"This kid is not the end of our friendship," he said

What Chelsea said is very beautiful. Zhuo Xuan looks at the man in front of her and thinks that this is the most suitable person for Cheng Lin.

A lot of people's words are always nice to say, but not to do. Zhuo Xuan looks at Chelsea in front of her. His blue eyes were full of sincerity, without any hypocrisy.

Even the suspicious Zhuo Xuan couldn't see any problems from it.

After thinking about it, Zhuo Xuan finally said, "since you want him, I'll tell you. In fact, Cheng Lin is not willing to stay by Qiao Yiming's side. "

Chelsea frowned: "but when I went to see him yesterday, I saw that he was in Joe's house and no one was binding her. If he really didn't want to stay with Joe Yiming, why didn't he see me right and I asked for help?"

Zhuo Xuan wry smile: "many times, the shackles do not have to be on outsiders. The feelings between people are likely to become the handle between them. Did you think Cheng Lin saw him yesterday

Zhuo Xuan's words made Chelsea completely silent.

Chelsea know that Cheng Lin is not well, he can see it. Cheng Lin is not happy.

That's why he came to this man today. In fact, he also wanted to ask Cheng Lin if he knew something happened to Cheng Lin.

Zhuo Xuan said: "he should seldom mention Qiao Yiming to you."

Chelsea nodded, of course. After all, Qiao Yiming's identity and status are embarrassing and special.

He also knows that it's a scar in Cheng Lin's heart, and he doesn't want to comfort her. Because it's just going to make both people look bad.

Zhuo Xuan said: "in fact, I don't know him very well, but because of him, because of Cheng Lin's feelings for him, there was a crack between us, so you can imagine how sincere it was to let her abandon her best friend."

"I don't think Qiao Yiming is a suitable man for Cheng Lin, but Cheng Lin loved him crazily and paranoid at that time. The three years left traces on him and Qiao Yiming. Fortunately, now Cheng Lin finally wants to let go. " Zhuo Xuan sighed.

"I feel that Cheng Lin can't leave now because Qiao Yiming won't let him leave. As long as he has a little chance, he won't waste his time and time on that person."

Chelsea can't help but wonder: "since Cheng Lin used to like him so much, why should she let him go?"

Zhuo Xuan said: "you may not know that before, Cheng Lin had a birth, and that child gave him a big blow. It seems that that's what made him decide to leave Qiao Yiming. "

But now it seems that Qiao Yiming won't let go.

Zhuo Xuan thought at the table and finally asked, "is the child in Cheng Lin's stomach really not yours?"

"If this child really belongs to me, I will never let her stay by Joe Yiming's side for a second," he said

"Cheng Lin and I have been together for three months, and we haven't had any relationship. I respect him very much. If she doesn't want to, I won't force it. "

Zhuo Xuan was stunned. After a while, he asked, "is Cheng Lin really OK? I'm very worried about her

Chelsea didn't speak and didn't have the heart to tell the woman who cared about her friends one by one.

Zhuo Xuan wry smile: "in fact, why ask, since you saw yesterday, since did not say good, it must be bad."

Zhuo Xuan had a hundred questions in her mind.

Where is she physically?

She was thin, but is she thinner now?

Did Qiao Yiming treat her better?

It's a thousand words. Zhuo Xuan didn't ask. He just said, "how did you get into Joe's house?"

Chelsea looks at Zhuo Xuan and is very glad that Cheng Lin has such a friend, because he can feel that Zhuo Xuan is really thinking about him and her.

He said: "yesterday I saw a woman. It seems that she has something to do with Qiao Yiming? I feel as if Qiao Yiming likes him. "

Zhuo Xuan had a name in her mind, Ruan Xiaoxi.

"It was also because he had just arrived at Joe's house yesterday that I took the opportunity to go to Joe's house with the woman's consent," Chelsea continued

"I feel that Qiao Yiming doesn't care about Cheng Lin's feelings at all. His mind is totally on another woman, which makes me very suspicious. That's why I'm here to ask you about Cheng Lin today."

"I always think that Cheng Lin is willing to stay with Qiao Yiming. If not, I will try my best to save him."

A little light of hope appeared in Zhuo Xuan's eyes, but it was soon suppressed.He said: "you also know that Qiao family is not so easy to deal with, even if you want to save him, can you succeed?"

"Even if you say so now, when that time comes, will you really be willing to take such a big risk for Cheng Lin?"

Chelsea looked at the woman in front of them: "if I really wanted to save him, I wouldn't care about that. I didn't think Cheng Lin would make such an important mark in my life before, but when he left, I found that my heart was full of him. Maybe it was his magic. "

"I believe any man will never forget his tenderness after contacting him. In some ways, I can understand why Qiao Yiming refuses to let go. Because you really can't let go. "

When Chelsea spoke, there was a strange look on his face. He said: "if it were me, I would not let him leave so easily."

Zhuo Xuan suddenly felt chilly. What Chelsea said was a bit paranoid and terrible.

But he has no way to refuse the man's help at this time, because even if this man is another tiger.

That is much better than now. At least he can feel that Chelsea really like Cheng Lin.

If one day, Cheng Lin can be with him, she will definitely get more care than Qiao Yiming.

Zhuo Xuan finally spoke.

Zhuo Xuan finally said, "I will help you. I hope we can bring Cheng Lin out together. "