While feeling the vicissitudes of the world, he thought about where joyson would take her. In a trance, the car stopped and the assistant told her to get off.

This is a private beach in the north of the city. The setting sun is shining in the West. It's magnificent and beautiful.

"Here we are, madam. Joe is always waiting for you." Said the assistant.

Ruan Xiaoxi looked at the beach with golden eyes. The tide was up and down. The crowd on the beach was laughing and fighting, but he didn't see the figure of joyson.

"Won't you come with me?" Ruan Xiaoxi asked. There were so many people that she was not sure she could find joyson.

"I'm going to park. Do you see the cabin across the beach? Go to room five. Joe's always waiting for you. " The assistant pointed to the cabin not far away.

"OK, I see. Thank you." Ruan Xiaoxi finished and walked towards the No. 5 cabin.

The sea breeze blows away the heat and brings a little cool. The beach is soft. Ruan Xiaoxi has some difficulties in walking. She simply takes off her high-heeled shoes, steps barefoot on the beach, and walks towards the cabin.

Although this private beach is in this city, Ruan Creek has never been here. Not only the price is expensive, but also the number of people received every day is limited, so it is difficult for ordinary people to spend here.

In the case of Ruan Xiaoxi, the widowed mother, with an orphan, worked all day to make a living. How could she spend her leisure time in such a place.

Ruan Xiaoxi can't help thinking that Qiao Yisen is too good at enjoying himself. He has been a golden bachelor all these years, eating, drinking, playing and wandering among the flowers, and he has nothing to do with them, but it's hard for them to be orphans and widows. When Ruan Diandian comes back to the family, he will let joyson make up for what he owes his wife.

When the No.5 cabin arrived, Ruan Xiaoxi stepped on the stairs. Before she knocked on the door, the automatic sensing door said hello to him: "Hello, miss, the gentleman inside has been waiting for a long time."

Ruan Xiaoxi was startled at first. When she understood what was going on, she thought it was quite interesting.

At this time, the door was opened, and joyson stood in the door, beach trunks, black sunglasses, and said coolly to Ruan Xiaoxi, "my dear wife, you are here at last."

Looking at Qiao Yisen's ruffian look, Ruan Xiaoxi had not opened his mouth yet, so he pulled him in. Ruan Xiaoxi was on the alert as soon as she entered the gate. She knew that the stallion could be in heat anytime and anywhere, and her bones were almost scattered. She couldn't stand him.

"Stay away from me!" Ruan Xiaoxi ordered rudely.

Hey, this woman is more and more courageous. Is it time to clean her up again?

Qiao Yi Sen thought so psychologically, but his face looked like a wife slave and said, "wife, I miss you so much."

Qiao Yisen said, and then he would kiss him. Is this the bully President?

Ruan Xiaoxi felt angry and funny. He was angry that the man was never satisfied. What was funny was that Qiao Yisen still had this appearance.

But Ruan Xiaoxi would never let him succeed. He said with his hands akimbo. When Qiao Yisen's mouth was close to his eyes, a fist blocked his mouth.

Joyson was just teasing her. He knew that her small body couldn't help him. Although some desire dissatisfaction, but more can't bear her body.

Holding Ruan Xiaoxi's little hand, he said, "I'll let you go for a while today. OK, go and change your clothes."