Chapter 643

Name:Love's Passed Author:xiao wan zi
Under my interference, the first person Lawyer Liu saw was me.

At the moment, his face was full of anxiety. When he saw me, he pressed my shoulder tightly, "young grandma, Lulu, how is she...?"

"Relax, we said as we walked." I said.

Then he took Lawyer Liu to the next building to give him enough time to digest and calm down.

When we detoured back to the door of the operating room, manna had been pushed for ten minutes, and Lawyer Liu's mood was much more stable.

He asked Ruan Tang, "what did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said it was not clear for the time being, but it was suspected that it was poisoning, so now we should hurry to have a gastric lavage. In addition, we should protect the fetus, child... The child may be very dangerous." Ruan Tang said later and began to hesitate.

I was surprised.

It was thought that the sudden popularity of manna may be related to the recent emotional excitement or eating Hesse.

But unexpectedly, it may be poisoning.

Moreover, the child is likely to lose it.

Now is the time for Lawyer Liu to make a choice.

I turned to see him. Before I could speak, Lawyer Liu roared, "it's time. Of course Lulu is important. If Lulu doesn't exist, what's the use of my children? I want to protect adults!"

Just as he was talking, a nurse came out of the operating room.

Lawyer Liu rushed up immediately and asked, "nurse, we want to protect adults. Please let my wife live no matter what method you use."

The nurse wore a mask, but she could still see her surprise and doubt in her eyes.

"It's not dystocia. There's nothing to protect the big and the small." Said the nurse.

Lawyer Liu was still worried, "but didn't the doctor say that my wife was poisoned and the children were dangerous?"

"That's right, because the toxin is spread through the blood, and the baby in the stomach is connected to the mother's umbilical cord, which is affected, so there will be a certain risk." The nurse answered.

These words not only confused Lawyer Liu, but also me and Ruan Tang looked at each other. I don't know what this is.

Fortunately, the nurse continued to explain.

"Now we need to sign the operation consent, dissect the child and transfer it to an incubator for care. This is stronger than continuing to receive toxins in the mother, but the mother has to suffer a little sin." Said the nurse.

You have to wash your stomach and have a caesarean section. Manna must be very uncomfortable.

"But my wife said she wanted to be a beautiful girl all her life. What if there were scars on her stomach?" Lawyer Liu murmured.

I was so angry that I patted him on the chest, "what do you think? Now, of course, is the best way to treat children and manna. Can the doctor still hurt you?"

The nurse nodded approvingly, "yes, the doctor will try his best to make the best solution. As for the scars, they are all beauty lines now. There will be no scars. It's important to hold the children and adults first."

"I don't care how the children are, can I make my wife suffer less?" Lawyer Liu asked again.

He began to be annoyed.

"If I had known, I would have done ligation. If I wanted any children, Lulu would not suffer now. What should I do if there was an accident!"

In the eyes of Lawyer Liu, children are very important, but all the people in the world are not as precious as manna alone.

I can tell from what I said just now.

"The children have been seven months and are very healthy. Are you really willing to give up?" Asked the nurse.

She also advised Lawyer Liu, "I'm not asking you to give up which one. Now both of you can live well, but mom will suffer some crime. Make a decision quickly. The doctor is still waiting inside."

"But I..." Lawyer Liu was still in pain. "I don't want Lulu to suffer."

It's all at this point. I really can't wait. I directly pushed Lawyer Liu away, "I'm the patient's sister. I can sign the operation consent. I just sign it."

The nurse handed me the operation consent.

After brushing and signing his name, the nurse was ready to go in.

I hurried up and asked her to take a message, "nurse, please go in and tell the patient that no matter how much money it will cost in the future, I will remove the scar on her stomach. Now I hope he and the child are well."

"The patient knows that she has been talking about children. It can be seen that children are very important." Said the nurse.

After the nurse went in, I softened my legs and sat on the bench next to me.

I'm in a mess in my head. I really can't think what's going on. When Manna is good, it's poisoned?

There should always be a reason. It makes people feel cold for no reason.

"Ruan Tang, go back first and check today's kitchen waste and takeout. If you find anything strange, let me know." I said.

Ruan Tang immediately stood up and said, "I'll go back now. If sister Ganlu comes out of the operating room, you also call me to avoid my worry."

After nodding and agreeing, Ruan Tang left the hospital.

As for Lawyer Liu, I directed him, "don't be stunned. Go and ask about the expenses of manna. This time you must be hospitalized and the expenses of children. You should pay in advance to avoid manna coming out when you get it. You're too busy to go."

"OK, I'll go now." Lawyer Liu stood up and walked towards the payment office on the first floor.

I continued to wait at the door of the operating room.

Gastric lavage and caesarean section took a long time. Two hours later, the door of the operating room was reopened, and the first one was the child put in the incubator.

"It's a boy, four kilograms and two Liang. It's very good for this month, but you still have to put it in the incubator to observe and take care of it." Said the nurse.

Lawyer Liu just glanced at the nurse in a hurry and asked eagerly, "what about my wife? Why hasn't she come out yet? Is the situation very serious?"

"Pregnant women are delivered by caesarean section. Now they have to be sutured. They will come out in a little while. A family member will go to pediatrics with me." Said the nurse.

I saw that Lawyer Liu didn't let go of the child, so he had to raise his hand, "I'm the child's aunt. I'll go."

"OK." The nurse didn't pick these either. She asked me to follow behind the incubator and go directly to pediatrics.

After filling in those materials, I went to see the child again.

Across the thick glass at the door, the child was red and wrinkled, but made a loud cry.

This cry symbolizes his efforts. He grew up so hard to come to this world.

Although it's a little early, it's not a bad thing.

"Baby," I lay on the glass and the fog blurred my sight when I spoke, "welcome to this world. In the future, many people will protect you, love you and care about you."