"You don't need to be anywhere. It's enough for you to be my wife and mother." Joyson blocked her directly.

"Do you want me to be a useless person with no job and no career?" Ruan Xiaoxi asked dejectedly.

"You want to work, you want to have a career, there is no problem, Joe's so big, do not you have a position? If you really like this industry and your job, I'll buy all the magazines and run them for you. " Said joyson boldly.

"No, No." Ruan Xiaoxi surrendered. She believed that Qiao Yisen absolutely had the strength and financial resources to do what he said.

No matter how Ruan Xiaoxi asks, it's useless. Qiao Yisen just refuses to let her ask for leave. Bai Jing made it very clear on the phone just now that as long as she doesn't show up today, she will resign. It's not resignation, it's dismissal.

Being expelled is not a matter of face. Ruan Xiaoxi is depressed when he thinks about it.

However, looking at joyson's resolute manner, he still guarded her and refused to let her leave the bedroom. Finally, she had to compromise. It's because she doesn't disapprove of joyson's words. After all, yesterday's events left her with a lingering fear.

Seeing that she's better, joyson smiles.

"Next, I want to tell you something." Said joyson.

"Sir, you say, listen to me." Ruan Xiaoxi replied, looking enslaved.

"Look at this first." Qiao Yisen said and handed the mobile phone to Ruan Xiaoxi.

Ruan Xiaoxi saw that his eyes were about to fall, and his heart was about to jump out of his chest to protest.

Ruan Xiaoxi can't remember when he was so embarrassed and was photographed. With her many years of experience as a reporter, she will understand that there is something wrong with this picture in the next second.

"Who is the man in this picture?" Ruan Xiaoxi, with an indifferent look on his face, threw his cell phone to joyson and asked.

Seeing that Ruan Xiaoxi is so calm, Qiao Yisen is more sure that these photos are nothing. People with ulterior motives use them to fabricate facts, slander Ruan Xiaoxi and destroy their relationship.

"I don't know. I just feel like you." Said joyson, waving his hand.

"Like God? Don't you think it's me? " Ruan Xiaoxi asked.

"The person in the picture is you, but this picture is processed." Joyson replied.

"It seems that you have identified it. What else can you show me?" Ruan Xiaoxi pouts, dissatisfied that Qiao Yisen didn't tell her at the first time.

"I always have to find out what's true and what's false, and then I'll tell you, otherwise it won't worry you." Joyson explains.

Oh, I'm afraid it's to find out whether she was humiliated when she was kidnapped, so I went to do the identification first, right? If he came to ask her directly with the photo, I would know. It's necessary to identify it.

Joe Eason clearly has a ghost in her heart and cares if she is humiliated when she is kidnapped.

"Then I ask you, what would you do if it was true?" Ruan Xiaoxi stares into Qiao Yisen's eyes and asks seriously.

She wanted to know if joyson would accept her in case of an accident. In fact, if it happened, she would never appear in front of him again. She didn't want to live in this world, but what she cared about was his attitude.

"I'll go crazy." Joyson replied seriously.

His eyes were full of fear and uneasiness. His hands were a little nervous. He didn't know where to put them. He only made a fist.

I didn't expect that Qiao Yisen's reaction would be so strong. Ruan Xiaoxi didn't expect it.

"I just assumed that, fortunately, I came back, intact, and can accompany you and your children." Ruan Xiaoxi quickly overturned his hypothesis and said with certainty.

"Don't make this assumption. It will never happen. I want you to do it well." Qiao Yisen said and hugged Ruan Xiaoxi tightly.

Ruan Xiaoxi also reached out and hugged him, patting his hands gently on his back to soothe his uneasiness.

After a while, Ruan Xiaoxi pushed away Qiao Yisen and asked, "where did those photos come from? I must have been photographed by them when I didn't pay attention. I remember when they put a sack over my head, I couldn't see anything. I didn't take it off until I got to the shabby room. I couldn't see it clearly at that time. "

Qiao Yisen can imagine that scene. Ruan Xiaoxi's eyes are narrowed. He comes to the light from the dark. He doesn't adapt to the light. That's what he looks like.

"That's exactly what I want to ask you. Do you see what the kidnapper looks like? We've seen it all around, and there's no sign of anyone. " Asked joyson.