sense of fear. If I didn't break up with wenzeyan at the beginning, but fell in love with him smoothly to get married and have children, there would be no marriage between Boyuan and me later. At the same time, I'm very glad that I broke up with wenzeyan at that time."

Jing is not stupid. Ye Qingxin understands what these words mean.

Ye Qingxin tells her that Cheng Ruyu is not her true love. If she misses Cheng Ruyu, maybe the next man she meets is worth her love.

"Everyone's situation is different. You can't apply your own experience to others." Jing's legs were a little tight, and his chin was buried in his arms.

Dusk seems to be hungry, small hand pull leaf love collar, small mouth to make sucking action.

Ye Qingxin turns her back to Jing one after another and unties the buttons of her shirt and skirt. After dusk drinks the milk, she turns back to Jing one after another.

"As far as I know, doctor Cheng has always made it clear that he doesn't like you. A man who doesn't like you, even if you torture yourself for him, do you think he will love you?"

The scene's eyes were a little dimmer.

"There are also families who love you and care about you, and let them worry about you and feel sorry for you. Don't you feel guilty at all?" Ye Qingxin looks at Jing one after another, "these words may have been spoken to you by others, but you must not have heard them. Just a little bit, you must be clearly aware of..."

"Doctor Cheng, he doesn't love you. If you break up with a man who loves you and loves you, I can understand that you are so depressed. I believe they can understand that. However, you torture yourself and your family for a man who doesn't love you and doesn't love you at all. I really can't understand why you do this."


The scenes turned their heads and looked out of the window.

The sky is blue and the clouds are white as snow.

That night, Cheng Ruyu's words sounded. He drove her to a quiet place. Her heart beat like a drum. She thought he was going to say some soft words to her. Unexpectedly, the first sentence he said was: "Jing one after another, I have a beloved girl. I don't want to hear any gossip about you and me in the future."

Gossips. He took the rumors that she liked him as gossips.

Her heart stopped at that moment. Before she could ask anything, Cheng Ruyu said, "if there is any more, I may announce my attitude to you through the media."

An unmarried girl, who is publicly disliked by a man, will have an impact and hurt on that girl. It can be imagined that Cheng Ruyu does not care about her reputation and feelings at all.

Cheng Ruyu told Jing one after another countless times before that he didn't like her, but he never said it so seriously, as if he couldn't stand being liked by her again.

Or he wants her to let him go.

"Why?" At that time, Jing stared at Cheng Ruyu for a long time, and all the questions were converted into these three words.

Cheng Ruyu smokes and doesn't answer.

"Because you have someone you like?" Unable to get an answer, Jing tried his best to ask.

Cheng Ruyu did not deny it.

"Who is she?" Jing cried and asked: "I like you for so many years, why don't you like me? Who is she? You tell me who she is? "

Cheng Ruyu still did not answer, his silence is a kind of quiet protection.

Jing's heart aches until she is sent back to the gate of Jing's old house by him. She doesn't know how. She suddenly remembers that Jing suoso has said that she likes Cheng Ruyu. She is nervous and scared and asks him, "is it suoso? Do you like soso? "

The moment she asked, she cried hysterically: "deny! Please deny! Tell me it's not! Please don't like her

Jing would rather Cheng Ruyu like a strange woman than her sister!