She can't afford luxury until she finds a job. She decided to reward herself with a big meal when she got a job.

It's just a bowl of noodles.

At the last bite, her tears began to flow. She had never eaten in this kind of store before, because her father and mother told her that the store was not clean and they would have diarrhea.

Although it was the first time to eat, she thought it was delicious. Although the store was not big and the decoration was simple, it was not as unsanitary as her father and mother said.

Yes, she missed her father and mother.

A person lying in the hotel room, endless loneliness hit, let anluoluo hugged himself.

She forced herself to close her eyes and fall asleep, so she would not feel like that. Tomorrow is a new day. She will find a job and start a new life.

Li cancan waited for Qiao Liting at home all night, but Qiao Liting never came home, and his mobile phone was still turned off.

But Li cancan is very anxious, but she doesn't know where Qiao Liting might go and with whom.

She suddenly remembered that Wei CHENFENG and Du Lingyu had such a good relationship that they might drink together.

Remembering that Qiao Liting had a relationship with anluoluo only after drinking with them last time, Li cancan is particularly worried that this time he won't make such a mistake again.

But she didn't know the contact information of Wei CHENFENG and Du Lingyu, so she asked the servant at home.

The servant told her that there might be a spare telephone book in Qiao Liting's study.

Li cancan entered Qiao Liting's study alone for the first time. It was full of Chinese and foreign books. It was a sea of knowledge. She looked at the rows of bookshelves and decided that the phone book would not be here, so she looked in the drawer.

Qiao Liting's computer just looks at it. Li cancan unconsciously glances at it, but she sees an zaishan's name.

If she remembers correctly, this is the name of anluoluo's father, so she can't help looking at the files on Qiao Liting's computer.

Li cancan knew that Qiao Liting was investigating the cause of the death of an zaishan and his wife, as well as an's personal relations and financial situation.

Obviously, it can be seen from the evidence that the death of an zaishan and his wife may not be an accident.

It's just that Qiao Li Ting is so concerned about settling down, which makes Li cancan's heart super uncomfortable. However, Qiao Li Ting obviously didn't tell anluoluo about these things, and anluoluo didn't know that his parents died for another reason.

Never let anluoluo know. If she does, I don't know if she will change her opinion on Qiao Liting.

Li cancan finds the spare phone book in the drawer. When she sees Du Lingyu's name, she dials the number.

The phone was quickly dialed, because Li cancan used Qiao Liting's study's landline, so Du Lingyu thought it was Qiao Liting. As soon as he got through, he said, "Mr. Qiao, what do you mean when you don't sleep with your little relatives in the middle of the night?"

Xiaoqinqin, the title, made Li cancan blush.

She coughed and said, "Mr. Du, I'm cancan."

"Oh, it's my sister-in-law. You are..." Du Lingyu didn't understand why Li cancan called him in the middle of the night.

Just now I know from Du Lingyu that Qiao Liting is not with him, but Li cancan still wants to ask Du Lingyu if he knows where Qiao Liting might go.

"Mr. Du, I'm disturbing you so late." Li cancan said with embarrassment.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb. I'm in the mood now. What can I do for my sister-in-law?" Du Lingyu asked.

"Well, Li Ting didn't come back so late. I'm worried about him and I can't get through. I want to ask you, do you know where he has gone?" Li cancan asks anxiously.

"Well I don't know the whereabouts of Mr. Qiao. " Du Lingyu replied in embarrassment.

"Like this." Li cancan is obviously disappointed.

"Maybe it's to accompany customers, or to watch copywriting in the company. This guy forgets the time when he works. His sister-in-law doesn't have to worry. Maybe his mobile phone is dead." Du Lingyu comforted Li cancan.

"I see, thank you." Li cancan said that he was about to hang up. Du Lingyu said at the end of the phone, "sister-in-law, don't hang up. I have something else to ask you for help."

"What's the matter?" Li can can't forget Du Lingyu's meaning to anluoluo.

"I want to know, is Lolo asleep now?" Du Lingyu asked mysteriously.

Li can can't wait for anluoluo to find a man, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

"Mr. Du, I'll tell you the truth, Lolo. He moved away." Li replied.

"Moved? Where did you move? When did it happen? " Du Lingyu asked a question, which made Li cancan smile."It seems that Mr. Du has really come to our Luoluo. In this case, we should not go to those unorthodox places. Luoluo hates this."

Li cancan reminds me with a kind look.

"I know, I know, sister-in-law, just tell me." Du Lingyu almost begged her.