"You..." Ruth was afraid and did not dare to contradict di Bofan.

"Do as I say, and you won't lose."

He took a wad of money out of his pocket and put it on the table.

Ruth's eyes lit up as soon as she saw the money.

These rewards can't be earned even by hard work.

Seeing Ruth's open-minded attitude towards money, di Bofan knew that it was done.

"OK, deal." Said Ruth, putting the money away.

"You remember..." What did di Bofan have to say, but Ruth interrupted him.

"I know that we are just trading, there is no other relationship." Ruth knows her face this time.

Di Bofan was very satisfied, and then explained to Ruth what to do, and left.

What di Bofan didn't know was that the whole process of seeing Ruth was photographed by the private detective Ruan Chu asked, and then the video material was passed to Ruan Chu.

Ruan Chu received the video information, the heart and lung of Qi.

It's strange that emperor Bofan doesn't go to Ruth.

But really to find, Ruan Chu jealous crazy.

Because the shooting distance is far away, we can't hear the conversation between di Bofan and Ruth in the video.

Just two people have been talking, said a lot of words, and di Bofan gave Ruth a lot of money, if not really love that woman, how would be willing to give her so much money?

Ruan Chu was dazzled by jealousy, and his first feeling was that emperor Baifan had brought up the little son.

Ruan Chu was shocked when she received a call from Ruth.

Now Xiao / san'er is so arrogant that he dares to call the original phone directly.

"Hello, who is it?" Ruan Chu murmured when he received a strange phone call.

"Is that Miss Ruan? I'm Ruth. Let me introduce myself first... "

Before Ruth had finished her words, she was interrupted by Ruan Chu.

"No, Miss Ruth. What can I do for you?"

Ruan Chu's tone was obviously suppressing his anger, but at the same time, he was maintaining the bearing of a famous lady.

If Xiao / san'er comes to the door, she must be prepared. If she wants to defeat Xiao / san'er, she must first keep calm.

"I want to talk to you, meet and talk." Said Ruth.

"It's the same on the phone." Ruan Chu replied.

"I think it's better to meet and talk. I can't say it clearly on the phone for a while. You don't dare to see me, do you? " Ruth insisted, but also with a provocation.

Ruan Chu thought for three seconds and agreed.

She had been asking private detectives to investigate Ruth before. She also saw Ruth from the photos. She had not seen herself yet. Now she has the opportunity to see it with her own eyes. We can't miss this opportunity.

She would like to see what tricks the little girl has.

She Ruan Chu is not afraid of anything, but she won't be scared away by a little third son.

"You think too much, Dior cafe, central garden, 3pm." Ruan Chu said the time and place.

"Good. I'll see you soon." Ruth agreed happily, but she was worried.

After all, the other party is the daughter of the Qiao family. She doesn't want to offend the Qiao family if it's not forced by Emperor Bofan.

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Chu took a few deep breaths to calm her mind, and then began to choose the clothes she wanted to wear.

Ruan Chu, the apple of the eye of the Qiao family and the daughter-in-law of the emperor's family, can never be defeated by a little girl or a third girl.

Must hold down Ruth, so as to defeat her arrogance, let her retreat.