Although emperor Baifan is a big man, he is vigorous and agile. Climbing three floors is not a problem.

When it came to the window, di Baifan first stretched out one hand, climbed up to the edge of the window and tilted the gravity of his whole body to this side. Then he slowly released the trunk with the other hand and moved all his body to this side.

He pushed open the half closed window and climbed in smoothly.

In the moonlight, he touched the bed and saw Ruan Chu sleeping soundly. He really wanted to do it.

But I couldn't bear to disturb her dream, so I lay down beside her and went to sleep with her in my arms.

That night, di Bofan also slept soundly and steadfastly, and they kept this posture all the time without moving.

"Do you want to deny it this time? Deliberately locked the door, locked me out, do not let me in Emperor Bai asked in a leisurely way.

Ruan Chu felt that she was seen through by Emperor Bofan again, but she refused to admit it, which was her consistent style towards emperor Bofan.

"I didn't. You never came back. I was afraid of sleeping alone, so I locked the door." Ruan Chu quibbled.

"Scared? You're not afraid of me, are you? " Di Baifan asked with a smile. Looking at Ruan Chu's unreasonable way, he couldn't help trying to scratch her.

"Of course not. I'm afraid of what you do. You're not a tiger or a lion." Ruan Chu denied.

"Then why are you so far away from me?" Emperor Baifan looked Ruan Chu up and down and asked.

"This bed is so big. You occupy my space. Of course I have to move it." Ruan Chu continued to quibble.

Di Bofan looked at her and asked her to say what she could say.

Ruan Chu saw that emperor Bofan did not speak, and he also shut up, because the more he said, the more he revealed.

However, there was always a question in Ruan Chu's heart, which was how he came in.

Is there any other door in this room? No, it's such a big place. You can see it at a glance.

"Want to know how I got in?" Emperor Baifan asked.

"Yes." Ruan Chu nodded and replied positively.

make complaints about the other things.

So di Baifan raised his head to indicate the direction of the window. Ruan Chu followed his eyes and found the curtain floating with the wind.

She suddenly realized that emperor Bofan came in through the window.

"You came in through the window? Did you climb in through the window? " Ruan Chu couldn't believe it and asked in surprise.

Emperor Baifan turned his mouth and did not speak. He had already answered Ruan Chu's question.

"You You are really a man who is not afraid of death. "

On the other hand, it's not the same for Ruan Bai to get angry when he falls down.

She doesn't want her son to have a disabled father.

In addition, when di Bofan came back in the middle of the night, if he couldn't get in, he could knock on the door and ring the doorbell to ask her to get up and open the door, but he didn't wake her up, so he had to climb through the window to get in.

"Then you lock me outside. I have no place to go. What if I don't climb the window? Don't you really want to shut me out? You still love me

Di Baifan first looked helpless, and then said firmly.

"Think beautiful, I am intentional, let you freeze to death outside." Ruan Chu retorted immediately.