"Important things." He said mysteriously and went downstairs.

Dilang followed him and asked all the way, but elya didn't tell him.

"You wait at home. You are not allowed to go." Dylan's going to get in, too, aiiya stopped.

"I'll go with you. I'll take care of you." Said Dilang.

"I don't need you. I'll call you when I need you." Aiiya said, get in the car and close the door.

Dilang stood in the same place, looking at aerya's fiery wind, coming and going like a gust of wind, as if he had returned to that spirited young age.

It's Dilang who doesn't understand what makes his wife over 50 years old so energetic and full of spring.

"Where, ma'am?" Asked the driver.

"Maria hospital." Aiiya replied.

The driver was still puzzled. He didn't hear who was hospitalized and how to get to the hospital? But he didn't ask much, just headed for Maria hospital.

On the way, aiiya called the Dean Maria and said that she would arrive soon.

When she got to the hospital, aiiya asked the driver to wait for her outside. She went to see Maria by herself.

Aiiya would like to put on her wings and see Maria immediately.

"Dear, long time no see." As soon as we met, Maria came up, hugged her and said.

"Honey, I miss you too." Aiiya said, patting Maria on the shoulder.

They are college students and roommates for four years. After graduation, aiya married Dilang and went into business, while Maria went on with her medical major and came here with her boyfriend to get married and have children. Later, she founded the hospital.

There are endless topics for classmates and friends to talk about when they meet, but Maria also knows that ailya is a busy man. The last time we met was at the wedding of di Bofan and Ruan Chu. This time, we must go to the three treasures hall.

So he asked directly, "what's the matter with your coming this time?"

"I have something to ask you. I don't believe anyone else." Said aiiya, taking out of her handbag two hairs that had been kept in a transparent bag.

Maria looked at her suspiciously, but from the doctor's professional point of view, she had probably guessed what ailya was coming for.

"I want you to do a paternity test for me. I want a very accurate answer, which is very important to me." Aiiya said and handed the bag to Maria.

"Whose is it? It can't be Dilang. He has done something sorry to you. Now the illegitimate son has come to you? " Maria asked, looking at aiya in a worried way.

"No, I'll tell you exactly what happened when the results come out." Elya denied it.

"Not bad." Maria lowered her head and looked at the two hairs carefully. One of them was dark and shiny, hard. It should be a young man's hair. The other one was also very dark, but it was much thinner and not hard enough. It looked like a child's hair.

This way, we can see that it's not Dilang's grade, and Maria is relaxed. She just worried about her best friend.

"I want to see the most accurate results as soon as possible. When?" Aiiya asked.

"Three days later, at this time, you'll come again." Maria replied.

"Well, I'll wait for you. Please, dear Maria." Aiiya asked again.

"Don't be so polite. I'm glad I can help you. I'll arrange it right away, and I'll let you know as soon as I have the result. " Maria responded.