Whether it's Du Lingyu's attitude or pan Zhongyi's innocent anger, anluoluo doesn't care. She is stronger than before.

In the past, she would have lost a resignation report and left.

Now she can't. She needs this job and this income, so she goes to work as usual the next day, just like nothing happened, except that she works more carefully.

Suddenly pan Zhongyi asked her to go to the office. There was a bad feeling in anluoluo's heart, but she took a deep breath and went.

She's not afraid of not being guilty.

Sure enough, pan Zhongyi is a different person. He points to the information that anluoluo did the day before and makes a fuss. He is dissatisfied here and dissatisfied there, which has never been before.

Whenever anluoluo wants to explain, she is interrupted by Pan Zhongyi and doesn't give her a chance to speak at all.

Anluoluo had no choice but to give up and accept the boss's criticism, hoping that the storm without any reason would come to an end soon.

"By the way, after work today, you're going to socialize with me." In the face of Pan Zhongyi said a word.

An Luo Luo is a Leng, ask a way: "Pan Zong, these affairs are not small Wang accompany you to go?"

"Now it's you, isn't it?" Pan Zhongyi immediately asked back.

Anluoluo really didn't want to, especially for the party like Du Lingyu last night.

But for this job, she still nodded against her will.

"Remember to dress up and don't go out and make a fool of yourself." Pan Zhongyi said impolitely.

Anluoluo as did not hear, can't wait to leave.

For business occasions, Angelo still knows something about it.

Drinking is inevitable, but she has already figured out the countermeasures. At that time, she will say that she can't drink in a special period, and then sell the weak tears of the little girl to muddle through.

Although it is suspected of offending pan Zhongyi, anluoluo does not hesitate to do so to protect her baby.

Think about it this way, it's better to tell pan Zhongyi earlier. Maybe pan Zhongyi will change himself when he knows, so he won't have to be so troublesome.

Summon up the courage and go to the door of Pan Zhongyi's office. As soon as anluoluo wants to knock, the door opens.

Pan Zhongyi came out from the inside and saw that it was anluoluo. He didn't say hello. He just said, "remember to perform well in the evening." Then he left in a hurry.

Anluoluo's words reached her throat, then she swallowed them back. It seemed that she was doomed tonight.

When she was about to leave work, anluoluo put on a make-up to make herself look better. Then she went to the bathroom, took off her coat and checked her interior. It was very appropriate and appropriate, and she was also a little witty and charming.

This is a high-grade custom dress I bought before, with lace edge.

Now she's working as a secretary. She doesn't want to be so conspicuous, so she puts it on as an inside. When she goes to the banquet tonight, she can take off her coat, and the inside is very suitable for the scene.

After work, the driver called anluoluo and asked her to go downstairs.

Cough, now pan Zhongyi is too lazy to call anluoluo directly. The grade has dropped obviously.

Anluoluo didn't go to her heart. When she went down, she learned that Pan Zhongyi had arrived ahead of time, and the driver specially sent her there.

have pity on her today, but make complaints about it. Alolo tucking it in her heart and then get on the car.