The man looked at Viagra and asked, "who is she? Like a ghost, look at the makeup on that face, still wearing a wedding dress. Is it your bride? "

"You go out first." Viagra said.

"I won't go out. We agreed to be together today." Women hide in Viagra's arms.

Mary went up, grabbed the woman and dragged her out.

While being dragged away, the woman resisted and scolded, "who are you? Where did you come from? You let me go, let me go. "

But now Mary is angry, where willing to listen to her, threw her out of the door, and then slammed the door, and then locked, not to let the outside people in.

Viagra was startled by Mary's appearance. It seemed that she was really pissed off.

However, Viagra calmed down, and now it's dead. It seems that this woman has been abandoned by Emperor Bofan, so it's not enough to be afraid.

"Say, you say, why harm me?" Mary went up to fight and tear at Viagra and asked.

"What are you doing? You crazy woman Viagra got impatient, pushed Mary away, stood up and said.

"I'm crazy. I've been crazy. You've ruined my life's happiness. Do you know?" Mary asked angrily.

Viagra looked guilty and indifferent and said, "don't you want to sue me? Don't you make me feel better? Well, we'll have a hard time together. I'll do it first. I'll let you know how powerful I am. Do you dare to threaten me in the future? "

"What good is it for you to ruin me? Now I can't get married, and my man doesn't want me. Are you satisfied? I can't be an emperor's wife. You don't want any good at all! "

Mary asked hysterically.

Viagra, it's true.

If Mary becomes the emperor's wife, she will be sitting in the emperor's family. She will extort a lot of money at that time.

Now that she can't be an emperor's wife, there won't be so much wealth for her to grab.

Viagra some regret, he is a bit reckless, lost a gold mine, a little late regret feeling.

"Why don't you talk? You say, you say, I've been harmed like this by you now. Emperor Bofan doesn't want me, and I can't go out to see people in the future. "

Said Mary, beating and scratching Viagra like a shrew.

"Well, you've done enough. What else can you do? It's already like this. You want to be more open. " Viagra stopped her.

"I can't think of it. I can't marry emperor Bofan. I can't be emperor's wife. Do you know that this is my biggest wish in ten years' time. Now it's impossible."

Mary yelled.

Viagra thought about it for a while and said, "why don't you go and explain it to him, and say that the person is not you, but someone else who went up and deliberately framed you?"

"Do you think di Bofan is a fool? Will he believe what I say? " Mary asked back.

"Now what? If you were not so determined to break up with me earlier, I would not be impulsive to do such a thing at your wedding

Viagra shirks responsibility.

"I refuse? I'll talk to you. Do you listen to me? Your front foot walked from my house, and dipper's back foot came in. He almost found you. I told you not to go to me before I got married. You didn't listen to me at all. If you still hurt me like this, I'll kill you. " Mary said, picking up the fruit knife on the table and going to stab Viagra.