"Little friend, why are you alone?" Zheng Feilin asked.

Qiao Sicheng hid in the corner of the school. He looked very pitiful.

When he heard someone talking to him, he shook his head and saw a beautiful sister, but he bowed his head in disappointment.

"What's the matter with you? Can you tell me? " Zheng Feilin continued.

Qiao Sicheng's first day at school, but the teacher asked the students to talk about what their parents looked like. Others were very excited, especially when it came to their mothers.

But joschen said, "I've never seen my mother, but she's always looking at me."

This made the teachers and students laugh. When someone asked him what he meant, Qiao Sicheng replied, "my father said that my mother has been watching me in the sky all the time."

So the children began to laugh that he had no mother, and no one wanted to play with him and talk to him during recess.

He slipped out quietly and hid in the corner, missing his father very much.

"I want to go home. I miss Dad." Joschen replied.

"Well, I'll take you home to Dad." Zheng Feilin held out his hand and said.

The outer wall of the kindergarten is fence type, adults can't get in, but it's not difficult for children to pass through it.

Qiao Sicheng wanted to pass by himself, but he hesitated at the last moment. He stood in the same place and looked at the woman.

"Dad said, I'm a man. If I want to be brave, I can't play truant." Said joschen warily.

At this time, a group of children came out from school and saw Chengcheng pointing at him and laughing that he had no mother.

"Mom, mom..." Chengcheng finally broke down and cried.

"Shall I take you to your mother?" Zheng Feilin continued to tempt him.

After all, children are children. As soon as they can see their mother, they go with Zheng Feilin.

Zheng Feilin buys his favorite marshmallow and candy for Qiao Sicheng. Qiao Sicheng happily forgets himself.

"Chengcheng, what are you doing?" Qiao Yiming came to pick up his son from school. When he saw that the child was with Zheng Feilin, he said that he was smiling and turned black.

"Dad." Qiao Sicheng runs to Qiao Yiming happily.

Qiao Yiming picked up his son, snatched the candy from his hand and threw it on the ground, warning him: "don't eat from strangers!"

Seeing his usually amiable father, suddenly so terrible, Jos Cheng's little face twisted up and sobbed.

He didn't know why his father was like this and why he didn't let others treat him well.

"Yiming, I'm here to play with Chengcheng. He was bullied at school." Zheng Feilin came over and said.

"You are not allowed to approach my son in the future." Qiao Yiming warned him with a black face.

Qiao Yiming takes Qiao Sicheng home, but orders people to sue Zheng Feilin for abducting children.

He can't stand the little danger of Josie Cheng. He knows that Zheng Feilin has a different purpose when he approaches Cheng Cheng. In order to prevent accidents, he wants to take all unsafe factors away from joschen.

"Chengcheng, dad made you your favorite spaghetti." Qiao Yiming puts his face in front of Chengcheng.

Jos Cheng took a look and pushed the noodles to the ground.

Qiao Yiming had never seen a child like this before. He asked angrily, "what are you doing?"

"Why do you want to get rid of the aunt who is good to me? She was sent by her mother. " Qiao Sicheng asked his father angrily.

Qiao Yiming knew that the child was angry with himself. The child's world was very simple. How could he know the woman's ulterior motives.

"Chengcheng, listen to my father, that aunt is a bad person. She wants to take you away. She is not sent by her mother." Qiao Yiming persuades his son.

"No, she was sent by her mother. Today, my classmates laughed at me for not having my mother, and my aunt appeared, so he must have been sent by my mother. " Said joschen stubbornly.

Qiao Yiming knew that such an unpleasant thing happened on his son's first day of school today.

"Chengcheng, I forgot what my father told you. My mother is in the sky. My mother is an angel. Angels can't come to the world. If you dream of an angel, it's mom Qiao Yiming comforted the children.

Qiao Sicheng calmed down slowly and nodded.

While Qiao Sicheng was playing, Qiao Yiming went to school secretly.

In the headmaster's office, Qiao Yiming sits in the headmaster's position. The headmaster stands in front of him like a child who has done something wrong.

"Qiao Sicheng, I want to see the teaching teachers, life teachers and logistics of class 1 today. Here are five minutes for you." Qiao Yiming said without expression.

"Yes, yes." The headmaster wiped the sweat and rushed out.

This is a bilingual kindergarten run by a Chinese American. Qiao Yiming chose it here because it is close to home, and half of the teachers here are Chinese. Even if they return home later, Chengcheng will not have a language barrier.Four minutes later, all the teachers in charge of class 1 stood in front of Qiao Yiming.

"Qiao Sicheng, three years old, came here for the first day today as a cut in student. Did any of you see that?" Qiao Yiming asked calmly.

Teachers, you look at me, I look at you, no one said a word.

"The child is a little lonely, and can't play with his classmates at all." Someone said.

"Yes, I played truant without waiting for school. When I was so young, I didn't know what to do when I grew up." Another teacher echoed.

The beaded sweat on the headmaster's head kept falling down. He stopped them and said, "shut up, don't talk."

"Lonely? Drilling camp? I didn't find out. I'm Qiao Yiming's son. Outsiders can't say a word. " Qiao Yiming raised the corner of his mouth and said aggressively.

"Listen, principal Gu, I want these people to disappear in this kindergarten immediately, or your kindergarten will be closed tomorrow." Qiao Yiming stood up and walked away with his slender thighs.

President Gu opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. Before he could react, Qiao Yiming disappeared.

These teachers felt very wronged, pleaded with the principal, was reprimanded by the principal and dismissed.

The next day, Qiao Yiming didn't let Qiao Sicheng go to school, but took him to a place he liked.

"Chengcheng, do you like it here?" Qiao Yiming pointed to the grass full of flowers and asked.

"Well." Cheng Cheng nodded happily.

"Dad built a kindergarten for you here. It must be the best kindergarten. You go to school here. No one will bully you any more." Qiao Yiming pointed to the open space and said gallantly.

"Dad is great!" Chengcheng almost jumped up happily.