Chapter 662

Name:Love's Passed Author:xiao wan zi
After Huo's father said this, Ganlu was about to run away.

You have to get up from bed, draft a baby kiss contract and force Huo's father to sign it.

As a result, Huo's father, like a child, made a face and turned away without giving manna a a chance to talk again.

After walking out, he took me alone and said, "let her be more active, so it's better quickly. I'll come back after the month and buy a gift for my future grandson-in-law."

Hearing the speech, I stared in amazement, "don't you want Xiaoxing to marry Ganlu's son?"

"Of course I don't want to," said Mr. Huo, blowing his beard. "My baby granddaughter is unworthy of anyone, but if you have to find one, it's Ganlu's son. At least I'm relieved to know the root and the bottom."

i see.

"Don't worry, manna will certainly teach a good son-in-law." I said.

Dad Huo waved to me, "I don't hold any hope. After all, manna likes to play so much, or do you watch it and start brainwashing since childhood to make him a knight of Xiaoxing, you know?"

"It's a little difficult, but I'll work hard. After all, it's for my daughter's happiness." I said.

Dad Huo nodded with satisfaction, "then I'll rest assured. OK, I'll go first. I slipped out. The head nurse is expected to call the police."

As Huo's father said.

As soon as I put him on the front foot, the head nurse of the back foot called and said in fear that Huo's father had disappeared from the sanatorium.

"I didn't disappear. I slipped out to see the doctor. I'm on my way back now. I should be able to go to the sanatorium soon." I explained.

At the same time, he was full of apologies. "I'm really sorry. I should have called earlier."

"It doesn't matter," the head nurse breathed a sigh of relief at the other end of the phone. "As long as Mr. Huo is all right, I'll wait for him at the door and let you know when I arrive."

After hanging up, I returned to the ward.

Manna has been tossing to sleep, but she is still holding a doll in her hand to draw up the contract.

I was stunned and laughed.

"Young grandma, you don't have to care too much. Lulu has this temper. In addition, she's a little emotional after giving birth. I'll advise you later." Lawyer Liu thought I was embarrassed to smile and hurried forward to explain.

I waved, "it's okay. It's actually good."

Then he whispered to Lawyer Liu what Dad Huo had just told me in private.

"True or false?"

"Really, why did I lie to you? Just now, Dad Huo specially told me that he would give a gift to his future grandson-in-law when Manna is born." I answered.

Then he blinked and felt something wrong.

The voice that asked me just now... Doesn't seem to belong to Lawyer Liu

Quickly turned his head and found the manna who had just fallen asleep. I didn't know when he had widened his eyes. He looked at me excitedly.

I was startled. "When did you wake up, startle me."

"I haven't slept well," manna rolled her eyes at me and couldn't wait to hold me. "It's not important. Let's talk about Dad Huo. Does he really say that? Said, "you recognize my son as a grandson-in-law?"

Before I could answer, Ganlu nodded with self affirmation, "it must be true. Why are you cheating Lao Liu?"

After that, he began to urge Lawyer Liu, "tomorrow, I will start preparing for a counseling class for my son. If I want to inherit Huo's family in the future, I must start from an early age."

"You're exaggerating. Besides, Huo Shao has a son. Huo should leave it to his son to inherit." Lawyer Liu said helplessly.

Manna rubbed her chin. "Yes, it's better to kill Shen An's son without knowing it?"

"Cough," I almost choked with saliva, "I'm still here. What kind of God doesn't know it?"

Manna turned to look at me, "there's no way. We can only solve it with you."

After quarreling with manna for a while, we went back to Li residence.

It was late at night and everyone was tired.

I am no exception. My two eyes have begun to fight, but I still insist on not sleeping.

After sleeping Xiaoxing and Xiaoye, I went downstairs and knocked on Aunt song's room door.

Aunt song hasn't slept yet. When she saw me coming to her, she took the initiative to ask me, "do you want to drink a cup of hot milk? I'll heat it."

"No, I just asked a few questions and went to bed." I waved my hand.

Aunt song stopped, turned and sat back on the edge of the bed, "well, ask. If I can answer, I'll tell you."

I'm too lazy to bend around.

Now the situation is too complicated for me. The simpler I ask, the more I can find out the situation.

So I came straight to the point, "aunt song, you and dad Huo know each other, right? When and why did you change your name?"

"I used to be an old friend of Huo's father. I have a good relationship. I can be regarded as half of my relatives." Aunt song sighed.

He looked up at the bright moonlight outside the window, "as for why he changed his name, it's because I was dead at the beginning. I've lived a secret life these years."

"I don't want to be known, do I?" I asked again.

Aunt song nodded, "yes, I don't want anyone to know I'm still alive, so I gave up everything and became a nanny, just full."

"In that case, why do you choose to be a nanny in Li residence? You know it will make all your efforts in vain."

Coming to Li residence means that it is easy to expose his true identity.

Aunt song won't fail to understand this.

"I thought about hiding all the time, but now I have to stand up. Shen An, I'm a coward, but there are people who want to protect. For him, I'm willing to be seen through." Aunt song whispered, but every word was firm and persistent.

I have guessed, "the person you want to protect is Su Xiangyang, right?"

Aunt song's concern for Su Xiangyang, needless to say, has overflowed.

"Yes, it's su Xiangyang." Aunt song won't talk to me anymore. "I told you the reason. I'll tell you later, but not now. I'm sorry."

I also gave up, "I understand aunt song, everyone has secrets. As long as we are together, that's enough."

"We've always been, from the moment I saw you." Aunt song squeezed out a smile.

The night wind blew the veil, and the moonlight outside the window was somewhat hazy, which also covered the feelings that were unknown in aunt song's eyes.