Zeng Baoqin kicked back to the detention center alone, and the people who originally ridiculed her intensified. After all, Qiao Yisen's foot was too handsome. Zeng Baoqin was just like a piece of garbage, surviving in the dark dungeon.

"I said, should you give up? If you look at people looking at you, it's like looking at a dog. "

Someone said: "this Zeng Baoqin is also poor. You said that if she didn't go crazy just now, she might be saved. If she died, people would see the scene of murder like that. Even if her ex-wife was a couple for a hundred days, it would be good if she didn't die. "


The hustle and bustle of people made Zeng Baoqin want to go crazy. It was clear that the cells had just been opened, but she was still unable to go out. This is not right, this is not right. Why did the little watch just go out? Is it because she's dying?

Zeng Baoqin's eyes were crazy. No, she's going out. She can't die in this dark cage, absolutely not.

She suddenly went to the bedside, she carrying a usual people used to drink water bowl broke on the ground.

She picked up one of the huge pieces and scratched her wrist hard. In the twinkling of an eye, the red blood flowed out and dyed everyone's eyes red.

The leader of the prison took a look at the scarlet blood and screamed, "my God, are you crazy? Are you crazy? How could you commit suicide? "

Zeng Baoqin also began to laugh. She staggered into the crowd: "don't you want to see me die? I'll show you, OK? Are you happy? See? "

Someone screamed: "come on, someone here is crazy. Come on, she committed suicide."

After all, the sound on this side startled the prison guards outside. It seemed that someone pulled Zeng Baoqin out. She was still laughing wildly: "hahaha, I'm still out. You see, I'm out."

When she got on the ambulance, Zeng Baoqin struggled with her hands and feet, and her eyes were filled with a crazy smile: "look at me, how powerful I am. I came out of prison on my own."

The blood on her wrist is flowing out in large quantities, splashing on the doctor's white coat when waving, shocking.

Finally, someone couldn't accept her crazy appearance and gave her a tranquilizer. After arriving at the hospital, she has fainted, and her blood loss has been very serious. No one knows how she can do it. In this case, she can still earn money crazily.

This may be the power of lunatics.

Zeng Baoqin was arranged in a ward, and a special medical staff helped her clean up a little. Otherwise, according to her dirty degree, it might lead to wound infection.

When Zeng Baoqin woke up the next day, she saw a blood bag hanging from her hand. Her eyes turned around. She found that she was taken out of the detention center. She was in the hospital!

Oh, my God, she finally got out of that hell.

Zeng Baoqin thought like this. There was a faint smile in her eyes. She began to move her body. She wanted to leave the hospital and be free.

She was about to pull out the needle in her hand, but just after the action, the door of the ward was opened, and a policeman came in: "you'd better be honest and don't worry about it."

Zeng Baoqin knew that she didn't leave the prison at all. She just changed from a small prison to a bigger one.

How can this work? In fact, Zeng Baoqin's previous madness was forced to a large extent by her roommates. At this time, she came back to the sun and felt relaxed for a while, and her spirit improved a little.

She peeked out of the room. There were two prison guards guarding the room. They were afraid that she might escape. Zeng Baoqin's eyes flashed a little light. They couldn't wait outside all the time. Sure enough, at noon, one of the policemen went to one side to have dinner, and there was only one left outside.

Zeng Baoqin let out a cry on purpose. When people outside the door heard the movement in the room, they subconsciously looked inside. They saw that Zeng Baoqin didn't know when he broke the original hanging blood bag. At this time, he was lying on the bed with a pale face and moaning, as if he was about to die.

Where did the little policeman see such a scene? He stammered, "hold on, I'll call a doctor for you."

Zeng Baoqin watched the man disappear. She pulled out her needle and sneaked out of the ward. Seeing the outside world again, Zeng Baoqin felt that the sunshine was much better.

But soon she remembered another thing. She had no money now.

She thought of her old man, Ruan Shaoan. It seemed that he would come to see her during her time in prison. But when she thought of Ruan Shaoan's shabby clothes, she knew that it was absolutely impossible for Ruan Shaoan to give him the material basis he wanted.

It's up to her to get the money.

It suddenly occurred to Zeng Baoqin that yesterday Ruan Xiaoxi was also sent to the hospital. Since she was sent here, Ruan Xiaoxi would be no exception.Zeng Baoqin's eyes were full of gloomy light: "great, great, isn't this a money bag?"

It can be seen from Qiao Yisen's attitude yesterday that he doesn't have any feelings for Ruan Xiaoxi. As long as she can kidnap Ruan Xiaoxi, steal some money from Qiao Yisen and go abroad, no one will be able to take her. Isn't it the best life to disappear?

Just thinking about this, Zeng Baoqin couldn't help laughing, as if he had really implemented it.

First, she walked around the hospital twice. She vaguely saw that there seemed to be some unrest in the hospital. She should have found that she was missing.

Zeng Baoqin couldn't help laughing. She hid herself in a sundry room. She just disappeared. She must not do it directly. Now it must be the most strict time for the police to investigate. Let's talk about it later.

She stole the clothes of the hospital cleaner, put them on and bent a back, because during this period, he also suffered a lot in prison. Now Zeng Baoqin pretends to be a sloppy cleaner, and no one will doubt that.

She knew that these people would not announce the escape of prisoners in the hospital, because that would probably cause a great degree of panic. Zeng Baoqin was right about this, so he swaggered in the hospital.