Yuan Yuan said that. As a godfather, it's hard to say more.

So he told xiaosichu: "your father has something to do now, and may not come to see you right away. When he is free, godfather will take you to him and let him accompany you well."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Godfather." Xiaosichu said happily, and then jumped into emperor Baifan's arms happily.

"I know. If you have a father, don't be a godfather," he said

"No, godfather is the best for me. I will never want Godfather." Xiaosichu, a little kid, said sweetly.

"That's why I like my father more than my godfather." Emperor Baifan still said reluctantly.

Yuan Yuan saw emperor Baifan jealous and secretly laughed.

Xiaosichu thought for a while, raised his head, and seriously asked emperor Bofan: "godfather, if you have your own daughter, will you still like me now? Would you like to be a daughter more than your own daughter? "

At a young age, he even knew how to ask such a rhetorical question, which made emperor Bai fan and Yuan Yuan feel angry and funny.

"Well, well, godfather won't ask you any more. It's hard for godfather to ask you this question. Anyway, godfather doesn't have his own daughter now. What he likes most is xiaosichu. "

Di Baifan touched Xiao Sichu's face and said.

"Mr. emperor, you'd better go to Mary quickly. I'm afraid that the longer it takes, the more misunderstandings between you will be. That's the trouble." Yuan Yuan reminded.

Ruan Fan said, "look at me a little bit."

"Don't worry, you go." Yuan Yuan touched Ruan's head and looked at emperor Bofan's response.

After Mary left, she took a taxi and went back to her residence to change her wedding dress.

Thinking about it, di Bofan would find her sooner or later. She didn't want to let di Bofan find her so soon, so she picked up her bag and went out.

But in such a big city, she has no other place to go.

Mary suddenly felt that she had everything, as if she had nothing, just like three years ago.

No, three years ago, she had Dr. CAI. It was at least a place where she could live at any time. Now, she can't even go back to Dr. CAI.

Mary finally went to the bar, which is the most familiar place except for Dr. CAI.

Although she hasn't been to a bar once in the past few years with di Bofan, now she suddenly wants to go there to indulge and release her anger.

In the light, she forgets her past, forgets her present. She is just a woman who indulges in drinking, surrounded by countless men, praising, enjoying their praise and kneeling.

Despite the fact that di Bofan's phone rang again and again, she just ignored it.

Di Bofan went to Mary's house and rang the doorbell for a long time, but he didn't come to open the door. He guessed that she was not at home.

It's just that on the way here, I called all the way, but no one answered.

Di Bofan knew that Mary was angry with herself.

If you find her, you must explain to her face to face, so that she will not be misunderstood.

Mary has been preparing for the wedding for so many days, but she didn't expect to die today. She should be angry.

Di Bofan understood Mary's feelings, but he believed that as long as he explained clearly, Mary would understand.

Yuan Yuan saw that the wedding scene was almost finished. She was preparing to leave with Ruan Diandian and xiaosichu. Unexpectedly, she saw Lu CHENFENG coming here.