"It's not the sister's suitor, is it?" Wei Shiyu chatted with Davis casually.

"Maybe." Davis said he went to drive instead of continuing the topic.

In the car, there were only two of them. Wei Shishi tried to start the topic again.

"My sister is very lonely. Why don't we introduce her to her and let her have a blind date. After all, she is young and needs to have a life of her own. " Wei Shi said.

Davis was silent for three seconds, and then replied, "it's her own life. It's what she likes."

Wei Shishi didn't speak any more because Davis couldn't find any fault with her answer, but she didn't see Davis's enthusiasm for introducing her sister.

Davis secretly took a look at Wei Shishi. He didn't know why Wei Shishi suddenly introduced Wei Shiyu to her today. Did she find anything? However, Davis did not realize that Wei's poems were more abnormal, perhaps because he was guilty.

"You're not wearing your seat belt." Davis said, and bent over to help Wei Shi Department safe.

However, Wei Shishi instinctively leans her body in another direction to keep a certain distance from Chelsea.

"I'll do it myself. Just concentrate on driving." Wei Shishi said, hiding his embarrassment.

Davis laughed and sat in the starting car.

Two people each have their own thoughts. You and I chat awkwardly along the way.

Since Qiao Sicheng left with his parents, Qiao Yiming dismissed all the servants in the family. Because the child is away, he doesn't need to be taken care of by others. He hopes to be alone and get along well with Cheng Lin.

Qiao Yiming doesn't want to bury Cheng Lin's ashes early. In ravis, he cremated them hastily. He didn't have time to send Cheng Lin for the last ride.

In the evening, he puts Cheng Lin's ashes on the bed and sleeps together. He talks with her and tells jokes. Before going to bed, he wants a good night kiss. In the morning, he starts the day with a good morning kiss. Then he gets up to make breakfast and comes up to ask her to have dinner with him. Before going out to work, I will give her a farewell kiss and tell her that I will come back early to accompany her.

Qiao Yiming is very quiet every day. He seldom asks his secretary for details. He just writes down what he should do and gives it to them. He never goes out to socialize. As soon as he gets off work, he rushes home to have dinner with the urn.

With such a mood, accompany Cheng Lin to eat, Qiao Yiming think never before.

as like as two peas, he often thought of the first meeting. She had attracted a lot of black hair and waterfalls, and he was just like Ruan Xiaoxi when he was young.

He thought he loved Ruan Xiaoxi when he was young, but until he met Cheng Lin with short hair in ravis, he thought it was all right.

"Cheng Lin, I won't be able to accompany you tomorrow. People say that the earth is safe. I'm afraid that I will disturb you and make your soul uneasy. But don't worry, I said that you are the only wife in my life and will never change. When Chengcheng grows up, my responsibilities and obligations are done, I will go to accompany you. I'll eat with you and sleep with you as I do now. We'll never be apart again. " Qiao Yiming walks upstairs with the urn in his arms, chanting as he walks.

Tomorrow is the day she chose to bury Cheng Lin. the previous monument is still there, but it's not Cheng Lin. This time, he chose a geomantic treasure land for Cheng Lin again. After a hundred years, he also planned to live here.

This night, Cheng Lin appeared in his dream, her voice and smile, are so real.

"Yiming, take good care of Chengcheng. I will look at you and stay with you forever."

"Yiming, remember, no matter where I am, I love you."

"Yiming, you should live well and wait for me..."

Qiao Yiming wakes up from his sleep and shouts Cheng Lin's name. When he wakes up, he only has the cold urn in his arms.

He couldn't help crying again. In many dark and cold nights, he didn't hide his sadness and turned it into tears. To the next day, still strong to live, eat, go to work.

In the evening, Wei Shiyu knocked on her sister's door, which surprised Wei Shiyu.

"Shishi, why don't you sleep?" Wei Shiyu was surprised to see her. It was midnight.

"Sister, I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you?" Wei Shi asked.

"Well, come in." Wei Shiyu let Wei Shishi into the room and let her sleep in it. She was like a bosom sister protecting her sister, afraid that she would fall out of bed.

Wei Shishi hugged her sister and said, "sister, my brother-in-law has been dead for several years. You must be very lonely, right?"

In the dark, Wei Shiyu's eyes turned. With a woman's sixth sense and delicate observation, she noticed that Wei Shiyu's reaction in the past two days was abnormal. It seems that Wei Shiyu must have seen that she was wearing Davis's clothes that morning, but she has been reluctant.

"What are you doing with those things? I'm a hard-working woman, not as good as my sister. Now I don't want to be so upset. As long as you are happy, I will be very happy. " Wei Shiyu is a good sisterSaid the voice.

"But sister, you are still so young, you have never had your own children, you have never tried to be a mother, how can you abandon yourself? I know you are good to me, but I also want to be good to you. Since mom and dad died, we are sisters. I hope you can be happy. " Wei Shishi held her sister more tightly.

"My good sister, you think everyone is as good as you. There is a fiance who loves you. There are not so many good men in the world as you think. Your brother-in-law is not only a doctor, but also a domestic violence. He beat me to death several times Wei Shiyu could not help sobbing.

Wei Shishi quickly got up to wipe her tears and said, "I'm sorry, sister. I don't know anything about this. It reminds you of sad things. But you still have to be confident. There are still good men. "

"Silly sister, you don't have to say I'm sorry. I've accepted my fate. I'm a miserable woman. It's estimated that I won't get happiness in my life." Wei Shiyu is very pessimistic.

"Sister, you can't think so. It's up to me to introduce you to someone. I'll find you a man with superior character and talent, so that he can be worthy of my sister. " Wei said confidently.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don. I feel like I'm with you now, so I feel very happy. If you talk about the introduction again, I'll feel that you don't want me to be in the way of living with you. " Wei Shiyu quickly refused.

Wei Shishi could hear the resolute meaning of her words, especially when she said she wanted to live with them.