Di Baifan said, and hit Secretary Wang's shoulder with a fist.

Secretary Wang wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "Mr. emperor, you are reborn after the robbery. We'll go back to the hotel first and then come back home together. The chairman, his wife and the young master are waiting for you to go back."

"OK, let's go." Di Bofan said, turning back to pull Ruan Chu's hand, and then the three left the airport together.

They took a taxi back to the hotel and then opened the two rooms.

Yes, it's two. Di Baifan and Ruan Chu share the same room, and Secretary Wang himself has one.

Everyone was immersed in the excitement of emperor Bofan's survival, and no one found anything wrong.

"How do you know we're at the airport?" Back in the room, Ruan Chu asked curiously.

"I heard from the police that you are leaving today, so I'll try my luck at the airport to see if I can meet you." Emperor Bai fan replied.

Secretary Wang added: "I went to the police station yesterday to inquire about President Di's news and told them that we would take the earliest flight today and let them call us if they have any news."

"So it is." Ruan Chu nodded his head.

"Have all the missing people been found? Did you come back together? " Ruan Chu thought of the missing people and asked again.

She hopes everyone's relatives can come back safely, and everyone can have a happy ending.

When Emperor Bofan heard this question, his smile was swept away and he looked a little heavy.

"Yes." But he only said the first half of the sentence, not the second half.

The second half of the sentence is: "the living and the dead come back together."

Yes, not all of these missing people are as lucky as emperor Bofan to be able to come back alive. Most of them were used as meat shields by the mob on their way as hostages.

Secretary Wang sees that di Bofan's expression is not right. Now is not the time to understand the situation. The most important thing is that di Bofan can come back alive, which is already a happy thing.

"Mr. emperor, you are also tired. Your wife didn't have a good rest last night. You should have a rest first. There are your clothes in the box. I'll call you to dinner later." Secretary Wang said.

"Well, it's hard for you." Di Baifan patted Secretary Wang's arm and said gratefully.

"Yes, you're fine." Secretary Wang left the room and left it for the two of them.

Only the two of them were left, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Look at me. I'll take a shower first." Di Baifan looked at his wrinkled clothes and said.

"Go ahead, I'll help you find the change." Ruan Chu said, go to open di Bofan's suitcase, ready to find clothes for him.

Di Bofan walks to the bathroom, while Ruan Chu squats down to open the suitcase. When she wants to input the password, she suddenly remembers that the password of the suitcase is her own birthday.

Her hand stopped for a moment, and she wanted to ask di Bofan why the password was her birthday.

However, I'm a little embarrassed to ask. At the same time, Emperor Bofan went in to take a bath.

Ruan Chu found a set of pajamas and gave them to Emperor Bofan.

Listening to the sound of the shower, she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

When di Bofan heard the sound, he turned off the shower. Then he came and was about to open the door. He heard Ruan Chu say, "I'll put my pajamas on the doorknob. Take them yourself."