Chapter 698

Name:Love's Passed Author:xiao wan zi
Manna took a long breath, "yes, I'd better not have a second child."

After that, he turned his head and looked at me suspiciously, "Shen An, did you find someone to help you have a baby?"

"No, why do you ask?" I wonder.

Manna pointed to my stomach, "otherwise, why is it empty here? It seems that nothing has been loaded. I peeked at you before. You changed your clothes and didn't even have stretch marks!"

For these words, I just want to scold Ganlu as a pervert.

Who has nothing to peep at others changing clothes and observe whether they have stretch marks!

"If you control your mouth during pregnancy, you must have no stomach and stretch marks. Besides, aren't you recovering very well now?" I rolled my eyes and answered.

Speaking of this matter, Ganlu's expression immediately became sad.

Waving at me, "I'm not good, not at all. I have a lot of stretch marks."


"When you are pregnant, you ask lawyer Liu to help you look at your belly and wipe pregnancy oil every day. It can grow stretch marks?" I was surprised.

"It is because of the bastard Liu Qiankun that I have stretch marks." Manna gnashing her teeth.

It turned out that she asked Lawyer Liu to see if there were stretch marks on her stomach every day. Lawyer Liu didn't say no every time. She didn't see the exaggerated stretch marks until she unloaded the goods and her stomach was smooth.

Asked Lawyer Liu why he didn't report the information, Lawyer Liu blinked his confused big eyes and said, "I thought you were fat. Those traces were pulled out of your pants."

"I can't bear anything else. Just this, I want to strangle him with a two meter long chest!" The dew was so angry that it hit the bed.

I almost couldn't stand up with a smile. I rubbed my stomach and inhaled, "Oh, Lawyer Liu is really good. Maybe he wants you to have some defects. It won't be perfect. Everyone won't take you away."

"You can't joke about my beauty. It's better to take off one of my arms if you grow any broken stretch marks. At least I'm still a beautiful Venus." The sweet dew thought said strangely.

This woman... Really makes me unable to make complaints about it.

Just as he was talking, Lawyer Liu came back in large and small bags. In order to make manna feeding easier, he actually bought all kinds of breast pumps of various models and styles.

"I only have two milk. Can I use so much? You think I'm a cow. Return the surplus quickly. " Manna is angry and funny.

Lawyer Liu looked serious, "you can't return."

"Why can't you return it? Didn't you ask for an invoice? It hasn't been opened yet. It really can't. take Shen'an and close the door to let Shen'an go. They must be afraid. " Manna began to have bad ideas.

Lawyer Liu pointed to the small bag on one side, "if the breast pump is returned, the milk bags of these gifts have to be returned. What does the child use?"

I understand.

Asked Lawyer Liu, "you didn't buy a milk bag. It all depends on rubbing gifts?"

"Yes," Lawyer Liu nodded bluntly, "that smelly boy can just use gifts. Lulu can't buy more things and use them instead. Throw one away. My Lulu should use the best and latest!"

"Well, both of you have wonderful brain circuits. No wonder you will become a family." I admire it.

He looked at the child sleeping in the cradle and was very distressed. "It's you. How can you spread such two evils?"