"What's the matter?" he asked? Let's go. "

Ruan Chu still stood in the same place and asked, "have we met somewhere?"

"Of course, we've met several times before." Di Baifan replied with a smile.

But Ruan Chu still looked at him with a serious look on his face, and his expression was very wrong.

Di Bofan suddenly remembered that she had been injured and lost her memory. Was she ill.

So he quickly asked, "what's wrong with you? I'll take you to the hospital. "

"I'm ok. I just feel that I seem to have seen you somewhere. Your back always appears in my dreams, but I've never seen your face clearly."

Ruan Chu replied thoughtfully.

Emperor Baifan heard it in the clouds. He didn't know what Ruan Chu was talking about.

"Are you all right?" Emperor Bai fan asked, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

At this time, Ruan Chu's phone suddenly rang, which startled her and made her wake up immediately.

She quickly took out the phone and saw that it was Xiaomu Chu who called. She happily pressed the answer button.

It turns out that Xiao Mu estimates that her mother is off work, so she calls her mother and asks her mother to find her.

Ruan Chu agreed to Xiao Mu Chu and hung up.

"Mu Chu said," let's go to romanroland restaurant to find her. " Ruan Chu said to Emperor Baifan.

"Come on, get in the car." Di Baifan said, and went to open the door for Ruan Chu.

Ruan Chu hesitated and said, "I'd better sit in the back. The co pilot is your wife's seat."

Emperor Bai fan Leng for a moment, did not force her.

Since the death of Ruan Chu, it seems that his co pilot has not had so many rules, and he has not set such rules.

Romanroland western restaurant is a very famous western restaurant. It is the best western restaurant in this area.

As soon as the waiter saw him, he came forward and asked, "Mr. Di, I haven't been here for a long time."

"I've been busy recently. Have you ever seen a foreign couple with a little Chinese girl?" Asked emperor Bofan.

"Inside, please follow me." The waiter said, guiding di Bofan to the inner room.

The waiters here are all foreigners, but they all speak fluent Chinese, which is convenient to receive different guests.

As soon as dipper fan prompts, the waiter will know who dipper fan is looking for.

Because foreign couples with Chinese children dining, really not much, and it is easy to attract people's attention.

There is only a waist high door in Yajian. As soon as you pass, you can see xiaomuchu and Mr. and Mrs. Smith sitting in it.

Ruan Chu can't wait to open the door and go in. As soon as she sees her mother, she slides down from the sofa and runs to her mother.

Ruan Chu picked up her daughter and looked at it again and again, which relieved her.

"Mom, you can count it." Xiao Mu Chu said.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith stood up and said hello to Ruan Chu and di Bofan.

Ruan Chu and di Bofan also politely responded, so several people sat down to eat together.

During the dinner, Mrs. Smith happily shared with Ruan Chu the interesting stories and sentences of Xiao Mu Chu, which made everyone laugh.

"Miss Zhu, you really have a daughter like an angel. Thank you for having such a nice daughter with me. " Mrs. Smith's words were all about her love for mu Chu and her gratitude to Ruan Chu.

"You're welcome, madam. I wish I didn't trouble you." Ruan Chu replied politely.