"Yes, Xiaoxi, can we find another job? What if something happens? Have you forgotten what happened when you were born Chen Jie also said very worried.

"It's been three months. It's stable. You can go out to work, but you still have to be careful." Zeng Baoqin finally said a word, and then continued to eat with his head down.

Ruan Xiaoxi directly ignored Zeng Baoqin's hypocrisy and said to everyone, "don't worry, I will pay attention."

Despite this, the thrilling scene of that year was involuntarily in front of us.

At that time, Ruan Xiaoxi was about to give birth, but she still insisted on her work. When she went out to collect wind, she suddenly felt a great pain in her stomach.

She wanted to find a place to sit down and have a rest. Just as she insisted on walking to a step and was about to sit down, a pickpocket suddenly appeared beside her and unexpectedly went to grab her camera and bag.

Ruan Xiaoxi tried his best to protect his camera and bag. He was dragged several meters by the pickpocket. To be exact, he knelt down and climbed several meters. Her lower body began to bleed, and she desperately begged the man not to take her things.

The camera belongs to the magazine. If it is lost, it needs to be compensated. Inside the bag are her ID card and a small amount of cash. The only valuable thing is her mobile phone.

In order to give birth and raise her children later, she saved a little money, but she can't just lose a sum of money, because she will die of pain.

But the pickpocket ate the steelyard and was unwilling to pity her. He mercilessly threw her away and quickly fled the scene.

Ruan Xiaoxi fainted because he couldn't stand the pain.

It was a hot summer noon, and people were resting after lunch, so there was no one passing by in the alley where she fainted.

Finally, a female cleaner saw her, called 120 and sent her to the hospital. Ruan Xiaoxi had a difficult labor and was in a coma. He was in a critical condition. He might have two lives, but he didn't have a relative by his side.

The hospital is not willing to bear the responsibility, no relatives sign the operation agreement, they are not willing to carry out the operation. As time goes by, the longer the time goes, the more dangerous their mother and son are.

Finally, the female cleaner lied that she was her cousin and signed the operation agreement before the operation.

The woman cleaner who saved Ruan Xiaoxi's mother and son is sister Chen.

At that time, sister Chen was really scared when she saw that Ruan Creek was bleeding. She asked the doctor to let her into the delivery room to accompany her. As a mother, she knew the nature of mother child connection.

She knew that if the mother could not get off the operating table, even if the child survived, it would become a child without mother.

A child with a mother is a treasure. A child without a mother is a grass. She doesn't want to have another poor child in the world.

"Wake up, wake up, you can't do anything. Think about your child. He hasn't been born yet. Do you have the heart to let him have no mother? What about your children when you're gone? " Sister Chen kept repeating this sentence in Ruan Xiaoxi's ear.

Finally, Ruan Xiaoxi slowly opened her eyes. She couldn't bear to leave her child behind. In her sleep, she seemed to have heard those words and got great courage.

She asked Shunsheng to take care of the baby after giving birth. If caesarean section, who will take care of their mother and son? Where can she find a babysitter now?

In the case of doctors do not believe, Ruan Creek with their own perseverance, completed the birth. As soon as she heard the child's cry, she burst into tears from the corners of her eyes, pulled at the corners of her mouth, and then passed out again.

"Doctor, help her. You help her." Sister Chen quickly called the doctor.