Chapter 233

Name:Love's Passed Author:xiao wan zi
After persuading for a while, manna finally got up from the cold ground and sat on the same cold bench.

From beginning to end, her eyes never moved away from the door of the operating room.

The red lamp hung over our heads and was on all the time. The bright red light tilted down and fell on the head of manna and her eyes.

I think, if the eyes can speak, then now manna's eyes must roar three words, that is to live.

After waiting at the door of the operating room for three hours, the lights in the operating room finally went out when the day was completely on in the early morning.

After watching the red light for a long time and suddenly went out, I reacted for half a minute.

Manna rushed up directly and grabbed it. The doctor asked, "doctor, how's my father? Is he okay?"

"There is massive bleeding in the stomach, but fortunately you sent it in time. If it was later, it might be hopeless. Now the patient is out of danger. Send it to the intensive care unit for observation for two days." The doctor's eyes were bloodshot, but his tone was very happy.

Like us, he hopes the patient can live well.

Then, Gan's father was pushed out. His face was frighteningly pale. He was wearing an oxygen mask. The breathing fog blocked half of his face, but could not hide his painful expression.

Even in a coma, Gump's father is very uncomfortable.

"Who is your family?" The doctor asked again.

Manna raised her hand, "I am, I am his daughter."

"Then come with me to the office. We may need to talk about your father's illness."

But manna held my hand, "can she go with me?"

"Is she your sister?" The doctor was puzzled.

And I know why manna must call me. She is afraid and dare not face her father's condition alone.

With someone around, it's like there's a place to rely on.

"Yes, I'm her sister, doctor. Let's go together." I nodded.

The doctor looked at us suspiciously, "but you look different. Oh, sorry, I shouldn't ask more about family affairs. Since you say yes, come over together."

I held manna's hand tightly and tried to comfort her with the temperature of the palm, "it's okay, let's go."

After arriving at the doctor's office, manna sat down obviously restrained.

"Well, your father has gastric cancer. Do you know that?" The doctor rummaged in the cabinet for a while, and finally took out a stack of data and handed it to us.

Manna wanted to pick it up several times, but her hand had no strength, and the non thick file bag often fell back to the desktop.

I couldn't see it. I came forward and helped her open it.

In the file bag, there are all the medical records of Gan's father in recent years.

It was also here that we found that Gan's father knew he had gastric cancer eight years ago, and at that time, it was still early.

"Why didn't he have chemotherapy at that time? Can't it be cured in the early stage? " Manna's voice trembled and asked.

The doctor said, "I advised your father that although the cure probability of early gastric cancer was not 100%, it was very high, but he refused."


"Because he consulted about the specific process of treatment and learned that there were complications such as chemotherapy and hospitalization, and even hair loss and sudden thinning, he said that his daughter, that is, you, can't see him like this. In addition, the company also needs him to manage."

"Yes... I was only 18 at that time. I just went to college. If he left, the company would be left unattended. He always wanted to leave the company to me to take over. Shit, why can't I skip the grade? If I graduated from college at the age of 18, can he rest assured to come to chemotherapy?"

At last, manna covered her head in pain.

"Don't blame yourself too much. Everyone has his own decision, and I believe that when your father made this decision, he must have thought about whether he would regret it in the future. He must not regret it, because he loves you."

I'm not sure if Ganlu heard this, because her body has curled up into a shrimp shape, her shoulders tremble violently, and she cries very sad.

"Doctor, we have no time to regret the past. Please tell us how he is now?" I got to the point.

"Last month he came to me for inspection. At that time, I told him that there might be one or two years left, but tonight he walked around the gate of hell and his physical function decreased rapidly. I think it may not be more than half a year."

"We can use the best medicine. It doesn't matter how much it costs." I pulled it up in my heart.

"It's not a matter of money. The cancer cells have spread. Besides, he has survived all these years. In fact, it's very painful. Now we use drugs to keep him alive, which also prolongs his pain." The doctor could not help frowning at the end.

No one wants to face life and death.

But sometimes I have to.

We can't put our feelings on other people's pain. It's too selfish!

"What can we do now?" I asked.

The doctor replied, "stay with him at the end of his life."

Then he explained some things he should pay attention to at ordinary times, and then left.

Manna and I were the only two people left in the office. They suddenly became quiet.

So quiet that I could clearly hear her sobbing.

Since seeing manna today, she has cried many times, but no one is so desperate and sad as now.

I think maybe before seeing Gan's father and hearing the doctor's words, Gan Lu still had hope in her heart and prayed that there would be miracles in the world.

But now, everything is disillusioned.

The collapse of one's world is the most terrible.

And I can't do anything. I can only accompany her quietly.

Finally, Ganlu stopped crying, raised her head again, showed her red and swollen eyes, choked in her voice, and asked me, "Shen An, have you brought cosmetics?"

"With the basic." I said and handed her the bag.

Just like when returning to Gan's house, manna cried and put on makeup for herself. After tossing around for a while, she was barely able to see people.

Then he stood up, "I'm going to take care of my father."

I said yes.

As the doctor said, she should accompany her father at the last moment of his life.

I followed manna and went to the intensive care unit with her.

Originally, the doctor said that Gan's father might be in a coma for more than ten hours or even several days, but when we got to the door, we found that he had woke up. Under the oxygen mask, his lips rose slightly and smiled at us.